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The non-traditional surgery that Kevin Hardy had in December is accorded a year recovery time. Considering he was hurt on Thanksgiving and had the surgery in December and only yesterday got back and working in drills, the year recovery time, as Dr. Stedman who performed the surgery calls for, seems on schedule.

But, as he is only now getting back onto the field, considering the conditioning and known setbacks he'll have as his workouts increase, do you think Hardy will even be in the starting lineup when the season starts, or are you expecting him to be coming in at some point later in the year?

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Guest Goatroper


This reaction is off the top of my head, as I don't have any inside info, but...

My sense is that coaches will be keeping a very close eye on Hardy's rehab, monitoring closely through training camp and preseason for any setbacks.

I think the coaches are confident enough in Marcus Steele that they will not rush Hardy onto the field until he is 100 percent.

So, there is a chance Hardy will not be starting on opening day, but will come in later in the season as his condition dictates. No pressing need to push him before he is ready.

How he -- and Steele -- perform in camp and preseason will determine how soon Hardy starts, but I won't be surprised or worried if it is later in the season.

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Originally posted by Art

The non-traditional surgery that Kevin Hardy had in December is accorded a year recovery time. Considering he was hurt on Thanksgiving and had the surgery in December and only yesterday got back and working in drills, the year recovery time, as Dr. Stedman who performed the surgery calls for, seems on schedule.

But, as he is only now getting back onto the field, considering the conditioning and known setbacks he'll have as his workouts increase, do you think Hardy will even be in the starting lineup when the season starts, or are you expecting him to be coming in at some point later in the year?

I expect Kevin Hardy to be ready by the start of the season. Of course there could be setbacks, but Dallascowboys training staff has a very good track record in terms of bringing injured players along e.g. James McKnight, Joey Galloway, Peppi Zellner, Quincy Carter. Though their injuries are of different nature, the Cowboys training staff was also one of the main reasons Hardy signed with Dallas, he got good feedback from several players.

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As of now, things seems to be going well for Hardy. Last I read, he should start seeing some playing time in the 2nd or 3rd pre-season game, mainly because they went to be cautious and take things slowly. I see him starting by game 2 or 3 at the latest.

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well, hell with that conservative "see how it goes" crap. Yes, I fully expect Hardy to start week 1 in Houston on the strong side for the Cowboys. He might only play on 1st and 3rd downs, his knee might swell up to the size of a watermelon, and he might not be around in week 2, but there's no way he's not the starter at the beginning of the season.

I also expect Markus Steele to spend more time in the middle than at OLB, and Adams/Grant will be battling it out to back up the outside spots.

Recovery time for a normal human being might be 1 year, but for Kevin Hardy, it's 48 weeks. Any questions?

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the chances of Hardy and Westbrook starting 16 games for Dallas is less than the chance the baseball idiots will come up with a compromise to avert another strike............oops I meant to use the more politically correct term "work stoppage".........:)

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Originally posted by bulldog

the chances of Hardy and Westbrook starting 16 games for Dallas is less than the chance the baseball idiots will come up with a compromise to avert another strike............oops I meant to use the more politically correct term "work stoppage".........:)

Pick any 2 players at random from any team and those 2 players chances of starting all 16 games in 2002 are slim and none. Starting every game in a season is the exception, not the rule. If you don't strain a muscle or tweak a joint, you're probably not playing hard enough.

However, I agree that Hardy and Westbrooks chances are considerably less than most players.

BTW, there's nothing PC about the term "work stoppage", its just more general than the term "strike" since a lock-out by the owners could also be the cause.

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