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Die-Hard, how was the honeymoon?


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I'm sure there would be great interest in a full report on the honeymoon.

Understandably, we can't expect a FULL report, but please fill us in on all the "reportables." Where you went, what you did (outside of the room), the good, the bad, the better.

How was it, Tony?

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Hey Charles,

My wife and I went for 10 nights and stayed at the Couples Resort in Negril (all-inclusive). Apparently, Negril has the most beautiful beaches in Jamaica and though I don't have any other point of reference... the beach was absolutely gorgeous. The water was crystal clear with white sand beaches.

Fortunately it only rained 1 day midafternoon so the day wasn't a complete writeoff :) But we had a light sprinkle during our wedding ceremoney which forced us to move the ceremony from the beach to the gazebo. Ceremony only took about 10 minutes and was painless. Beth was stunning and looking her best ;)

The weather was awesome. Averaging about 35 degrees with heavy humidity - which appears to be what we were getting back home anyways. I couldn't finish more than 9 holes while golfing... the heat was unbearable. They say it's the offseason there right now but they also mentioned they were running at full capacity.

The resort was great. The food was great. And the staff was especially friendly. The only real thing lacking was the nightlife... but we were in bed by 10 PM every night it seemed so I suppose it didn't matter much. The nightly entertainment - during meals -was decent enough though.

I never figured Jamaica was impoverished as it was. The drive from Montego Bay to Negril was a bit depressing (ie. poverty). The drive was an adventure itself.... the roads are horrible and the drivers reckless.

I played some tennis/golf/volleyball. Went on a few off-resort excursions... Rick's Cafe (famous cliff-diving bar), shopping, and a catarmaran booze-cruise for more cliff-diving. Swimming, tanning, eating/sleeping filled in the time between :) Our package included plenty of watersports (ie. moterized AND non-moterized) but there was just too much going on to do everything.

Overall, a great experience and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'll post some pictures when I get digital copies.

One thing of note - my tennis instructor who hails from South Carolina mentioned during one of my lessons that a staff member had told him Steve Spurrier was there for a few days while we were there. Of course I never saw him... but damn that would've been awesome.

A lot of people were giving vivid descriptions of the Hedonism 2 resort - about a 5-minute drive from where we were. Apparently it's a really wild place and nobody can say "Hedonism" without a smile on their face :) But it comes highly recommended ;)

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Oh Boy, that's a wild place....

If you and you wife are VERY open minded, you will have lots of fun......

Very Gald you enjoyed your honeymoon...

Welcome to the Club and I wish you both a Long, Great marriage.

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The lovely Mrs. Brave and I honeymooned in Cancun at an all-inclusive. It was a great week, but to be honest it wouldn't be my first choice for another vacation.

The good: beautiful weather, clear water great pools, friendly staff, lots to do. Snorkling on the reef was awesome. Senor Frogs was cool. The pool attendants (in thongs carrying big half-gallon bottles of tequila at all times to pass out to the willing) were ... uh ... eye catching.

The so-so or bad: The food was not great except for breakfast. The drinks were free, or included I should say, but they served them up in tiny juice glasses so you'd have to make about three trips to equal a single drink. That was a pain. The hotel was nice, but nothing to rave about.

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Orange, it's as Celsius thing, man. Give DH a break, he's Canadian. :)

Welcome to the other side, brother Die Hard. It can be an amazing place. And btw, I happen to know from very personal experience that brides named Beth are the real deal.

I know you're exhausted and all :) , but do take an extra minute or two to make sure you post the right pictures here. I'll leave it up to you to determine which those are.

Easy, Glenn X ... easy.

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Originally posted by escholz

Nice...I also honeymooned in Jamaica. But we were in Mo Bay. Nice little island, but the natives can be a little *ahem* aggressive at times with their sales tactics.

Indeed. For the first 5 nights... I couldn't meet a single Jamacian without him/her trying to sell me something:

Rastaman: You need a scooter? Jetski? Want to go parasailing?

Die Hard: No thanks mon.

Rastaman: You smoke? Weed? Hashish? Coke? Exctasy?

On our shopping tour... it made my wife feel very uncomfortable to be basically dragged into EVERY shop (ie. hundreds of huts/sheds with basically the same trinkets but all varying in price)

Of course... their whole economy is based on the bartering system.... not a method I'm all too familiar with despite being Italian ;) Mind you... my father could've probably bought the whole island for $10 :laugh:

I saved a few bucks here and there.... but their main currency is US dollars. And even though you pay everything is US dollars... you get Jamacain currency in return - if you get any change back at all. Funny that they weren't even familiar with their own currency... and they looked at my Canadian currency like funny money. No one wanted it.

While our alcohol glasses were of normal size... we're in Jamaica... where NOTHING is on time and everybody is laid back... so if we were going to order a drink... expect to be waiting at the bar for at least 20 minutes. We used the cola fountain machine extensively.

Couples is a very nice resort - a step below Sandals and Beaches. The rooms weren't as nice as I had hoped... and our room had a kind of musty smell that took a few days to get used to - Of course... now that we're back home we've noticed our clothes all have that smell. But the food was great and plentiful. The setting was serene and romantic. Overall I'd rate it about an 8.5/10.

Funny.... but we kept meeting couples from the US... and every time they mentioned where they were from... the first thing that popped in my head was... "Hey, I know a poster from __________ ... maybe you've heard of ________?" :laugh:

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