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Direct TV question


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I am ordering direct tv next month. I was wondering if it is better to order from direct tv or to go through a local retailer. Are all the deals the same or can local retailers offer additional incentives above what the DTV website has for deals?


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Originally posted by Nerm

I am ordering direct tv next month. I was wondering if it is better to order from direct tv or to go through a local retailer. Are all the deals the same or can local retailers offer additional incentives above what the DTV website has for deals?


I'd at least give them a call and see what Directtv has to offer. It seems they always have some kind of free offer, and if they don't, have them make you one. They want your business, and will work with you most of the time.

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for the hd tv's do you have to have the hd dish or will the basic work?

plus what is all of the hidden charges i have heard of, i am still with cable just because it seems more reasonable right now and they have interent, but thinking about switching just for the NFL package

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It only makes sense to go with HD.....at least the Dish...you can get the Recievers later.....I actually believe they now Install ONLY the HD Dish ...you can still use the Standard Recievers with this dish and you're ready for HD anytime afterward.

You should not have to pay a Dime except for the Monthly fee for Programing.

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