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Bengals: Offer still stands


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Bengals: Offer to Westbrook still stands

by Fanball Staff - Fanball.com

Saturday, June 29, 2002


ESPN.com reports that the Bengals' two-year contract offer to free agent wide receiver Michael Westbrook is still on the table. The deal is reportedly worth $1.3-1.5 million per season, and the Bengals want an answer one way or another soon.


Westbrook doesn't have any other suitors at this point so he would be stupid to turn down the money. If Cincy strikes a deal with Mike, look for Darnay Scott to be released.

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The Bengals are a mess of a team. Peter Warrick and Michael Westbrook?

Now that's a head coach's fantasy at wide receiver :laugh:

It is a sign that the Bengals are that desperate to find any free agents willing to go to Cincinnati that they continue to pursue a player that has already shoved their nose in it publicly.

You just know that Westbrook and his agent took that offer and tried to sell it to some other teams.

So far they have had no takers.

Man, is this story funny or what? :laugh: :laugh:

it couldn't be happening to a nicer guy.

Yeah, Michael just keep repeating to yourself over and over again that you are a major league playmaker :puke:

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Ah. Well, that answers the length of the contract question. In an article on http//www.bengals.com I read a couple of days ago it said that this would be the final offer. If something didn't happen by next week, the Bengals would move on. M.W. and/ or his agent better be real careful. I really don't see Mike having any leverage here.

Bulldog, I haven't been here but a year or so, but did Michael run over your dog or something? Sorry. Just messing with ya. :cheers:

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Would it be smart for Westbrook to wait it out,maybe even to the first few weeks of the season.The chances of a top WR going down in training camp a preseason game or the first week or two in the regular season is always there.

Like if the Eagles lose a Thrash,or the Rams lose Holt a week before the regular season.Westbrook is probably the best WR still on the market,so waiting could pay off.

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The only player I was happier to see leave the Redskins than Westbrook was Deion Sanders.

These guys were as phony as $3 dollar bills.

What was that old saying?

Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining................:cool:

In a Redskins uniform these players were all blow.

Never did a damn thing as far as I am concerned.

Hell, Otis Wonsley, the long-forgotten (by other than Skins fans) fullback from the Gibbs era did more for this team and silently went into the night once his playing career was over.

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Bulldog, you're a skins fan, I respect that. But bull**** man. When Westbrook becomes a probowler for Cincy, I'm gonna come back and say "what's up" to you. I'm telling you, the guy got dicked in D.C. The average bandwagon jumper says Westbrook sucks...this and that. Everyone around here says he sucks to go along with the flow. No one gives him a chance. You tear your ACL, you jam a vertabrae in your neck. Tell me how it feels to come back from one of those injuries and play at top level NFL speed getting tackled by NFL corners right away.

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"No one gives him a chance." Come on, CK. 7 years as a #1 WR in the NFL is more than a chance...it's a career.

It may be that he'll move on and do well elsewhere, but it's not going to happen here. Every year I waited for him to 'bust out'. And every year there's a different excuse. It's not happening.

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Westy becomes a probowler in Cincy when he didnt put up numbers in 7 years to use those words in the same sentence with his name?:laugh:

Westy better hope that the Bengals dont move on and offer the money to a W Jackson.

A persons attitude can over shadow their perceived physical ability ask Jeff George.

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Killa, I know you're a big Westy fan and that's cool, but I think you have to admit that what you liked about him was something OTHER than what he did for the team on the field. Perhaps you thought (like many of us) that he was going to be "All World" when we drafted him and it's painful to finally give up on him.

Yes, he had injuries. Yes, he had marginal QBs throwing to him. These facts, while true, don't take 100% of the blame off of Westbrook for his lackluster career to date. One halfway decent (not spectacular ... but decent) year out of seven. One.

No matter how many reasons, factors or excuses can made for the guy, it is obvious that he lacks something necessary to be a great WR.

If, by chance, he puts everything together at this point in his "career" and makes some noise somewhere else I STILL won't feel bad about him being gone. It's time to move on.

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If one more person says "It's time to move on" about westbrook, I'm gonna shoot myself. The phrase has worn out it's welcome. Enough, I get the point that everyone wants me to move on. Maybe you have to know me...ask smoot21 or lavarwillkillyou. I dont give up. Just not my nature. I'm more stubborn than Marty Schottenheimer himself.

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Originally posted by bulldog

The only player I was happier to see leave the Redskins than Westbrook was Deion Sanders.

These guys were as phony as $3 dollar bills.

What was that old saying?

Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining................:cool:

In a Redskins uniform these players were all blow.

Never did a damn thing as far as I am concerned.

Hell, Otis Wonsley, the long-forgotten (by other than Skins fans) fullback from the Gibbs era did more for this team and silently went into the night once his playing career was over.

HA! Bulldog, I couldn't agree more. And here I thought I was one of the only true members of the Westbrook-basher fanclub, the opposite side of the coin as AtlantaSkinsFan if you will.

Funny you should mention Otis Wonsley. I always maintained that I'd rather have a James Jenkins on my team than a Michael Westbrook. I just don't understand the source of Westbunk's popularity- it's certainly not his personality or on-field production. :laugh:

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The whole Westbrook story is coulda, shoulda, woulda.

The attraction to him is his '99 "breakout" season. He then got hurt in the second week of the next year and then had George, Banks, and Martyball to deal with in '01. He coulda, shoulda, woulda built on that breakout year had it not been for all of this misfortune.

I've been the biggest Westbrook apologist for years. I think he's matured, but it's too late. He may get 1,000 yards receiving in a season, but he'll never make the Pro Bowl and, more importanly, he'll never make a key play in a game that is crucial for his team.

Clearly, it's time to move on.

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Originally posted by Brave

rtandler, did you just say "... it's time to move on?"

Gosh, I guess I did. Sure hope that Killa doesn't do anything rash. I suppose I should go back and edit my post to delete the phrase "it's time to move on." That would surely be the responsible thing to do, to ensure that Killa doesn't, well,:shootinth



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whatever Westbrook does or does not do in Cincy or anywhere else has no real bearing on his release from the Redskins.

he failed to produce HERE.

what are we supposed to do, carry this guy on the roster for the next 2-3 years just to assure ourselves he won't have a productive season somewhere else? :laugh:

I remember in 1983 the Redskins brought an undrafted free agent named Nate Newton into camp to play guard. He showed some ability but was very raw. He was 325 pounds then. :)

In the end the Skins let Newton go, and he went to Dallas where several years later after having a chance to play and develop he emerged as a pro bowl player.

If he had stayed in DC as a backup, playing behind Russ Grimm and others such as Mark May, he may never have gotten the time he needed to develop.

so, it was a good move for Newton to move on to a better situation. And meanwhile it was a situation where the Skins already had a depth chart at guard.

I say this only to bring attention to the fact that a player can leave a disadvantageous situation and move on and be productive and not have that be a calamity for the team that released him.

It may just suit the needs of both sides at the time. :)

Westbrook was never going to be a producer here. The fans and media dogged him, rightfully so in some respects, and he was uncomfortable and defensive in a Skins uniform.

You could tell that in the interviews.

In some quarters Westbrook may have wanted to stay to prove his critics wrong and get the last laugh and the team might have wanted to give him one more shot to show what he could do, but the time had already passed on second chances.

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