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  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    John Riggins
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    Yuma AZ
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  1. Sounds like he is afraid of something. Weak sauce.
  2. NO to the HQ in Maryland. The majority of the fans are in Virginia. Landover is a huge distance to go for most of the fans.
  3. Haha, Peters outdueled Roseman easily. Dude, this is a terrible take.
  4. We had the best draft in the league. Suck it Philly.
  5. Good Lord you're negative. This is going to be a much better team than you think.
  6. Wait until you see it on the field. I'm not real impressed.
  7. Haha you guys really overreact to the Eagles all the time.
  8. Hahah. Oh I still check there every day. He's a character. I'm sorta tired of psuhoffman being so damned negative about snow all the time, but unfortunately he's usually right. I wonder if the true decider is Peters, that we Maye pick Maye after all.
  9. I haven't posted there in years. Used to be WVWX I believe. That's when I lived in Berkeley Springs. Live in Arizona now, but that may not last. Too damn hot. I miss the East Coast.
  10. I'm just excited for tomorrow guys. All day draft coverage on TV, streaming, radio everything. Its gonna be a great effin day!
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