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Posts posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Just now, tshile said:

    my understanding is it comes from what is natural vs what is not and how ivf is “unnatural” and against gods wishes 


    same thing with birth control. Think it’s mostly a catholic/mormon thing but there may be sects of Christianity that are that way too




    What I don't get is that Texas wants to instill the death penalty for women having abortions. So it's OK to kill the mother to save the child??


    The hypocrisy of MAGAts is stunning...they want to protect the unborn child, but after it's born they couldn't give a rat's ass what happens to the child. More unwanted kids = more orphans, and MAGAts would NOT support raising taxes to provide childcare for unwanted children.

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  2. 1 hour ago, @DCGoldPants said:


    human nature. We're terrible. Nobody tunes in to hear and talk about how great things are. Rush mastered the whole "Friends, while you are listening in the middle of the day instead of working. I know you're unemployed because....."black welfare queens in the city"..... and because of that. You're being held back."




    True, bad news sells...just look at the front pages in the UK, not just the tabloids but the major papers too. But talk radio went beyond that and BLAMED groups of OTHERS, which always leads to dehumanizing the group that has been 'othered.'


    I remember when they tried Limbaugh on MNF, and he revealed his own racism by complaining about how the NFL wanted a black QB like Donovan McNabb to succeed...as if someone succeeding were a bad thing...but his implication was that McNabb was taking some white QB's job...😐

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  3. This is one of the best sites for documenting equipment losses: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html


    True, the Russkies have lost a lot of old equipment...but they were using that old equipment since a lot of their newer stuff already got whacked. They have thousands of T-34 tanks from WW II that they can still use. 😆


    Remember they had all this firepower available in Afghanistan from 1979-89, and that didn't do them much good...and they lost only 13k soldiers in those ten years, WAY below what they've lost in Ukraine.


    But most of Putin's combat casualties are ethnic minorities from Siberia, so that's why there's been little outcry in Moscow.


    In addition to completely botching their preparations and expectations for the war, the Russkies were caught off guard by how easily modern battle tanks (great for suppressing hostile urbanites) could be taken out by relatively cheap drones.


    They still send massed groups of soldiers forward to their deaths, which they've been doing since World War One, in order to find enemy positions they can pound with artillery...that's one thing Russkies are good at, blowing stuff up with artillery, but most of what they hit are civilian buildings.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Bang said:

    They revel in it.

    They love to laugh about it, and they think it's funny to watch intelligent people get their brains all screwed in circles by their bull****.
    The ones left are there because as many have said, they hate the same peoples he does, they are terrified by the news every day, and are conditioned to be as big a whining victim as he always swears he is.
    ..or they have enough money that the policies he'll enact will help them immensely and they couldn't care less what happens beneath them.




    Yup, and I think we can all agree that the toxic negativity of talk radio, starting with Rush Limbaugh and extending to Hannity, Ingraham, Crowley, Savage, and even G. Gordon Liddy, gradually eroded all respect for liberals as humans over the last 30+ years, just like antisemitic propaganda in Germany in the early 20th century made it much easier for Nazism to gain appeal.


    All for RATINGS based on negative emotions like FEAR and ANGER.


    I personally find Bill Clinton a scumbag but he was right when he said that 'hate radio' helped lead to the OKC bombing in 1995.


    I do hope they all get their comeuppance someday.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    If he's treated the same as everyone else, he will not get time in jail.  He's 77 or 78 and this is the first offense he's been convicted of (I worded that carefully).  Worst thing he might get is some short period of home confinement, but most likely he'll get probation.  


    He won't go to jail. If everyone would truly treated equally under the law, then a guy like Deshaun Watson would be behind bars instead of making millions as QB for an NFL franchise.

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  6. 49 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    If you haven't noticed a dramatic increase already in Biden's campaigning directly at Trump, its because you're not paying attention. 


    But blowing your whole wad now is shortsighted. Think tactically, not emotionally. 


    I agree with you, but how come Trump Chumps haven't gotten sick of his constant grievances about 'witch hunts' and everything else yet? One would hope that people would get tired of feeling angry all the time, but it seems that being a celebrity who runs for office means being held to a much lower standard by the voters.


    Incidentally, that's why I stopped listening to talk radio and watching Fox many years ago...I was sick of feeling afraid and angry after these shows, and started to resent how these people approach things by riling up fear and anger. If only others reached the same epiphany...

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  7. 13 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

    The W logo by itself doesn't look terrible...if it had been introduced in 1961 or 1962, which is when lettered helmet logos appeared for the Packers, Giants, and Bears.


    After I posted that, I figured I would look into when teams actually added logos to their helmets, just because I'm bored:


    Rams - 1948

    Eagles - 1954

    Colts - 1954

    Redskins - 1958

    Cardinals - 1960

    Packers - 1961

    Giants - 1961

    Lions - 1961

    Bears - 1962

    Steelers - 1962

    49ers - 1962

    Bills - 1962

    Broncos - 1962

    Raiders - 1963

    Jets - 1963

    Browns - 😐


    • Thanks 1
  8. According to the judge, the jury wants:

    • David Pecker’s testimony regarding a phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting.
    • Pecker's testimony about the decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of Karen McDougal's life rights.
    • Pecker's testimony regarding a Trump Tower meeting.
    • Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting.
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  9. 1 minute ago, Fergasun said:

    Let's be honest.  The hatred of immigrants is Trump-fuel.  So is the hatred of non-white people.  


    Just like he couldn't implement his wet dream after January 2017, he won't again.  He really didn't try, either.  Is there any doubt it'll be another 4 years of grift?


    At what point, if there is one, do you think Trumpies would turn on their savior?


    Maybe if Trump pulled a Stillson from 'The Dead Zone' and used a kid to shield himself from a sniper? Honestly, I don't think that would even dent his popularity...



    • Haha 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


    Perception of who exactly. Most of our allies, especially NATO were damned glad Biden was elected and he rebuilt our relationships with our friendly countries. That's bull**** about signing checks. 


    The other points I wrote about are true too. 


    It bugs me that Trumpies don't understand that there's a whole world out there beyond their local Wal-Mart. How this country comports itself in the world makes a huge difference...but they think if Trump is elected this country will turn into an isolated White Christian Paradise, deport 15 million people, place barbed wire, mines, and machinegun nests on the border...no other country will dare to threaten us...and our standard of living will go up and inflation down...and the rest of the world can go eff themselves, especially Ukraine and Israel and NATO. 🙄


    Forget all the movies about whackjobs who want to dominate the world...we've got the formula right here.

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  11. 28 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

    This thread nicely sums it up:


    I consider myself a Republican and get the appeal of the America First sentiment (even if many look past the costs of what that entails). But after 1/6/21, and after the GOP voters had other choices in the primary, we're doing this dance again?


    Right, it's hard to believe we even need to bring up January 6th, and harder to believe that Trump has been nominated by the GOP for the THIRD straight time.


    I think the GOP is pretty much dead, at least the GOP that had Mitt Romney is. The GOP danced with the devil decades ago by wooing the racist white vote, which is far more prevalent that even I would have believed...and now those chickens have come home to roost. Instead of appealing to conservative virtues without the fear of others thrown in...but I guess there are really just too many hidden racists in this country.

    10 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    I understand that feeling. It also makes you reevaluate how you view spending 20 years in supporting the rights that these ****tards want to throw away. I don't view military service in the same light I used to.


    Whatever, the retirement plan is solid.


    What's galling is that Trumpies supposedly support our military (even though Trump thinks they're losers), while supporting a crazy man who wants the US to return to the isolationism of the 1930s. Since isolationism didn't exactly work, a return to it would just make future wars even more likely.


    And who will be paying the price for that with military service? Trumpies.

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  12. 22 minutes ago, superozman said:


    Whats an example of Trump's dementia-like symptoms?


    Because Biden's are plenty.  Repeating false stories (Numerous, documented even by CNN), forgetting key dates, referring to himself as vice president, telling people about things that never happened etc.


    In the meantime, Trump does many things like recently "Argentina, great guy" instead of saying the presidents name. 


    soooooo who has them flipped?


    Trump may not have dementia (yet), but he clearly shows signs of psychopathy, malignant narcissism, Machiavellianism, and paranoia.

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  13. 14 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    His defense is "in order to prove every element of the crimes beyond a reasonable doubt, the prosecution had to rely on the testimony of Michael Cohen, who is a convicted liar and an asshole with a grudge against Trump, and so you should not believe him.  And if you cannot believe him, the defense didn't prove their case to the very high standard of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'"


    Fortunately there is a very large amount of circumstantial evidence that make 'beyond a reasonable doubt' easy to prove...they use the same standard with mafia boss cases when their former 'wiseguys' testify against them...and they leave even less paper evidence than Trump did. If that was not possible, then no mafia boss would have ever been convicted of a crime EVER.

  14. 18 minutes ago, srtman04 said:


    They legally can't change anything about the name or logo right now....it's an actual branding law in place that all teams have to follow.   They are required to keep this brand for a specific period of time, then once that time has expired,   expect changes.  


    It's usually five years, but the NFL allows an exception in cases where the ownership changes. I think HOG wants to get it right and maybe they'll focus on that more now that the draft's over. Harris is not stupid and he must have seen that report showing the 'Manders ranked #31 in merchandise sales out of 32 teams.


    It's possible that Quinn's t-shirt FUBAR from a couple weeks ago was no accident, either. HOG may be testing the waters for bringing back the old uniforms and logo, if not the name itself.

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