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Posts posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. 30 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

    "We're very, very optimistic also on the season. We finally have ourselves a quarterback.



    Daniel Snyder was listed as the sole applicant. His wife, team co-owner and co-CEO Tanya Snyder, was not mentioned in the report.




    Uh, so who were RGIII, Kirk Cousins, Alex Smith, etc.? Chopped liver? Is Snyder aware of the term 'Wentzed' when their new QB screws up again under pressure?


    Not surprised Tanya isn't mentioned. We all knew that was a sham from the beginning. She must be hard at work on the new fight song and the mascot...

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  2. 34 minutes ago, formerly4skins said:

    It seemed like Gruden could design an offense to scheme guys open...but, he sucked at calling a game and leading men. 


    I always thought it was over for Gruden when DeSean gave him that titty-twister at practice...players just didn't seem to respect the guy as a leader. 


    I mean, can anyone imagine a legit, well respected nfl coach, getting his nips tweaked by a player?


    Ah, yes. I remember when the 'legendary' Dave Shula got his hat tugged by Gary Reasons after criticizing him...it's in this video at the 1:09 mark:



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  3. 41 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

    Yeah, that's a good point. It's really irrelevant what minor nitpicks people have with Wright. At some point, Snyder will ooze back into the day-to-day operations and things will go back to how they were. 


    So, if they are at a C- level now because he's gone...who cares? 


    Here's a quick timeline:


    May 2018: Brian La Femina hired (rumors are the NFL forced him on Snyder)


    December 2018: La Femina fired


    July 2019: WP article states 40 staffers left after La Femina was fired


    December 2019: Bruce Allen fired


    January 2020: Ron Rivera hired as head coach


    July 2020: WP article about sexual harassment of female staffers and cheerleaders


    July 2020: WFT name replaces Redskins


    August 2020: Commanders hire Jason Wright as team president (rumors are the NFL forced him on Snyder too)


    I won't list all the blunders Wright has made since then...I agree that he's likely a good guy but is hamstrung by Snyder's ongoing meddling.

  4. What I'd like to know is why isn't Tom Brady being punished, when it should have been obvious to him that hanging out on Ross' yacht while he was still with the Patriots violated league tampering rules. I'm certainly not against Ross being punished (and the removal from the committees truly is a big deal...he has no voice now), but why is it OK for players to allow themselves to be tampered with in the first place? Brady could have said no, right?


    Does anyone know if Snyder is on any of the committees?

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  5. 14 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

    Ross tried to play with other owners' toys. Allowing the harassing of employees is bad and stuff, but you NEVER try to take another owner's toys.


    Or screw them out of money, which Snyder allegedly has done. There has been nothing but silence on this aspect since it was first brought up.


    Unless...all 32 teams are doing the same thing, and there are in fact 64 accounting 'books' and not 32 like there should be.

  6. WTH?? They can suspend Ross for 60 days but they allowed Snyder to punish himself?? And they didn't even bother to check to see if Snyder was still running things in the building, when he was, in fact??


    Ross didn't try to play hide-and-seek on his yacht on international waters. Ross wasn't forced to testify in front of Congress. And if people want to say Ross was punished for impeding the 'integrity of the game' (whatever that means) and Snyder wasn't, they could still get Snyder on cooking the books, right?


    Where's the outrage from the other owners?

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  7. 32 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:


    I guess the difference is that baseballs commish has the ability to make that decision. Goodell can only go after the players. 


    You nailed it. The other 3 leagues all give the commissioner considerable power over the players and the owners, in the interests of what is best for their sport. That's not the case in the NFL, where Goodell is merely a stoolie for the owners, who don't really care about what's best for football but certainly care about their own bottom line. Goodell was hired to be the 'hammer' to enforce discipline on the 'unruly' players by the owners, which has caused a lot of controversy due to the obvious scattershot punishments handed down. It's too bad the NFL owners view the players as an enemy (although a money-generating one) and not an ally, like the NBA owners do.


    I had read that Tagliabue was a good commissioner but was hated by owners like Jerry Jones for trying to restrict their power.


    Now Jones seems to be the most powerful owner in the league and the others just follow his lead. Jones almost convinced the other owners to get rid of Goodell about four year ago for his suspension of Zeke Elliott (I think), and since then Goofball Goodell has been terrified of pi$$ing off the owners lest he lose his $65 million paycheck.


    If only the other owners threatened Goodell the same way to discipline Snyder...remember Goodell is the only one that can call for a vote to remove Snyder.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Conn said:

    I don’t fully agree, I think it’s apparent they’re trying to have it both ways. From the uniform being a ****ized version of the old one, to the band and fight song retrofit, to the “Hail to the Commanders” stuff. And just watch, the mascot will be some sort of hog commander type thing.


    None of that screams “they’re resigned to losing all the old fans, they’re gone—it’s all about building a new fanbase”. None of it. If that’s what they wanted, we’d have an entire different color scheme, brand, an animal mascot or something, whatever. They wouldn’t be clinging to the past so obviously.


    It’s very clear to me that they somehow believe they can appease the old fans and gain new ones. And they obviously aren’t and won’t threat that needle, they’re left with a bland nonexistent brand that insults the old and doesn’t build anything new. 


    I agree, by trying to appease older fans and appeal to new ones, they accomplished neither. There's a famous saying: I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.


    Maybe Jason Wright skipped that class in his McKinsey training. I don't agree about Jason believing the old fan base is gone completely...he would be even more out of touch than he already is...the old fanbase is still there but is rightfully moving on to other things until/if the team improves.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, ntotoro said:


    Gotcha. Just thinking that, win or lose, a lot of them ain't coming back and the name change made it easier to let go.


    So in addition to being on a warm seat for consecutive losing seasons (yes I know one was a 'paloff' year), there's even more pressure on Rivera to win now to try and woo fans back because of the new name FUBAR. Good ol' boy coaches in their 50s on their 2nd or 3rd team aren't known for their patience anyway, as they need to win now to keep their jobs, and there's added pressure due to the loss of fans from sustained losing plus an unpopular name change.


    Would the team be in this mess if they had done the name change in the right way, by actually involving the fans and choosing a name and uniforms and a logo that people actually liked, rather than just having Dan and Tanya and Jason toss around ideas in Dan's office while plowing through his ample liquor supply? Having a name/logo/uniforms/fight song that people actually liked would have brought fans to the stadium, in my opinion...at least until they start 2-6.


    It wouldn't surprise me if momentum started to build to bring back the Redskins name and logos, especially if the losing continues. It won't happen, but as Snyder himself knows you can never say NEVER...even if you use caps.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, FLSkinz83 said:


    I think the Raiders are being investigated for workplace misconduct.


    They investigated themselves, and Goofball Goodell didn't say a word, so he's obviously OK with it. Just like Snyder's self investigation last year. 


    Shockingly neither Snyder nor the Raiders found themselves guilty of anything. 🤔


    They should allow the Raiders to investigate Snyder as payback for Gruden.

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  11. The owners are making a mistake If they think that by staying silent on Snyder will help them avoid having to reveal their own skeletons in various closets. They fear if they support ousting Snyder it will open them up to the same treatment.


    Have the owners ever stopped to think that they could support Snyder and still get sued by female accusers anyway? There could be hundreds of accusers waiting in the wings to see if the NFL goes soft on Snyder...just like how that Ray Rice video was suddenly leaked after Goodell went soft on him.


    It's the unknown accusations that are just around the corner that you can't see that are the most dangerous.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

    In other words, the owners are making money but they likely can make even more if Dan was gone.  I think its telling reading the article that I posted here weeks back about how Dan met Lafemina and it was in the context of being at the NFL office where he was explaining the declining business of the team and Dan shrugged it off as a problem.  And that was years ago when things where actually better than now.




    This says a lot to me. It reinforces the notion that Dan only cares about making himself money, and as long as he's fat and happy then he doesn't care about taking the necessary steps that would actually generate MORE money.


    That's why we see the continued FUBARs like offering stale beer and peanuts to fans, or having Sean Taylor's family stand in front of toilets. He doesn't care!

    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    I bet they can live with Dan if they must. 


    But I bet they don't enjoy that this team is headed from being a flagship cornerstone franchise to being Jacksonville level irrelevant -- super low fan attendance, declining local TV ratings -- the team isn't a national TV draw anymore if anything its the opposite, we can't even get one Sunday Night Football Game.  If I recall we've been blacked out of SNF 4 out of the last 6 years or something like that. 


    It feels like we are a season away or two of becoming the new Jaguars where they might push us to do a game a year in London because the home attendance stinks so why not at least fill the stadium once a year?




    I think you're right...after all, the owners seem to tolerate a complete dumpster fire like Jacksonville despite the losing. But you do have to wonder if they'd tolerate this if it was in New York (other than the Jets, of course). Didn't the NFL basically force GM George Young on the Giants in the late 70s, because they were the "Jaguars of the 70s" from 1964-80?


    The again, the NFL actually DID try that, with forcing La Femina on them, who was later fired. I've also heard that Jason Wright was forced on them by the NFL.

  14. 30 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

    I'm not sure the other 31 owners are giving much consideration to this Dan/Congress boxing game, especially who wins that.


    The only thing they should be considering is that's it's bad, really bad press for the NFL and them. And they have lots of them on them right now, with the Raiders being caught in the eye of the storm as well, or the DeShaun Watson case. As I said earlier in this thread, they should have acted quick and get Dan out fast. Now it's getting bigger. Raiders are next on the line, and who knows who will be next.


    They might fear to create a precedent, but not doing could end up being even worse and them losing lots of money on many fronts if fans from other teams are pulling back, sponsors, tv deals... That's what bad press do, we all know that as it got our name changed two years ago.


    We don't really need Congress to do anything in fact. Just the noise to get any bigger, and never stop. And if it takes the Cowboys, Raiders, Patriots or anybody else... that will just help our case.


    Maybe that's Jeff Bezos plan and he wants it too grow so he can buy the NFL and every teams for cheap... just to piss Elon Musk. (just kidding here, don't answer that here!)


    That's what the owners SHOULD be worried about, but sadly it seems they've all followed Jerruh's lead by believing all publicity is good...which it's NOT.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    The leverage he has is 2 fold:


    - He can just dodge and delay the subpoena and hope for a change of leadership and the whole thing goes away.  Stay in France until November.  Miss a few Commanders games, whatever.  Then there is no testimony at all. (That's Clearly the plan)

    - He has a legitimate legal case to file that the subpoena is invalid. Given legislation has already been proposed, and the investigation is complete, and the statements made by the committee, Dan's legal team will argue the subpoena is invalid, and he has a pretty good chance of winning that case. You never know, but a reasonable one to say the least.    At a minimum, that will take MONTHS to go through the court systems.  


    Because of these two things, there is a legal strategy for him not to testify at all.  So the question to the committee is, which is better?  A voluntary testimony now (instead of when he was previously asked), or almost certainly no testimony before the mid-term elections, and then see what happens after that?  


    I guarantee you there's no way he's going to appear with the subpoena before a legal challenge to the validity of the subpoena.  He will fight it, and it will almost certainly go away in some way. And THAT is his leverage.  


    Btw, regardless of whether he is subpoenaed or not, he can ALWAYS take the 5th.  That's a constitutional right.  You can't be compelled to give evidence against yourself.  


    I wish the other NFL owners would just vote him out also.  But they've made it absolutely clear they have no intension of doing that.  





    What about holding him in contempt of Congress? (Cue Lloyd Christmas..."So you're tellin' me there's a chance!")


    It's sad to admit, but I think you're right about him being able to delay until the elections are over...

  16. I don't see how Snyder has any leverage in this. First of all, he refused to show up for the initial date like Goodell did, saying his tummy hurt. He also said his tummy would continue hurting for the foreseeable future, too. Then Congress subpoena'd him. Snyder has refused to accept this subpoena, and now he is claiming his tummy no longer hurts and he will in fact agree to an interview...while still not physically accepting the subpoena.


    In my opinion, he doesn't get to dictate the terms. Just because he didn't accept the subpoena doesn't mean Congress should agree to a regular ol' sit-down interview, where Snyder can just plead the 5th all day long. I'm sure his lawyers will keep playing the angle, however, until after November when half the committee gets voted out.


    I wish the other NFL owners would just cut this turkey loose. Same with Goodell. In my book, getting subpoena'd by Congress brings bad publicity to the league and means you're not doing your job well enough to avoid scrutiny. There has to come a point where keeping Snyder around is more of a detriment than anything else.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    What other errors are there besides the two misspellings? I’m not noticing any others. 


    Looks like my post didn't show the entire thread. Here's a rundown, starting with the most obvious:


    Omission of Trent Williams

    Misspelled Joe Lavender

    Misspelled LaVern Torgeson

    Used 1937 photo for Sammy Baugh's last game on Dec. 14th, 1952

    Wrong tenure for Doug Williams (1986-1986)

    Basic math error, 70+80 is not 80

    Billy Kilmer shown in Saints uniform

    Wrong tenure for Sammy Baugh (1957-1964)

    Picture of Wilber Marshall is backwards

    Wrong tenure for Joe Gibbs (1981-92 correct, but left out 04-07)

    Wrong tenure for Hugh Taylor (1974-85)

    Wrong position for Richie Petitbon (Head Coach 1981-92)

    Picture of Doug Williams is backwards

    Wrong tenure for Alfred Morris

    Wrong spelling for Mark Murphy

    Wrong tenure for Torgeson

    Wrong HoF dates for four players

    Wrong tenure and draft dates for Mark Rypien



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  18. On 7/10/2022 at 12:16 PM, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

    I can see Jason Wright putting out a press release on the omission:


    "We didn't realize how much Trent meant to the fan base. We can do better. My bad. Hopefully Trent will forgive the slight and bring his Super Bowl ring with him the next time he visits. Dan told me you guys won a Super Bowl before I was hired but I haven't had time to verify that information."




    I'm just gonna go ahead and quote myself. Clearly this FUBAR has Wright's fingerprints all over it, just like with the name/logo/crest SNAFU and the Sean Taylor PortaPottie scandal.


    I think they just added RG3 because they obviously paid him off so he wouldn't write that book 'exposing' all of the sexual harassment in Ashburn. Remember RG3 mysteriously cancelled the book...

  19. 1 hour ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    Williams was traded April of 2020, wright was hired august of 2020 so more like he was here for none of it. 

    I can see Jason Wright putting out a press release on the omission:


    "We didn't realize how much Trent meant to the fan base. We can do better. My bad. Hopefully Trent will forgive the slight and bring his Super Bowl ring with him the next time he visits. Dan told me you guys won a Super Bowl before I was hired but I haven't had time to verify that information."



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