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Posts posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. Trump responds to backlash over Noem killing her dog: ‘We all have bad weeks’


    Former President Donald Trump praised South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem as a “terrific person” when asked in an interview about the backflash she received over revelations in her new book that she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog.


    “She had a bad week. We all have bad weeks,” Trump told radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton in an interview that aired Tuesday.




  2. 11 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

    143 countries voted to support Palestinian statehood. 9 voted against (major being the US).  25 voted to abstain. 


    Palestinians hate their official government (PA/Fatah) because they feel like it cooperates too much with Israel, and then when people protest against it, their security forces put them down.  They support Hamas, but I suspect it is the same way North Korea "supports" Kim Jong Un and Russia "supports" Putin.  I also read in my research that Gazans want PA/Fatah and West Bank residents want Hamas. But, I see videos of Hamas shooting their own people.  


    Very interesting read:




    Again an optimistic take. They support Hamas but they don’t actually support Hamas.


    I guess America supports the president the elect but they really don’t support the president they elect.

    1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:

    Both sides can be ****


    Hamas instigated it but Israel is going overboard


    I just hope we can reach a truce soon I'm tired of violence

    Hamas’ infrastructure should be destroyed in Gaza. No truce, but a surrender. (And failing that, as I said all/most of Hamas infrastructure destroyed). A truce just pushes this down the road.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Fergasun said:

    I would have asked, "Is Israel really at risk of losing this war?"  It's insane to frame this as "the Jewish state is at risk."  This is not an existential threat war.


    Recently the UN general assembly voted to allow Palestinian state full membership.  Israel responded by sending up their delegate to compare Palestine to Nazi Germany and shred the UN charter. 






    Edit:  it is not full membership, which requires security council approval.  The US is blocking full membership.  The recent vote was for certain rights and priviledges. 

    It’s the Israeli ambassador. What did we expect?


    I agree with Lindsay Graham. Do the job.

    But as soon as the job is done there isn’t a reason not to allow Palestinian statehood, though. I doubt he agrees with that.

    2 hours ago, Chump Bailey said:

    I shed no tears for the Palestinians. What Hamas did on Oct 7th is absolutely beyond evil. 

    Is this American privilege?

  4. 2 hours ago, China said:


    Plus if people are living that long, that means that they aren't dying so the world will become overpopulated as more people are born.

    Birth rate is going down.


    But until brain transplant are a thing we won’t live 100 years plus…. The organs are for people who have had some kinda trama or disease and are 35. They don’t do major transplants on 70 years olds…

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Corcaigh said:



    The US and the rest of the world would not be providing the aid they are if Hamas ran Gaza.

    Yes they would. Hamas does run Gaza. I don’t see how the two should be related.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Corcaigh said:


    In recent history, you could pick the date Israel targeted the aid convoy. Or the assault of Raffa. Or the future date when Netanyahu dies. Finding a solution to fix the cluster**** that is this particular part of the Middle East does not have to be seen solely as rewarding Hamas.



    very optimistic of you to say they wouldn’t choose the date they killed the most Jews as the day to celebrate.

  7. 22 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:






    From the patient himself:


    Y’all are giving me too much; it’s like a luxury overload, I haven’t been able to do these things in 8 years, and now I don’t know where to even start allocating my attention,” Arbaugh said. 



    “The biggest thing with comfort is that I can lie in my bed and use [the Link]. Any other assistive technology had to have someone else help or have me sit up. Sitting causes stress mentally and on my body, which would give me pressure sores or spasms. It lets me live on my own time, not needing to have someone adjust me, etc., throughout the day,

  8. 16 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

    But, the desire to not want to whitewash history is certainly more nuanced than "I like some Civil War names, therefore I loved the idea of slavery."

    History was whitewashed when the statues were built. Removing them is simply correcting that whitewashing. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:



    It’s a shame the world is full of people who act like the failure of the first attempt to do something world changing is some kind of indictment of the entire idea.



     The article appears to say the device itself is still producing useful data.


    as an aside, how do they take the air out of the brain after brain surgery?

  10. 36 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

    If a majority of people disagree with a decision and overrule it, then is it clear that it was the right thing to do? It's possible that, at least in that community, rushing to rename every school and remove every statue was *not* the right thing to do or there wouldn't be so much backlash. 

    Since when did the mob determine what justice is?

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  11. 21 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

    It seems cultural movements are like a pendulum...push too hard in one direction, and it only comes back harder in the opposite direction.

    Should we be afraid to do the right thing because of potential backlash?

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  12. 2 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    This argument sounds very familiar. Wonder where I've heard it before. Oh right....



    The arguments aren’t the same. He is saying that American did wrong, therefore we can’t complain when other countries do it. I am saying if we are going to hold countries accountable (which I think we should, if) we should hold them accountable equally.


    He is right that America has a lot of blood on it’s hands.

    He is wrong to use it justify Russians actions, not chiefly because it is morally wrong, but because it against the interests of the United States.🇺🇸

  13. 14 minutes ago, tshile said:

    So while Biden is stopping one shipment, another shipment valued at 870 million is going out the door to Israel now. 

    I just don’t understand the strategy here. 



    Some are offensive weapons and some are defensive. I think he is specifically not sending the weapons that cause large widespread destruction. But, of course it is mainly a political statement.

    Which is the first thing to do.

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  14. 54 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

    Your comment seems to say otherwise. As with many on the right, you seem to have a different standard for Israel than for other countries.

    Hamas isn’t a country. Neither is Palestine for that matter. I’m all for bringing leaders of countries who commit war crimes to the ICC but there are many leaders that have done far more unprovoked that should be brought up on charges first if that is the route we are taking.

    Which is why I specifically listed countries that should have their leaders charged in front of Israel. They’ve done worse things.

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