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Reaper Skins

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Everything posted by Reaper Skins

  1. Its amazing what cinematography can do. You can barely even recognize that its Terry Crews underneath all that makeup and Baby Ruth residue.
  2. Don' t think the Super Bowl was rigged to let Peyton win? Consider this... Papa John's is one of the NFL's most prominent sponsors and has a high profile, ongoing relationship with Peyton Manning. Despite this unique marketing opportunity, they did not run a SINGLE new ad during the Super Bowl. Why not? How could Papa John's pass up such a golden opportunity to push their product into the public mind? What could possibly be a more effective way to get the American public to focus on their product? How about the NFL guaranteeing them a spot at the crowning moment of the entire night? The VERY FIRST PERSON to shake Peyton's hand and congratulate him on his victory? Papa John. Watch the video and tell me Peyton wasn't specifically seeking him out. Almost as if the whole thing was planned beforehand. I fully expect to see that handshake played over and over in commercial form throughout the offseason. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2016/02/peyton-manning-got-a-kiss-from-papa-john-seconds-after-winning-the-super-bowl
  3. Lol 10 second runoff on a carolina penalty that doesn't even get shown on replay? Not saying it made a difference in the outcome but man, talk about crowning Peyton early. They could't wait for that postgame interview could thay?
  4. I think Manning winning the Super Bowl and then riding off into the sunset is exactly the kind of storyline the NFL would love. One of the things I'm most interested to watch during the game is how the two different quarterbacks get calls from the refs. Cam's whole statement from earlier this year where he said the refs told him "your not old enough to get those kind of calls" is intriguing when you consider the type of QB he's going up against for the Super Bowl. Manning is basically immobile, and if he does try to scramble I'd assume the "unnecessary roughness" flags will be thrown pretty fast. It will be interesting to see how the refs handle Cam's scrambling against Denver's defensive backs and whether they give him the same calls. I think the whole "old, traditional" style of QB vs. the new "athletic, running" QB will be the biggest storyline of the game. Superbowl 50. Honoring the old and bringing in the new. Practically writes itself. I expect at least one controversial call that centers around the QB getting hit late or a flag not getting thrown.
  5. Exclusive: Sports gambling contributed to ex-Cowboys RB Joseph Randle's release Interesting. Going into this season Randle was one of the trendy fantasy picks at RB who was expected to come in and have a dominant season filling in Demarco Murray's role behind the best o-line in the NFL. http://www.nfl.com/fantasyfootball/story/0ap3000000499823/article/who-to-draft-darren-mcfadden-or-joseph-randle He himself said that Murray "left alot of yards on the table" and was expected to be the heir apparent going into this season. http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl-news/4645536-joseph-randle-cowboys-running-backs-demarco-murray-eagle All the sports analysts had Randle pegged as a player to have a break out year http://www.fftoday.com/stats/players/13323/Joseph_Randle http://mmqb.si.com/2015/06/11/joseph-randle-dallas-cowboys-offensive-line-rushing-nfl Instead he was a massive no show for pretty much the entire season. Suspended for conduct detrimental to the team early on and involved in several altercations at casinos. A massive bust for anyone who drafted him or bet on him for this season. And now he is linked to sports gambling. Any chance his lack of production on the field was linked to betting on NFL games or fantasy contests like DraftKIngs or FanDuel? From the article: Early Monday morning, Randle was arrested for the fourth time over the last 17 months in Irving on an outstanding speeding warrant out of Coppell. Randle's continued run-ins with the law and his involvement in sports gambling appear to have put his career in jeopardy. On Nov. 3, a combination of issues led the Cowboys to release Randle. In addition to showing signs of mental instability, he had been involved in placing wagers on sporting events during the 2015 season, sources said... "Randle's last game with the Cowboys was on Oct. 25, a 27-20 loss to the Giants in New York. Randle started the game but pulled himself out in the first series after two carries for 24 yards. Randle, who had been bothered at times in training camp with a strained oblique, came to the sideline and used a stationary bike before having a brief conversation with coach Jason Garrett. Randle then used the stationary bike some more but never went back into the game. http://sportsday.dallasnews.com/dallas-cowboys/cowboys/2016/02/01/exclusive-sports-gambling-contributed-ex-cowboys-rb-joseph-randles-release
  6. I'd settle for "Supernatural" and a beer with John Riggins.Scratch that. Better make it a 12 pack and a bottle of Jameson.
  7. So when the Dallas Cowboys can't use their tablets, we're not allowed to either.But somehow when New England's tablets go out, Peyton Manning and Denver are still allowed to use theirs. Completely even enforcement of the rules. Definitley not biased at all towards big market teams like Dallas or story lines like Peyton winning a Super Bowl. NFL is reeeeaaaalllyy trying to give Peyton a send off into the sunset aren't they. Ridiculous. Dallas d known for not blitzing, instead they spend all game blitzing us and no tablets means we can't adjust. Denver offense expected to run and not rely on Peyton's arm. Instead they throw downfield all game and New England can't adjust because they don't have access to tablets. Shad, shady, shady NFL. Tablets have only been in use for less than 2 years and they've already directly influenced 2 games. http://operations.nfl.com/the-game/technology/sideline-of-the-future/
  8. Your score is: 7388 (GRADE: A) Your Picks: Round 1 Pick 21: Laquon Treadwell, WR, Ole Miss (A+) Round 2 Pick 24 (CINN): Derrick Henry, RB, Alabama (A+) Round 3 Pick 21: Dan Voltz, C, Wisconsin (A+) Round 4 Pick 22: Sheldon Day, DT, Notre Dame (A) Round 4 Pick 24 (CINN): James Burgess, ILB, Louisville (B-) Round 5 Pick 19: Cyrus Jones, CB, Alabama (A-) Round 5 Pick 22 (CINN): Adam Gotsis, DT/DE, Georgia Tech (B+) Round 6 Pick 12: Roger Lewis, WR, Bowling Green (A+) Round 7 Pick 11: Jamie Byrd, FS, South Florida (B-) Round 7 Pick 21: Frankie Williams, CB, Purdue (A)
  9. Even though I've mentioned Houston earlier in this thread, I woke up this morning with the following random thought...... What if RG3 went to Arizona? The more I think about it the more it seems to make sense as a possible landing spot that no one is talking about. - Strong connection to the military and community service events - Older QB (36) with limited upside going forward that is probably not a long term solution - A front office that has shown a willingness to take on reclamation projects in order to get talent for a smaller pricetag (Palmer from Oakland, Honey Badger in draft despite weed issues) - A highly innovative, aggressive style head coach who has been called "The ultimate Quarterback Whisperer." This article makes me think Arians might be exactly what RG3 needs to make the jump to the next level at QB http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2546950-bruce-arians-the-nfls-ultimate-quarterback-whisperer One section in particular struck me: "Everybody needs a guy that believes in him, and Bruce made me believe I could do anything," said Holcomb. "When it came to X's and O's, Bruce made his money by designing play-action passes that could really hurt defenses. Even today, he'll play-action teams to death. But what sets Bruce apart is that he can get you to do things you didn't think you were necessarily capable of. And it's all because he really cares about you, and, in return, you want to make him proud." "You make them pick the plays so you can say, 'You picked it. You make it work,'" Arians said. "It increases the level of accountability." - A superstar, face of the franchise, receiver (Fitzgerald) who seems to share RG3's emphasis on strong family ties, military community service, and charity fundraising. - A small(er) fanbase and media market that would not spotlight his every move to the degree that he is currently exposed to and allow him to continue his development with less distraction. Thoughts? I think the fact that they are knocking on the Super Bowl's door this season will also be an added incentive for RG3 knowing he would be going to a team that would give him a legitimate shot to make the playoffs every year.
  10. One final link from the Green Bay game. The refs admit error and say that the 12 men on the field call should not have been enforced against the Redskins. Definite shift in momentum early on in the game. "While the Packers won, 35-18, it was a critical call that got the ball rolling for the Green Bay offense, which, starting with that drive, reeled off 17-straight points to take a 17-11 lead to the half." https://t.co/gV3Rza530g
  11. Lol I wrote the same thing in the prediction thread yesterday. - Packers td before the half should have been negated on an illegal shift penalty but wasn't. - Reed ruled down on a non review able call. - Pass interference called on an uncatchable ball. - Not a single holding call called on Green Bay all game.
  12. I would love it if they only played in throwbacks for playoff games. Basically as a reward for fans, only bust them out if the team makes it into the post season. Like having your everyday suit versus your Sunday's best. I realize it would never happen, but I love the idea of having a whole new set of threads that only come out of the glass case when its time to fight for the Super Bowl. Going into battle? Better suit up old school.
  13. As a Redskins fan, this one line especially made me mad. "If Brady profits from the arrangement, “then this would seem to be in violation of the salary cap, at least in spirit,'' said Daniel Rascher, a sports economist at the University of San Francisco who has consulted for the NFL." The "spirit" of the salary cap was enough to cost us 32 million. Doesn't exactly seem like an even enforcement of the rules does it?
  14. I didn't even hear about that what happened?
  15. With the Giants hopes for the season hanging in the balance, they were forced to go up against arguably the best team in the league, with arguably the best corner in the league. No problem though right? They have Odell Beckham. As long as he's in the game the Giants will have a shot to beat the undefeated Panthers. Despite numerous punches, spears, offensive interference, unneccessary roughness penalties, and helmet to helmet hits, Odell Beckham was not ejected from the game despite the league office saying he should have been. By allowing him to stay in the game, the refs allowed the Giants an unfair competitive advantage. They scored 28 unanswered points, topped off with a touchdown to Beckham for the game tying score with less than two minutes left in the game. Now, the Panthers got a field goal to win it, so while it did not affect the final outcome, this absolutely deserves more attention. This was clearly a case of letting a team's "big name star" stay in the game in order to keep the game close and exciting and give the Giants every opportunity to win the game. As the article below states, he'll probably be fined, but if the Giants ended up winning the game yesterday, would any amount of fine really undo the injustice of letting Beckham stay in the game? "At a minimum, Beckham and others will be heavily fined for the repeated acts of extracurricular violence. But with well over $100,000 in fines levied against the Steelers and Bengals only two days before the Panthers-Giants game was played, it’s safe to say that taking money doesn’t have the same deterrent effect as taking a player off the field. With Beckham, the officials and coach Tom Coughlin failed to do it. The question for Monday is whether the NFL will." http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/12/21/suspension-possibility-looms-for-odell-beckham/ Josh Norman commenting on the hit saying Beckham shouldn't have been allowed to keep playing http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14408956/josh-norman-carolina-panthers-rips-odell-beckham-jr-says-new-york-giants-receiver-field "When asked if he is concerned about facing further punishment from the league for his helmet-to-helmet incident, especially with so much attention surrounding head injuries, Beckham said, "Not really."
  16. Recap of Cowboys Game HiJinks 1. Tablets not Working for Dallas, forces Washington to not use technology either. http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/12/7/9869478/dallas-cowboys-washington-tablets-printers-technology-is-bad Combine this with the fact that the Dallas defense, known as the least blitzing in the entire league, spent the whole game blitzing on almost every play. Commentators mentioned several times during the broadcast how uncharacteristic Dallas' defensive schemes looked. Redskins were unable to make adjustments for entire game. Any chance Dallas planned this ahead of time, went technology free on purpose and then did a 180 on their blitzing philosophy in order to gain a competitive advantage? Neither team's offense was having any success for almost 3 quarters but while Dallas was missing throws and not doing much on offense, The Redskins were able to connect on numerous momentum shifting plays, only to have them called back on penalties. 2. Coach Gruden spoke out about the numerous questionable calls against the Redskins “It’s frustrating because I don’t know if some of them were penalties, that’s the problem,” Gruden said. “The offensive PI on Pierre, he’s running a route, I don’t know what you tell Pierre. That’s a route he was supposed to run. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. [He] ran a flat route to DeSean Jackson to get a first down and they call offensive PI. I have no idea what we tell Pierre there. That’s what we coached him to do. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/dec/8/jay-gruden-irked-offensive-pass-interference-penal/ Video evidence of the play here: http://www.thescore.com/nfl/news/904968
  17. Fair and balanced distribution of fines? DeAngelo Hall fined $8,681 for his hit on Beckham despite accidental contact and helping him up afterwards http://was.247sports.com/Bolt/Redskins-NFL-fines-Deangelo-Hall-41741691 Brandon Browner not fined or penalized for his hit on Redskins lineman despite multiple articles calling it intentional, a cheap shot, and saying that he should expect a penalty from the league. http://thebiglead.com/2015/11/16/did-brandon-browner-pass-up-a-tackle-to-take-a-cheap-shot-at-a-redskins-lineman/ http://www.sbnation.com/2015/11/16/9741794/brandon-browner-cheap-shot-saints-washington (Site below tracks players penalties, Browner only has one for the season, suprise suprise, its against Beckham from the Giants game. He has none from the game against Redskins) http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/fines-suspensions/new-orleans-saints/cornerback/
  18. Someone tell DeAngelo to post THIS all over the locker room this week. Something tells me Callahan is gonna coach his ass off this week and take it to his old team 80's style.
  19. Worth noting. Pete Morelli's crew was punished by the NFL for their atrocious week 12 game calling and removed from officiating the Redskins/Cowboys Monday night game. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2594691-pete-morellis-officiating-crew-reportedly-removed-from-cowboys-vs-redskins Perhaps the NFL doesn't trust these refs to follow the script and reassigned them? Either way, seems like we dodged a bullet by not getting stuck with the NFL's least competent officiating crew in arguably our biggest game of the year. Also, in an added twist, I added the below article because it originally said that this crew was supposed to officiate the Monday night Redskins/Cowboys game but as of 10:20 this morning the story was changed to say that they lost the chance to officiate the Sunday night Colts/Steelers game. Sort of a weird discrepancy.... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/12/01/pete-morellis-crew-yanked-from-week-13-sunday-night-game/
  20. Quite the large discrepancy for how NFL teams are allowed to follow concussion protocol. Compare Keenum's case, and lack of punishment, to the over the top response from the league deciding last minute to bench RG3 in the preseason after he had already been cleared. Redskins were also fined for incorrect press box announcement of RG3 concussion. No penalties for the Rams for their mishandling of Keenum's concussion. Suprise suprise, Jeff Fischer is also on the competition committee. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/11/29/report-rams-wont-be-penalized-for-keenum-concussion-debacle/ mark schlereth ‏@markschlereth 2m2 minutes ago NFL player safety is a joke. We will fine players for unavoidable contact... But we won't fine teams for putting a player's life in danger.
  21. Culliver was charged $11,000 for unsportsmanlike conduct, not unnecessary roughness for his interception play. Indicates that the league knows that roughness call should never have been made on the field https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/football-insider/wp/2015/11/28/chris-culliver-fined-for-unsportsmanlike-conduct-not-unnecessary-roughness/
  22. 3 days after calling out the refs for biased playcalling, Hatcher "can't remember" Master Tesfatsion ‏@MasterTes 53s53 seconds ago Jason Hatcher was asked about his #Redskins name comments again today: "I don't remember that. ...I must be going crazy. I don't remember."
  23. Exact same "inadvertent whistle" situation that happened to us against the Panthers in 2012 just happened in the Bills/ Patriots game. When it's our team, the refs refuse to acknowledge the whistle and let the touchdown stand. When it's another team, the ball is ruled dead at the spot of the catch. That doesn't seem like "general ineptitude across the board", that seems like different enforcement of the rules for different teams. Patriots/Bills Whistle http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14210064/inadvertent-whistle-new-england-patriots-buffalo-bills-game-latest-officiating-controversy-monday-night-football
  24. Just as a point of reference, the last time Boger's crew officiated a game for us was in week 4 against the Eagles. You'll recall that Trenton Robinson was called for 2 unnecessary roughness calls that both lead to Philadelphia scoring drives. Both were deemed incorrect calls after the fact by the NFL.
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