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Posts posted by Silvernon

  1. Have we seen enough at this point to classify the signing of Collins as a huge mistake?


    The money was always too much for a box safety, and now he's targeted by the offense as a weak link. 


    Not quite in the realm of Adam Archuleta, but he's supposed to count 17 million next season, and they would save $4 million of that cutting him. 


    Shocked that we're picking on Apke when the highest paid defender is one of the worst players on the team. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. On 9/24/2020 at 1:16 PM, carex said:


    what are you asking?  Are you asking if we're swapping the guards with Scherff out?

    I am not tapped in enough to know whether they would think of seeing Martin at RG for a few games, or whether Ismael enters into the equation with Roullier moving to guard. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Dissident2 said:


    Again, you're just hearing what you want to hear and not listening, which is the hallmark of today's political/social discourse, so I don't know why I'm surprised.


    Tell me where I said I need a "saint" anywhere?  Are you capable of understanding nuance? I'll say it again. I don't need a saint. Jack Kent Cooke was no saint. I don't need a Bible-thumping, church-going, charity-giving whatever. I just need someone who's:


    a. Competent as a leader, and if not, willing to let someone else lead.

    b. Not a complete and utter lying, petty, deceitful scumbag who's created one of the most toxic cultures in all of sports, something that doesn't just affect employees, but the success on the field as well, which should be painfully obvious to everyone at this point. 


    Digging? I don't need to dig when I've lived through the last 20+ years. He's the worst owner in the NFL, arguably the worst owner in all of professional sports, but I'll grant you he at least has some competition in the latter category, albeit very little. 

    First off: I'll bet I'm better at nuance.

    Second: Confirmation bias. You are seeing what you want to see too.
    Third: Jim Irsay has been the annual winner of worst NFL owner for a long time.


    Listen...I'm not saying I automatically assume everyone with disproportionate amounts of money are jerks, but most often there's a reason they got there. And without a good amount of smarts and luck over a long time, it's hard to get to that point without a predatory relationship with your environment. I'm just calling it what it is. These teams are toys for the uber wealthy. Some of us further the profits of the owners by purchasing exorbitantly priced merchandise, tickets and concessions. I contribute through this website (advertisement/third party dollars) and some years I have used DAZN, but otherwise I have time for the highlights these days and therefore the advertisements/third party dollars via YouTube.


    Me? I'm all about the game. I watch the NFL for the elite level of competition. I like seeing us humans perform at a high level. Doing what we should be doing, as individuals, and finding our highest levels of personal performance. That extends beyond sports.


    I'm past worrying what's happening beyond that.



  4. 31 minutes ago, Dissident2 said:


    That's a lame response to just about anything. Besides, based on everything we've seen over the last 20 years with this owner, both on the field and off, there isn't a worse owner in the league. And I can't imagine there are many more NFL owners who are worse human beings. Quite possible, but how is that an excuse/reason not to be disgusted by the drek we've been saddled with for two decades now and want something done about it? 


    People who just want to enjoy their team? Go for it, I get it to a degree. I was that guy for awhile, too. But I have a much harder time these days separating the team from ownership, because I truly believe he's just an utter scumbag, and I long for the day when we can do a REAL reboot, starting from the top. 


    Besides, I don't necessarily need a "truly good person" to be the owner of our team. Just someone who isn't a truly evil one will suffice.  




    If you think it's a slam dunk that he's the worst in the NFL, you need to do some digging. 


    If you want to be righteous, don't follow professional sports because there are few saints. 

    • Sad 1
  5. On 8/12/2020 at 4:56 PM, mistertim said:

    That's an odd statement on Allen. He's not at all a 2 gap space eater. In college, being a penetrating 3 tech was his specialty and that's where he's looked best in the NFL. He can split double teams but that's different than being a "space eater". I do agree that he's very technically proficient at stacking and shedding while keeping his eyes on the ball and then throwing off a blocker. But again, that's a different thing than being a pure 2 gap space eater.

    I hear you on this point, and yet I am struggling to see Allen as a long-term piece aside from the leadership.  Keeping him st 3 tech over someone more athletic like Payne is likely a mistake. 


    No issue with Ioannidis and Settle on the nose.

  6. 1 hour ago, KDawg said:

    What does that have to do with my point?


    You want to carefully manage expectations, and I see your point, but it's hard to see him doing poorly with the depth along the line. 


    The advantage of a 34 to 43 conversion is the defensive line gets a boost.


    If he's not being talked about as DPOY, then something else went horribly wrong along the way. 


    I like how they filled out the back end and keeping costs down. Hoping they are eyeing a FS next year on day 2. 

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