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Everything posted by Dissident2

  1. We are way past that now. History shows us that he will NEVER let people just "do their thing." He is the source of all that is wrong with this team and will continue to be, and this will never, ever, ever end as long as he's still there. That's why the NFL would be insane not to act. If they want to keep dealing with these gut shots to their operation because of one pathetic, little man, I guarantee they're going to get them. Eventually, they are going to have to be considered complicit in all this. Might be there already.
  2. People I've sent the link to said it was free. I got it early and it did ask for a subscription, but it was $1 for four weeks, and I can cancel any time. But others have told me it's free, so I don't know. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2020/08/26/redskins-cheerleaders-video-daniel-snyder-washington/?arc404=true
  3. This isn't a court of law, so they don't necessarily NEED a smoking gun to act here, even though I think this article is VERY close to being a smoking gun. From what I glean from the article, the Post HAS this video that's talked about. You've got two people in the article saying it was demanded by Snyder, one on the record. You've got a third saying Larry asked for it, but why would anyone believe Larry would ask for some produced video for himself? He probably could've just grabbed those clips any time he wanted to. Then you've got specific comments from a woman saying Snyder asked her to join his friend in a hotel room. You've got SCORES of women (and some men) talking about the horrible culture there, you've got ANOTHER cheerleader scandal from just a few years ago, you've got the shrinking market of the team to the point of embarrassment ... why WOULD the NFL want this guy around at this point?? They have to be insane to not force him out. This story in particular isn't going to just disappear after a week like the last one did. There are going to be HUGE lawsuits here from the cheerleaders. Those will go on for months/years. During that time, you think nothing else is going to come out? Stories like these tend to inspire more to come forward. I bet we haven't even seen the worst of it yet. Even this story says that people were inspired to come out after the last story. What's coming next? The NFL is INSANE not to act decisively and harshly right now. Yes, I desperately want that to happen, but I'm hearing plenty of non-fans saying the same thing.
  4. 20 ****ing years of this garbage, and it gets worse every year. I WANT MY ****ING TEAM BACK! The NFL MUST ACT ON THIS! /allcaps
  5. I couldn't disagree more. Number one, If it's true he asked for the video of the cheerleaders nude, that in and of itself should be enough to get him to sell. That would get any CEO fired. Then all the other things in this story (asking a woman to join his friend in his hotel room), COMBINED with everything in the past and who the hell knows what's to come .... ? The NFL already looks bad for doing basically nothing about the cheerleader scandal from a few years ago. If they don't act now, with all this ... it's just incomprehensible. A man everyone hates. A man who consistently makes the NFL look bad. A man who has single-handedly turned a once proud franchise into a DEBASED culture now ... not even a "laughing stock" anymore .... how this can not get the NFL to act would be utterly beyond me. I don't know if I can continue to even support the sport if they don't at this point.
  6. This article is UNBELIEVABLE! If this doesn't force the NFL to force a change, I cannot continue rooting for a team run by this UTTERLY DISGUSTING group of people. I just can't. This is an embarrassment to EVERYONE who's ever loved this team. Absolutely disgusting. Read this full article. And I'm sure this isn't even the end of this.
  7. Was really hoping Cooley would stick around for a long time. Really loved his insights. Had a "Riggins-esque" personality, too. A little off the rails. Very good at what he did, imo. Never enjoyed Bram, DHall is meh, not sure what Julie will bring at this point. Gonna miss Doc on the sidelines, too. His schtick gets a little annoying on the radio, but thought it was perfect for a game environment.
  8. That's exactly what happened. You know what they say, roaches can't stand the light. Lafemina was shining that light on the organization, starting with the whole "the waiting list is a lie" thing. Those roaches were getting tired of scattering, so Lafemina had to go and darkness had to fall again. Darkness and light can't coexist. One has to always overtake the other. Hopefully "light" will have its revenge in the near future.
  9. He's so full of ****, really. I've heard too many firsthand accounts of shenanigans there. Whether he was involved in any "sexual abuse" or harassment personally, I have no idea. But that place has been a nest of vipers for about as long as he's owned it. Just truly awful people creating a truly awful working environment. He sets the tone for that environment, and the Post article alludes to that. Sadly, so little can be proven. His "statement" makes me sick, as it's not born out of any legitimate desire to fix a wrong, but it's total CYA mentality. I just don't know if I can do this anymore. Jesus Christ, this guy. I want to officially apologize again to the people I used to argue/debate with on the Redskins newsgroup back in 1999/2000 who swore these days were coming with this guy as our owner. In my defense, that was during the first couple years of his reign of failure. How anyone's still on board at this point is beyond me.
  10. LMAO. Oh, Scott. You didn't know because you were too busy giving "scoops" to certain reporters.
  11. I'm not going to question the man's integrity, but I am definitely questioning his instincts and ability to smell a rat. Quite frankly, the consistent praise Gibbs has given Snyder over the years - despite the results, the drama, the scandals, etc. - has disappointed me. Makes it seem like he's simply out of touch with reality or else easily hoodwinked by a different side of Snyder that's shown to very few others.
  12. Before reading the above tweet citing SM defending Snyder: "McCloughan was railroaded." After: "Stupid drunk."
  13. Ok, that's the first time I've ever seen a video interview conducted by a 10-year old while the interviewee is sitting in a barber chair getting his hair cut. Props. The Dundee for "Worst Audio Ever" goes to ....
  14. I'd have to side with Ron on this one. I think it's very likely he had no idea what was going on here. I mean, he comes to the team, hardly gets any time in the office before the pandemic hits, working in lockdown mode most of the time. He's had no opportunity to really get a feel for the way the building operates, and he's been preoccupied with getting his staff together, getting to know his players, working on his plans, adjusting to the pandemic, going through a name change, etc., etc. I'm surprised he even knows what city he's in. Must suck for the guy. This could be the first coach to suffer from burnout before ever coaching a single game.
  15. Exactly. If something has ALREADY HAPPENED, I want it to come out. What's pathetic is wanting ANY scenario as a fan where this goon continues to own the team for the next however many years. The #FireBruceAllen hashtag seemed to bring us good mojo. Maybe it's time to finally come up with one that gets to the absolute root of the team's problem..
  16. I think in the Richard Mann texts especially, you can easily read between the lines re: the woman's reaction. Sure, she "lol"s a couple times when he talks about her breasts, but when he says TWICE that he "wants to" and "is going to" grab her butt, she explicitly says, "No" and "nope." The creep (married with kids) then goes on to say, "Come on, that's innocent." Being "traumatized" in these instances -- when someone you know, maybe respect and on whom your job may depend -- doesn't have to (and doesn't usually) equate to someone immediately reacting in shock and horror to a comment like this. This is the type of reaction that's absolutely commonplace in these situations. Anyone (speaking in generalities) who would read that, consider the scenario and then come back with, "Sounds like she liked it to me" isn't paying attention.
  17. Yes. When you consider all the rumors that were floating around, about "bribing refs," Snyder being "linked to Epstein," Gruden's thing with Capri Bibbs, "drug and alcohol abuse" from Snyder ... the "that's it?" response, while wrong at its core, is at least understandable as an initial gut reaction, especially considering how so many of our hopes were tied to the idea that this could FINALLY be the end of Snyder. It isn't. At least not right now. And that's a disappointment for me. I'm glad all this came out, though. The people involved needed to be shown for who they are. It's just ultimately disappointing that the person I've always considered to be the real culprit is still relatively safe. It's like arresting the Joker's minions and not getting the Joker. As long as the Joker is still at large, he'll always find more minions.
  18. I guarantee you Snyder and his minions have never read it and are not referring to it now. Since when has anything this cretin done screamed, "good business sense" or "strong crisis management." lol. His silence isn't based on business theory. It's rooted in simple cowardice.
  19. LMAO, the fact that Rivera is the one making the comment right now, a guy who hasn't coached a SINGLE GAME for this franchise yet, is all anyone with a brain needs to know about our owner. It's beyond pathetic.
  20. Why would anyone expect him to step out and say anything substantial related to this? When has he ever shown that kind of leadership? He's an utter coward. Always has been. Afraid to speak, afraid to show his face, will do so only when he absolutely has to (or when there's "good" news to report, which is another reason we haven't seen him very often.) Besides, he's the source of the problem. Someone who wasn't the source of the problem, who actually had a conscience about this whole fiasco, would be WAY out in front of this. That's not our lil' Danny. He'll continue to hide on his yacht as someone else spends days crafting some sort of pathetic, soulless "statement."
  21. I think very few people are laughing these days. That "laughter" has just turned into utter disgust, and as fans, eventually you too have to ask yourself how you can root for a ****ing team owned by this piece of human garbage. There is nothing in this story that surprised me in the least. As I've said, I've known some people who worked there. They've all said the same things about how horrible the environment is. It's disgusting. I utterly believe Snyder is not only aware of the sexist aspects of this "culture" but perpetuates it. I'm so disappointed that there is nothing in this story that would seem to spell the end of this scumbag's regime. What happened to the "ref bribery" rumors? The Epstein connection? Just as so many thought, Larry's retirement was not something he'd planned, lol. What a disappointment he turned out to be. What a "voice" of the Washington Redskins. Snyder destroyed our team, ladies and gentlemen. The name is gone, the respect is gone, the joy is gone. And the fact that this worm brings in a lawyer to "investigate the culture," lol. What an utter joke. The investigation should begin and end with him. I can only hope and pray that there's more to come and that this is only the beginning of the end for him. While everyone named in this article is worthy of disdain, there's no one more worthy of it than this piece of garbage.
  22. LOL, now that would be hilarious considering all the threads on here year after year of how the refs have it in for us.
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