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Everything posted by ANONYMOUS SOURCE.

  1. Damn, D didn’t get fooled on that one. What kinda of Sorcery is this ? Lll
  2. When has terrible call ever gone our way? Can’t recall lol
  3. He tried , set the guy down before something worse happens
  4. Not like the Saints want to actually win this so that’s good lol
  5. If they let Tebow ..I mean Hill kill us I’m going to be sick.
  6. One drive looks like clock work and the next looks like a primate fornicating a football. 🤷
  7. P Manning had mediocre arm strength and it became even worse a few years in, he made up for it in smarts of course. Taylor’s biggest downfall is size IMO, of course that was the knock on Brees also. Sean Peyton adjusted his offense so Brees could take drop backs much further than normal allowing a better view and angle over defenders and that seemed to work out lol. Durability and decision making are what mattters and we aren’t far enough in to know yet but I’m hoping for the best because I really like the kid. Plus unlike Cousins I think his teammates actually like Taylor 😂
  8. If it was performance enhancing drugs then he should be fired ASAP…. For not sharing them with the whole team.
  9. Glad we won but this game cost us big time in injuries I believe.
  10. D needs to show something here, should be able to since they have had the day off.
  11. Run run run then see if Hopkins gets to ride home with the team
  12. Luckily Atlanta’s coach is bad at clock management so we at least get a shot that we will probably squander.
  13. Leave Hopkins at the damn airport. ATL is a big one so it shouldn’t be that hard
  14. Fuller is technically sound but physically limited. Backup at best.
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