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About httrcirca87

  • Birthday 08/30/1987

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Sean Taylor
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    United States
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    Business Owner

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  1. Beck lacked the physical tools to be a good QB. I'm with you on waiting and seeing though.
  2. @Warhead36 “His ceiling is Aaron Rodgers with Lamar Jackson speed.” I believe this but I’ve been holding back on saying it out loud. The work ethic, athleticism, arm talent, and footwork make him unlike any player.
  3. We’ve got a good one. If what his coach is saying is true, that JD5 puts in the work and cares about the details, we should end up with a league average QB at worst.
  4. On the high end 10 wins, but most likely 6 or 7 wins. I just want to see competency and professionalism.
  5. “Thorough domination” 😐 can’t wait for ownership to blow this **** up.
  6. This is just one of the lows. Just tired of being a 2nd or 3rd tier franchise.
  7. This is a one of the low points for me as a fan. I hate getting shellacked by the cowboys. We could at least make it respectable.
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