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Status Updates posted by Cooleyfan1993

  1. “ThIsIsThEnORm”. Guess the norm is also for people to be rude. It shouldn’t be, but yet here we are……….

  2. Hahaha, lets all attack Cooleyfan1993! That’ll be HILARIOUS! Lmaooo **** that. I’m tired of this ****! Have a nice life, everyone! Oh, except for mr “driveby thumbs down”. 

  3. Apparently it’s been suggested that I don’t post here, instead of the guy driveby-thumbs downing my posts being told to stop, so whatever. BYE! 

  4. I’m just everyone’s favorite punching bag I guess. Quite pathetic actually 

  5. i dont know about you, but im feeling 22

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Passepartout


      Happy Birthday!

    3. Cooleyfan1993


      haha 4 weeks late, but thanks :)

    4. Cooleyfan1993


      haha 4 weeks late, but thanks :)

  6. If I have made anyone on here angry or dislike me, I am sorry. I am tryin my best to make smart posts. sorry. really am.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. gclark84


      Amen. as long as you are not obnoxious you have a right to your opinion as much as anyone else. This team can turn Mother Theresa into a killer...LOL

    3. skins214428hail


      I enjoy reading your post. Not like A stalker. But when I come upon them.

    4. Bang


      Just be yourself, say your piece, make your points and enjoy yourself. You always struck me as a good board member, good fan, nice guy, respectful whenever you post.

      Bit of a homer, but that's OK too :)

  7. how hard is it for people to spell "KIRK"? lol

    1. BleedBNG


      R-E-X... simple

    2. Cooleyfan1993


      haha good one. but no, seriously. in threads, i see people saying "Kurt". like...how do you hear "KIRK" and get "KURT" out of it? now, im not sure how many people are doing it just as a joke. but its weird.

    3. knighthonor


      hi interceptions Hurt the Redskins.


      Kirk+Hurt== Kurt

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