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Everything posted by Taylor703

  1. The Mahimni deal is terrible along with having an expensive terrible bench. He traded a first for Keef whom the suns were begging teams to take. He's awful. Having three top 3 draft choices make your team better is something every fan on this forum could do. The Nicholson contract is an abomination. He's horrible.
  2. People really have to stop with the Isiah Thomas>John Wall bull****. Wall is better than Thomas at nearly every aspect of the game. The whole thing is silly.
  3. I just got mine T. I loaded Kodi on it and it's pretty cool.
  4. Haven't posted in here much lately but read all the time still. I honestly cannot say enough about how awesome Scott Brooks is. He does have an issue with leaving the bench in too long but I understand why he's doing it. Now if only we could get a good GM to team with Scott we could have something great on our hands. Wall is amazing, simply amazing. Beal is becoming what we all thought we were getting with the third pick and Otto is earning a max deal. It's pretty crazy how valuable Jason Smith has become and I'm so happy Thornton hardly sees the floor anymore. Oubre is developing nicely but I'm a bit disappointed in Sato. He seems so timid every time he has the ball. I just want him to take the shot instead of getting scared. This team is a complete catch 22 for fans. If we win it leads to more Ernie but I just can't help but want them to do so. It sucks that they're saving the worst GM in all of sports his job but that's life. **** it, let's keep winning and see what happens when Mahinmi is healthy.
  5. We paid Andrew Nicholson a ton of money to do nothing and could've just kept Nene lol
  6. Here's the thing, Ronda drew numbers because she's attractive. Cyborg has been destroying female fighters for years and can't sell tickets at all. PVZ is another one who they tried to turn into a star because of how attractive she is. It's sad that it's that way but it is.
  7. This had nothing to do with Cruz being figured out. No Love is simply that good. TJ can't do to Cruz what Cody did. Unless he gets caught and KOd I think the UFC has another Mighty Mouse on their hands. The only difference being Cody can KO anyone.
  8. The tickets sold because of Ronda. It sucks but that's the way it goes. Nunes is not a drew outside of MMA fans.
  9. Dana is an embarrassment. The sad thing is Ronda needs help more than she needs to fight. She has major, major depression problems and she dates a psycho that beats females and her coach is using her to promote himself. She brought all of this on herself but seeing her being thoroughly embarrassed on every social media outlet kinda sucks. We really love to tear people down and I've definitely been a part of it. I hope she gets the help she needs.
  10. That's sort of what I mean bro. She just needs to surround herself with good people. She can still train MMA without actually fighting. Being in a good camp would probably be therapeutic.
  11. It didn't take Cruz out of his game, Cody is better. And Cody was destroying everyone on his way to this fight. Almeida is a monster and No Love made him look like a chump. Called this fight for Cody from the jump. Unbelievable talent.
  12. He's the worse champ in the entire promotion.
  13. Ronda needs to clean house on her personal life. She needs a new camp and crew of people. Something like Team Alpha Male. A family atmosphere where they actually give a ****, not just mooch off of her fame.
  14. Finally. This is exactly what I said would happen once the female division started to gain more talent. A former paper champ getting eaten alive. Cyborg would've murdered her.
  15. Scott Brooks is such a breath of fresh air. He doesn't let teams come all the way back before he decides to take a time out and all of our young guys are developing rapidly under his tutelage.
  16. Cody by KO Nunes by TKO And please, just cut Cain already.
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