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Everything posted by Taylor703

  1. Lovetoaster- They did the same thing to Frankie Edgar when he fought Bendo. They wanted Edgar to move down and even though he clearly beat Bendo, fight want even close, the gave it to Henderson. I've loved this sport for a very long time and I do not want it to go the route of boxing. The wrong guy went home with the belt tonight, something needs to be fixed or this sport will fall apart. Fans will only put up with so much.
  2. Is pretty sad that they refuse to take belts away from fighters that sell unless they get KOd and are forced. Bones lost, no doubt about it. After seeing this the only way he loses is when moves up and Cain KOs him. They won't let him lose his belt any other way. UFC is starting to lose steam with me.
  3. I'm pretty sure Anderson Silva KO'd yushin Okami with an up kick. Neither were fighting in the UFC At the time.
  4. The same judge who apparently scored the fight for PAC-Bradley and she was suspended for that one as well...this might be the end of her career...
  5. The only guy that ever had a chance was pacman and he ducked him til' he was worthless.
  6. Why anyone thought this was going to go any different is beyond me? The only guy with a chance to beat him was pacman because he's not scared to get hit was ducked. Mayweather is a tremendous fighter but ill always be disappointed I never got to see the two best fighters in the world fight in their prime.
  7. Very happy for Travis Browne. I called Browne by KO, didn't think it would be a front kick though. That's by far the best shape Browne has been in and if he keeps developing he's a real threat.
  8. Fighters tend to get more of a chance to keep fighting with upper body injuries. Andre Berto tore something in his shoulder in the 3rd round of a 12 rd fight last week and finished the rest of the fight. The thing that irritated me is he's writhing in pain, almost looked like he was trying to tap and Herb just watched Aldo pummel him.
  9. What the hell is herb dean doing? When a guy is that injured its the refs job to protect him.
  10. The UFC needs to get this in check. This is starting to get ridiculous.
  11. Lets go Dragon! I want to see him fight Jones again.
  12. That was awesome. Walking out to bone thugs lol
  13. It's no different than people who want to see Floyd lose. I can't stand the guy, think he's a douche inside and out of the ring but the truth is he's an amazing talent. I don't have to like the person behind the talent to appreciate it.
  14. Same thing in the comments on MMA Junkie. Many people jumped at the opportunity to say "I told you he was overrated." I am not the biggest Silva fan, but I just wanted to reply to every single one with "shut up." I don't read the comment section of many stories because, frankly, some people are idiots. I had to hit the back button on my browser yesterday before I said something profane to someone. And the funny thing about it is it's not like he was Jake Shields who didn't lose for years but was incredibly boring. Silva had some of the most amazing finishes in UFC history.
  15. That has already started on sherdog. People have waited 7 years for this man to lose and the moment he finally did they all creamed there pants. It's pretty sad that people just can't appreciate a talent for what it is...
  16. Well Dana wants the rematch. If it happens I fully expect a scenario close to Rahman vs. Lewis II. If Anderson fights the way we've all become accustomed too Weidman stands very little chance, it Silva plays around again he's going to get dropped for a second time.
  17. Lovetoaster- If that fight was going to happen it would've happened when Vitor or Chael fought Jones. Silva and Jones were never going to fight. Does anyone else have trouble with this website on an iPad?
  18. What money? Silva and Jones both said they will never fight each other and GSP has already said he won't fight Silva. Dana talking out of his ass again I see....
  19. As a long time spider fan he got what he deserved tonight. He's absolutely the better fighter but you don't toy around with world-class fighters to that degree. He went overboard with it and really didn't seem to care about winning the fight as evidenced by his sudden retirement which I actually called before the fight. Weidman better enjoy it because Vitor is going to destroy him. He's a whole different animal on TRT.
  20. What do you mean "become a bad owner"? He's always been a terrible owner however lucking into Ovechkin had people thinking otherwise. He's far worse than Snyder, at least Snyder poured his money back into the team. I just don't understand the love for Ted and the disdain for Snyder?
  21. For some reason I think we take Noel because Orlando will take Porter...
  22. You seriously want to get rid of Beal after what he showed his rookie season? Kevin Love is very good, don't get me wrong but dealing Beal and multiple first round picks for him seems like taking a step back...
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