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Everything posted by SpacePenguin

  1. I agree, good/great players wanting the biggest payday possible and not being opposed to leaving this dumpster fire of an organization isn't really RonCrew's fault. That's why I'd never fault them for Scherff or Trent. Cutting a decent starter on a reasonable salary just to "get younger" is a far graver offense. Compounded with Roullier's issues, it really stands out. Basically, I think Scherff and Williams leaving were unavoidable and Roullier's recurring injuries were unforeseeable, while Moses leaving was completely avoidable. I can see why people would blame it all on them, though. The OL has been ruined, and Cosmi is really the only high draft pick devoted to renewing it. They thought they could fill the gaps with ex panthers and coach up late rounders. It hasn't panned out.
  2. Recency bias against an unsuccessful front office, mostly. I guess you could blame Ron for not giving him a new contract, and wanting him to play the current one out, but given the circumstances..... it's not exactly fair to fault him for not throwing guaranteed money at a player who'd sat out the previous season with health issues. There's plenty enough to blame on Ron's crew without resorting to that.
  3. Yeah, to give them credit, I think Leno has been a good find and Cosmi will likely be a solid guard if healthy. It sure has been a frustrating offense to watch though. So many times, teams would just run stunts and the pocket would collapse so quickly that it was impossible to run a vertical offense, not that it stopped Turner from trying.
  4. I suppose it may have worked out if they had prioritized retaining some of the other talent on the OL, aside from Roullier (whose injury streak was both unfortunate and unpredictable). I feel like Scherff bailing for the most money possible was very easy to see coming, though....and this crew has been much to eager to cast away NFL starting caliber talent across the board in lieu of athletically talented but raw projects, taking it for granted that they can be coached up. I guess that's the reason Coach-centric front offices rarely produce better than mediocre results....
  5. Yeah, getting rid of Moses was probably the strangest personnel move that RonCrew has made. The Trent situation was such a mess from the last staff that I can't really put that one on them, but Moses was an above average tackle whose only negative was a proclivity for untimely penalties. That RT spot has been a mess ever since, at least pass pro wise....and it's not as if the ravens gave Moses a monster deal or anything. When it comes to a lot of the regime's mistakes, I can at least understand the reasoning behind them, but not this one. Maybe he didn't have a firm enough handshake, or didn't salute hard enough?
  6. Of course you're a big fan of FB/TE, every season since Bates was drafted you make preseason posts about how he's going to break out this year....like a blocking TE is gonna suddenly catch 80 balls and put up 8 TDs. It's pretty funny. I look forward to it in a seasonal way.
  7. I was gonna Banks, but it seemed to be retreating into the past more and more....would've been a lateral move. I figured some 90 year old like Dan T. would throw out Dinosaur Jones and that would end it.
  8. You know an OC is done when they keep talking about them moving from the booth to the field to the booth.
  9. Yeah, I'm done with Howell. They need to put Brisket on the Morton's menu and resign him. Vet min plus incentives until the apocalypse. Gonna keep posting about this for the rest of the year. Why? I learned it from you, ES.
  10. Who is this scrub wearing Colt McCoy's number? I thought Gruden retired it. Outraged.
  11. He'll be back in November, but you can expect some pretty hype workout videos until then.
  12. I still think it's too early to think that Howell is the answer at QB, but he's been pretty accurate in his limited action so far, and has an arm and some mobility. Which means he'll be injured soon enough....I really think they should've prioritized getting a solid OL for him this offseason, but what do I know? Guess we'll see.
  13. Yeah, I don't watch TV other than this, either. They keep boiling the frog slowly with the length of commercial breaks. 30 minutes of airtime used to be 27 minutes of content....I think its around 18 now when it comes to sports..... Thank god for mute buttons and cellphones.
  14. What are they even now? Ketchup, Mustard, Black, Steeler, Speed conjuring White, weird gradient red/white?
  15. Needs to run a couple of OL free agents into the facility to play instead of these scrubs.
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