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Everything posted by GhostofSparta

  1. I'm not sure Stafford got that, but if they get the spot the Rams need to run a play ASAP
  2. Sounds like it's time for this tip line to get flooded with false leads and tips against conservative teachers. Overwhelm it like that Texas abortion snitch line.
  3. They said "Marquee," not a C+ player on a D- team.
  4. There's still time for the Steelers to score 2-3 more TDs on a prevent D in the 4th once this is put away. 49-28 looks like less of a blowout than 35-14 somehow.
  5. Not me. I live near Pittsburgh, so I've been subjected to the "Big Ben Farewell Tour (For Real This Time, Probably)" all season. I fully expect them to pull out a miracle win and continue this bull**** for another week at least. Ugh, why can't he just go away?
  6. Cowboys jump offsides, set their record for post season penalties?
  7. Offense wants to wait until 10 seconds on the playclock to sub in? Rules say the D has the same chance. Don't get too cute, won't get that penalty.
  8. How do you not see that fake coming? My God. Everybody but that one blocker.
  9. McCarthy got so used to Rodgers being the HC. He's having a hard time with his QB not running the game for him.
  10. Oh no, Micah Parsons is one of literally only 2 people on the Dallas D (if you listen to the media). How can Dallas possibly survive with only half their defense on the field?
  11. Ok Jimmy, just do what you do best. Hand it off 40 times, throw 3 deep balls, and let your defense win the game.
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