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Everything posted by Botched

  1. Watched this last night. Pretty good fight scenes with no CGI, which I liked. The lead actress used a lot of MMA-style submission stuff. Armbars, guillotines, even a triangle choke. Unfortunately everything else sucked, so the movie was not very good. It had a weird mish-mash of a cast also. Antonio Banderas, Ewan McGregor, Bill Paxton, Channing Tatum, Michael Fassbender...WTF? Gina Carano was hot and did well in the action sequences, but she stunk as an actor.
  2. I recently read the book that is mentioned in that article. It's really disgusting how those prisoners are treated. They're basically cattle, only they're used for decades of hard labor instead of for food.
  3. "Day ight" as in "Dey aight" as in "they aright" as in "They're alright" as in "These donuts are mediocre" I think that's it anyway.
  4. Pretty good movie based on a true story about an Iraqi soldier who was forced to become Uday Hussein's body double during the Gulf War. Dominic Cooper plays both characters. The characters seemed a little too "Western" to me, but I enjoyed it anyway. Uday is so cold-blooded that Saddam actually comes across as a good guy. I'd like to know how historically accurate the events in the movie were, especially in regards to Uday's antics. I'm guessing not very.
  5. Yes. Especially when his shtick is showing them his "purple panda".
  6. Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen an Academy Award winner in so many B-movies.
  7. I can't believe they left out Cuba Gooding Jr, who always looks thoughtful as he prepares to shoot something.
  8. How bad is it? Will I have nightmares if I click the link?
  9. I also watched that recently. I'm not even a baseball fan but I loved it. That movie really flew under the radar. CGI monsters usually look like cartoony crap, but they did an outstanding job with the aliens in ATB. Those things were ****ing scary.
  10. Easter bunny face hugger is brilliant.
  11. "What's your favorite porno" thread. OK, it was the owned thread.
  12. Cool post Bliz. I can't figure out those two either.
  13. Melancholia A planet is heading towards Earth, and this movie takes place in the days immediately preceding impact. (<--That isn't a spoiler BTW) A woman gets married and acts weird and depressed at the reception for some reason. Her sister is the other main character, and also acts weird and depressed, but it's mostly because she is convinced the world is about to be destroyed. One dude (Keifer Sutherland) keeps telling everyone that they will be ok. This movie got some rave reviews but I didn't like it, it just seemed kind of slow, artsy, and pointless.
  14. My biggest problem with that movie is that it's a bunch of white boys playing old school basketball. The game sequences are about as entertaining as golf. Another difference was that in the movie, Blomkvist never goes to prison for his libel conviction, he just has to pay $$$.
  15. I watched 'Warrior' recently. It's about two estranged brothers who need money, and end up competing in the same MMA tournament. I liked it. It's one of those movies where the ending is right on the cover.
  16. I didn't see King Kong either. I was too busy trying to figure out why there was a ladder on the beach.
  17. The Bucs, Pats, and Broncos changes were nice, because their older unis all had cartoonish and/or homosexual cartoon characters on them. We have a dignified-looking Native American on ours. It looks classy and respectable. We shouldn't change it just for the sake of change. I remember when the Bullets and Capitals changed their unis in the 90s. It was exciting for about 5 minutes, and then they were awful to look at and I couldn't wait for the new look to go away. I think a new Skins uni would be the same.
  18. The Tree of Life I'd explain the premise and give a review, but I'm not exactly sure what I was watching. I think it was something about hugs and/or dinosaurs.
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