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Everything posted by Botched

  1. They're doing an American re-make? I don't like that at all. Part of what makes the movie cool is that it's in Norway, starring Norwegians. That just makes it seem more authentic, cause who really knows anything about what goes on up there? Most of my heritage is Norwegian, and I know absolutely nothing about that country. It just seems like a mythical place. If trolls lived anywhere, that's where it would be.
  2. Watched Drive, thought it was overrated. They tried to make Ryan Gosling a super badass tough guy character. In every scene he's just standing there in silence with a pissed off face. I'm not sure he says more than 50 words in the entire movie. Looked awkward in the handful of non-driving action scenes. Dude is a good actor, but that is not the role for him.
  3. Of course not, he's a ****atoo. They prefer Old Country Buffet.
  4. Watched Fright Night last night. Meh. Pretty much what you'd expect. You sold me. Going in the Netflix queue right now.
  5. Watched Point Blank recently. French movie about a man who's wife is kidnapped after he stops an assassination attempt on a patient in the hospital where he works as a nurse. Bad guys tell him he has to get the guy out of the hospital and deliver him to them, or they'll kill her. The plot was kind of a cliche "We have your _______, don't call the cops or they die" ransom type deal, but it was very well done and not totally predictable. I really liked that movie. They didn't try to make it too serious, which is good, because it's hard to make a serious movie about giant semi-retarded trolls.
  6. That cinnamon challenge vid had me in tears...wow.
  7. That was a ridiculous volley. Those women can play.
  8. Love it. What is being put in there? It looks like a Mento.
  9. Wow that escalator .gif is fantastic. I wonder at what point she sad "F it, I can't turn back now."
  10. I've always suspected he was a T-1000
  11. Same here. He should start doing that every time.
  12. I would eat a giant cricket, but I draw the line at boiled crap.
  13. ^ I love how they threw all those acronyms and FBI jargon in there. I hope you notify the real FBI about that
  14. That was totally in context. :paranoid:
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