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Old Bay

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Posts posted by Old Bay

  1. Yea, the last piece.  SlingTV does get ESPN suite of channels though.  HD antenna gets football games... just Nats games left really.  For me anyway.


    We do pay for a cable box and the local channels which is $10 a month, which is fine.  We live in a bad place for antennae.  Right now I don't have a lot of time to watch sports with two little ones.  Football is a lot easier than any other sport so I can deal with that.  When the boys are a little older than I might look into alternate routes in getting access to sports.  

  2. I've probably said it before (even in this thread) but the only reason I really miss cable/satellite is due to sports.  I can't follow the Premiership or the NHL/Caps like I really want to, but reading, fan chatter and highlights will have to do until it becomes a viable financial option again.  

  3. Football league playoffs haven't really held my attention much as I don't really have any interest, but I would've liked to have seen Plymouth get promoted.  They've had hard times last few years and it's good to see them play well, so would've been nice to have them advance.  I guess stories like that give me some hope.

  4. What is the hype about Championship Sunday now that the league has been decided and Chelsea has won the title? 


    To see whether Hull, Newcastle or Sunderland will be playing in the Championship next year.   ;)


    I really dislike that phraseology; premiership and championship.  I'd prefer they be the old 1st & 2nd Divisions.

  5. Twenty years ago today Rovers won the Premiership.  Thanks Liverpool.   ;)


    I know a lot of fans urgently want a return to that but I don't ever see that happening in the current climate, and I believe it's pretty delusional to expect anything more.  A push for the Premiership and being a middling team there is all I'd ever expect and at most something like what Swansea or Southampton have done is probably the pinnacle.  Throw in an occasional deep run/potential win of one of the cups and that's about it.  For the size of the town and fan base I've thought Rovers have punched above their weight for a while now.

  6. That's what I'm talking about!


    I really like starting from the bottom and working my way up with League 2 teams.  I'd go lower if they offered it.  My problem now is that I don't have the time to play as much so I just generally play as Blackburn, but that still gives me promotion potential now at least.  Fun in game terms, terrible in real life.  I'm fighting for a playoff spot in my current season with them.  They lack depth so bad...



    That's what I'm talking about!


    And I know how you feel... it's hard to field a side big enough to make deep cup runs as well as working on promotion, and the strikers for those teams are always in there mid-30s for whatever reason.  I normally have to sell off whatever "promising" young player on the team that I have that has a low 60s rating (which is normally far and away the best on the team :lol: ) just so that I can fill out the roster with bodies for the long haul.



    I completely agree about those lower level teams.  Lots of old guys that are the spine of your team and you can't build with them at all.  I feel like the loan system in recent years has improved and I really try to lean on that and free agents.  I further limit myself by trying to only select from a pool of guys who I think would legitimately play there (guys from Britain, etc. mostly like you see in the lower levels). 

    I'd be so screwed if I ever played Football Manager.

    • Like 2
  7. No, this guy was actually good. ;)


    But to be fair, Lambert was a much better striker than he has been for 'Pool.  But that happens when people outstretch their club level at times.

    • Like 1

    All of you are amateurs!!!


    Until you bring up Lincoln City or AFC Wimbledon from League 2 and start winning multiple European Champions in a row... well lets just say I won't waste my flavor on you.


    My greatest achievement in career mode on FIFA has been with Macclesfield Town in FIFA 10 or 11 I think.  They had the slowest striker in the world to start out but he was such a poacher, it was awesome.

  9. Normally I don't have an issue with bunkering tactics.  I mean if that's the way you need to win then that's fine.  But generally it's used by teams that have lesser talent and I think it's sad that a a club can spend that ungodly amount of money to play that way.

    • Like 3
  10. Congratulations to both Watford and Bournemouth on their promotion to the top flight. In Bournemouth's case a first ever. 


    Although I'm loath to it as a travelling fan with another 2 long ass trips to two Southern clubs with ****ty grounds; they've both done tremendous on little resources to come out on top over 46 games. 


    It's been a few years in the making for Watford.  Weren't there new loan rules started up because of their use of loans from Granada and Udinese?


    I like seeing sides like Bournemouth make it up.  Good underdog story.  


    Glad to see Burnley sink, too.

  11. Thank you.  


    I actually really like this squad Bowyer has put together.  Seems like a good team and they all seem to get along.  If not for some untimely late goals given up we could be pushing the playoffs.  But such is life in the Championship.  Hope we can keep the core of the squad together but there will probably have to be some players sold to assuage FFP.

  12. I thought he did very well from what I saw.  God bless him and others like him, though, that's for sure.  For the first practice there were parents out there with the little ones.  I suppose that will continue to be the trend but I have no idea.  I know I'll dress a little more appropriately next time, though.


    I think Mignolet's answer was perfect.

  13. My oldest little one (3) started soccer last weekend.  He was tentative at first, but by the end he didn't want to leave.  All he wanted to do was kick the ball (we kick around fairly frequently and he enjoys it).  He didn't like the warm ups the coach was doing by running around and acting like animals to loosen the kids up.  When I told him he couldn't kick the ball yet when we were first starting he pretty much went into a shell and didn't want to participate until I coaxed him back about half way through practice.


    They just handed out random shirts and this is what he got.  Working ourselves out of the academy.



    • Like 4
  14. I don't necessarily disagree, but people can't have it both ways. Either friendliest count or the don't. They can't only be important when we lose and be meaningless when we win...


    There are so many variables in friendlies, I think it lies somewhere in between.

  15. It's late, but congrats to Liverpool on defeating the 'mighty' Rovers in the FA Cup.  Onward and upwards for someone, amirite?


    And my thoughts and prayers are with you, GHH, and those in anyway affected 26 years ago today. YNWA

    • Like 2
  16. 2022 WC Final Dec. 18.

    Unsurprised but equally disgusted.



    This sums up my feelings:




    Made up we've got the Sunday slot. Makes things much easier for that weekend. Work the Friday and travel down after some sleep on the Saturday now. 



    I'd be angry at the assumption your making, but we can't beat Blackpool so how outraged can I be?

  17. I don't think the play on Skrtel was dirty, some of the other **** that Gestede did was filfth... but alas.  Martin was just unlucky in how he landed, but I honestly didn't look at the play in the air too closely.  I was too busy making sure he didn't land on his head or neck.  Looked like his shoulder blades hit first and then his head.  Probably knocked him out and knocked the air out of him at the same time.


    Might've been chippy considering the competition, but Gestede isn't known as a dirty player.


    I know why Bowyer played the way he did, but keeping Rhodes on the bench the whole time really limited our attack.  He's not been on the same form as last couple of years but he's still a poacher with double digit goals already this year.  Maybe a bit more attacking minded at home next time.

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