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Posts posted by Springfield

  1. 28 minutes ago, Llevron said:


    They wouldn't have gotten 50 votes if it was much more progressive though right? Wasn't Joe Manchin flexing? 


    Also I just realized this douches name is literally Joe Man-Chin. Like a Johnny Bravo villain. 


    Yeah, he's the left's John McCain.

    28 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

    We're less than 2 months into this. The bill is a HUGE win for this administration. They obviously need to build from this & continue to push their agenda.


    I don't know that we get much more tbh. The right's pushback on this is HARD. They're already calling it a waste of money, I've seen the "It cOsTS $5,000 PEr tAXPaYeR bUt We OnlY gET $1,400 AnD sOMe oF US gET nOnE!!!!11" memes. I see nothing but gridlock after this. I doubt they can even legalize weed and fix the infrastructure at this point.


    (incidentally, it was SO hard to type that out)

  2. So, the after credit scene on the finale of Wandavision? Can one of you nerds hip me to what's going on there?



    Is that one of the shape shifters (skrulls?) from one of the Marvel movies that I only watched slightly? But it pointed up to the sky, like Rambo serves a higher purpose? Who is their leader?


    Also, the title was Series Finale. I assume that was just the "finale" to the show Wanda was pushing out there and not to the series of Wandavision. I assume the success of it will ensure a second season.


  3. 4 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:



    I only have 2, not getting to 3. Going to be getting rid of a bunch of baby **** pretty soon, the boy just turned one. Let me know if you are interested. 

    Thanks! We still have all the baby basics left over. Looking forward to finally getting rid of boy clothes and LOTS of boy toys. 

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:


    Congratulations! Speaking as a girl and the mother of a daughter and grandmother of a granddaughter, girls are pretty wonderful! I only had one child so I can't comment on parenting multiples. 


    So, give us the dets please! Name, weight, lenght, etc.

    We were hoping for a girl, which is why we didn’t find out the gender until she was born.


    Her name is Dylan. She was 8 lbs 15 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. So far she’s perfectly healthy and very chill. Not much fuss, only crying when she’s hungry or poopy. She’s very good at peeing and pooping, as well as eating. We find ourselves very lucky at the moment.

    4 hours ago, skinsfan_1215 said:


    At 6 and 4, your older kids can take care of themselves at this point. :ols: 

    Seriously though, my 3rd was born when we had a 3.5yr old and a 19 month old. My older kids are now 5 and 3 and it’s soooooo much easier. You’ll get used to the constant chaos soon. 

    They are pretty independent. They can kinda make themselves food, shower, brush teeth, wipe asses, stuff like that. Sit them in front of an iPad and they’re set (not an endorsement). I’m hoping that waiting this long for our 3rd will help out in the long term.


    Our 4 year old is the designated dirty-diaper-taker-to-the-diaper-genie boy. He wants to me helpful. Our 6 year old likes to hold her already and he’s a very sweet boy. I’m hoping they make things easy on us.

    • Like 5
  5. Hey guys (and gals), here I am. We made it. Our 3rd child was born this Wednesday, March 3rd. We waited to find out the gender until it was born, we have two boys, ages 6 and 4. Now, we have a girl! So....


    Help? This is all kinda brand new again. Anyone have 3 kids with some tips on how to make life easier?

    • Like 3
  6. I’ve been listening to a lot of Eminem lately. I think that Slim Shady LP was his best. I know that people like to say it’s Marshal Mathers LP but I disagree. I feel like the rawness on SS LP is the best. He had no success at that point.


    His newer stuff lacks the rawness and lots of times just shows off his technical skills and his ability to rhyme with speed. I can appreciate it on a song like Rap God, but does it really need to be every song? We all know that he’s in another level, but I’d appreciate a slower rapper with a more raw flow and something that sounds... better.

  7. Wouldn't surprise me if Wilson was done for the season. You can't go around and keep on injuring players like that bro.


    Sucks because he's actually a really great two way players with a ton of spark. Dude just can't stop making stupid mistakes when it comes to hitting people.

    • Like 1
  8. It's an L.


    The people got a $600 check, they were promised $1400 more and now a large number of them won't be getting that, others will get nothing at all. The minutiae of how the poor people who really need it got it, or that it was the republicans who were fighting for nothing at all, will be lost. They didn't deliver what was promised.

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