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Yng Lady88

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Everything posted by Yng Lady88

  1. Keep scoring and keep up the defensive formula that's helped us sustain this lead thus far. Easy enough? Lol We just cant let them get back into this by jacking 3's and easy paint points
  2. Amazing fast-break there! Sessions to Beal to Porter for the dunk! Otto is playing the playoffs of his life!
  3. Sessions get contact with no call but Teague gets the whistle. Such hull****
  4. Looking forward to Angry Panda. I was wrong. Dont retaliate, just play hard and kick'em in the ****ing mouth
  5. Somebody gotta put Teague on his ass. Hard. Next time he goes to the hoop. Under-cut Wall and clocked Beal in the air. Asshole
  6. I really wish Drew Gooden would stay on his damn feet and not go for the pump-fake
  7. These refs need to call contact on the drive to the basket both ways.
  8. This game is so winnable for us. Not thinking ahead, just taking it game-by-game. Great start for Nene but Gortat has to get into it as well. I feel Sessions, Beal, Porter and Pierce can get their shots but we have to defend them off the line. A lead can die in a second if Korver and Carroll get hot. Keep up thr pace, dont play selfish ball and play smart defense. This Hawks team does not scare me in the least. We cant be our own worst enemy. We stay in this until the end and we have a chance.
  9. Game 3 is this weekend? Good. Give the fellas time to rest and let Wall and the staff treat that hand/wrist as best they can. Wizards gave it a helluva shot but the big men had a pitiful game, free-throws were atrocious and defense went to poop in the fourth. Next two are at home where i am confident we get back to business.
  10. We need someone to be our x-facto. Beal cant do this on his own when Wall is out and Nene is struggling and Gortat has foul trouble. Sessions had a run in the third, idk if Pierce can take over games like that anymore and Otto isnt there yet. Overall, this was not a good game for our big men. Did Seraphin even play?
  11. I have no idea what that was. Gortat had a line to the basket and fell like a sack of potatoes
  12. Still think TOR fans are worst when they went ape**** last series on a offensive rebound back-tap that went over half-court and they thought it was a back-court. That was hilarious. And sad.
  13. I am really confused as to why he's refused to play him in this series and the last. Wittman married? Hump send dirty texts to his wife?
  14. Are you serious? Do you see how much time is left? We're not exactly down by 20
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