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Posts posted by Stadium-Armory

  1. If I'm Rivera looking at the big picture, and I see a new ownership group on the horizon, I might push all my chips in after the bye and start Wentz. It's an all-or-nothing move that could fail spectacularly. Or not. I think we've squeezed out what we can with TH and it has been a fun run.  Only caveat: take the temperature of the team captains on such a move. If McLauren and Jonathan Allen are ride-or-die with TH maybe you don't make the move. But otherwise, I'd probably go for it.

  2. I think a rebrand is only a thing that exists in the minds of fans. A new owner most likely won't be a fan of the team since childhood like the rest of us. Commanders is neutral to positive from an outside perspective and I think they will prioritize other things before a name change. They have bigger fish to fry like a new stadium, facilities, etc. They don't have the same name baggage as we do.

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  3. 1 hour ago, skinsfan93 said:

    Told one of my Eagles buddy yesterday during the game that I really think BRob will at some point in his career could be the NFLs leading rusher!

    Imagine 20-25 carries a game and him being fully healthy physically and mentally?  Henry is getting up there and Taylor plays for a bad offense. His biggest challenge could be Chubb but he has competition for carries with Hunt. All other offenses in todays NFL are too pass happy. 


    I'm less confident about that, especially the 20-25 carries part. As illogical as this sounds, I feel like he and Gibson have "chemistry" with the way they are sharing the load. It doesn't make sense to say that two guys who aren't on the field at the same time have chemistry, and yet, it seems like it's working in a way where they both thrive off of each other.  Kudos to the coaches I guess for figuring it out.

  4. Terry caught my attention in his post game interview when he said that [paraphrasing] "TH throws us lots of 50/50 balls and we love it. He gives us a chance to go make a play and beat the defender".   Which led me to think that some of his INTs (bar the egregious overthrows) are intended 50/50 balls where he knows the coverage is there but is trusting the WR to make the play.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    Does the actual number of seats even matter at this point? We know the GOP dramatically underperformed expectations, but will have a very narrow majority in 5he House. Dems keep the Senate and may have one additional buffer if Warnock wins the runoff. I just dont get the hour by hour, batch by batch counting anymore. 


    The majority party gets to control the committees. Those same committees that have been investigating Jan 6 and other things from the past administration will flip to investigating Hunter Biden and the like. Also, impeachment originates in the house and only requires a majority to adopt articles of impeachment before referring the case to the senate (which requires a two thirds majority to convict). We could see a ratified impeachment resolution come out of the House if the vote splits along party line. With that in mind, the more seats the democrats hold, fewer Republicans would be need to break ranks to defeat articles of impeachment.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

    Arizona is old and slow. Hurry the **** up snowbirds. 😑


    It occurs to me that the speed at which we count the ballots hasn't changed. What has changed is how close some of these races are. Razor thin margins. Thus the need for counting all the ballots before knowing who won. We used to have a clearer picture the night-of. 

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