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Posts posted by stoshuaj

  1. Not sure if this would be the right thread or that this would be an acceptable discussion (by all means let me know and I’ll edit accordingly) BUT I’ve found myself in a position of needing to utilize a DC dispensary/delivery service provider. 

    Does anyone have experience using one of these services that can provide some guidance/wisdom?  The way this is setup is different than Colorado’s storefront environment.

  2. 1 hour ago, purbeast said:

    Ooooh herp derp I see what you are saying.


    I may need sometype of glue/sealant to get it to stick though.  Any suggestions on that?


    @GibbsGreen11 where did you see that?  I am going to run to HD and have a couple things I want to check out.  I was looking at some of that Loktite foam possibly too.

    Is the wall hollow?


    If so, may want to put a tube in instead of trying to foam it.

    • Like 1
  3. Latest dilemma:


    Purchased a house to ultimately be used as a rental.  Since I’ve been here, my biggest peeve is the lack of hood vent over the stove.  Ok, so my cooking isn’t that great, whatever I’m not dead yet but damn, I have to turn the ceiling fan on and open the windows almost every time I use the stove. 

    So, this is a 1950’s home and apparently has never had one so there is no electric in place.  I can get that bc the breaker box is in the basement below the kitchen.


    There is also only about 6” between the stove and the bottom of the cabinet.  I’m not replacing the cabinets bc, rental.  My initial thought is to commit to blasting out the bottom of the cabinet to the 2nd shelf.  That’s going to be a pita.  I’m also going to have to pipe in the exhaust vent/outlet.  Another pita.


    Plus, if I bring the cabinet up that high, I’m going to have to remove a row of tile because the top row was cut around the cabinet,  come up with something to cover the space on the left wall, or repaint the entire frigging kitchen bc there’s no way I can find tile to match.


    What say ye home wreckers of ES?  Am I missing something that would give me another option?



  4. 12 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

    Yeah, I know I'd have to be very careful if using Bamboo, which is why it was only mentioned in parens.  There used to be a house in my neighborhood that had a bamboo forest in their front yard that provided excellent privacy from the road.  They tore it out a few years ago, though (new owner?).  Seemed like it was pretty well maintained until then, though.  I wonder how much work was put into it.

    The problem isn’t your yard, it’s the neighbor’s and the creek bed and the wood line, etc.


    Im not a landscaper by trade but I’ve damn sure done my share of yards from Md to Fl while trying to minimize incasive crap. And the big box stores are not helping, at all.


    What zone are you in?

  5. 1 hour ago, PokerPacker said:

    You know, I started considering that when I finally bought a house, I'd like a nice privacy fence, but realized it was probably expensive and not THAT private if your neighbors have two-story houses.  My new want is to use plants to create a wall of privacy.  Maybe get some cheap low fencing to keep people from wandering into your domain, but then a combination of trees and bushes (or maybe bamboo?) to really boost the privacy, plus give you some nature to look at.  Maybe even include something fruit-bearing to get something out of it.

    please don’t use bamboo.  Yes, it will grow and do what you want BUT it will not stop growing, everywhere.  It’s invasive as hell and a huge problem.

    27 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

    Moving soon and the prior tenants are gonna take their washer and dryer. Has anyone here ordered a new washer and dryer before? I heard bad things about Lowes and cancelled orders so kind of wary of the big chains (Lowes, HD)

    Is it a rental?  If so, Craigslist is your friend if needed immediately or, I’ve gotten them in estate auctions and stashed them away.

    • Like 3
  6. Apparently some of the “Southern Gentlemen” were tossed out of the Virginia Capitol.


    “In the late evening and early morning hours between Thursday July 23, 2020 and Friday July 24, 2020, Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax) unilaterally ordered the removal of a life-size statue of General Robert E. Lee and busts of seven other Confederate officials of note from the Virginia Capitol......”


    more at link below


    And predictably some folks are questioning the fiscal and legal propriety of it all.  As if that matters any other time.



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. On 7/14/2020 at 10:56 AM, Warhead36 said:

    Whoever they have subbing for Galdi at the moment with Doc Walker is awful. He has no charisma, sooo boring to listen to.

    Is this the same guy that was on today? I was just getting ready to ask about him bc he’s got a weed up his ass about everything.  Doc seems flabbergasted.

    • Haha 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    Don't think the FBI would be involved over paying off refs...

    Not if one team did it but I was (wildly and unabashedly) speculating that a multiple team/league wide instance would certainly pique the FBI’s interest, much moreso than some dick pics and harassment.  That’s the Skin’s type angle.  Well, that and I could see them losing at the ref payoff game as well if multiple teams were doing it.  


    Racketeering, fraud, RICO type crap amongst other potentially associated tentacles gets the FBI’s attention.


    Again, completely unfounded speculation but I’d jump on that bus before spinning human trafficking into the web.

  9. Throwing me speculation two cents for the hell of it:


    The holdup is that the Post started poking around at normal Skin’s dysfunction that they probably already knew about.  In the process, they uncover a multiple team paying off of the refs.


    Since this is now a league issue, where the real $$ is, AND, the FBI becomes involved, the Skin’s stupidity pales in comparison.  A collective “hold your horse” is released at Post Central because now they’re not just messing w Snyder, they are poking at the multi-billion dollar NFL bear and the FBI.


    badoom badabing

  10. Couple of thoughts:


    1. Going to withhold judgment on the noose in the garage.  They have to have a ****-ton of cameras around millions of dollars of sheet metal, scrap iron and tools.


    2. Stone Mtn?  Can’t just pull that over w a towstrap.  Wth to do w that thing, dynamite?  But, it’s also the most visited attraction (I think I read/heard that somewhere) in Ga, and that = big $$ to the state.

  11. https://wset.com/news/local/petition-to-rename-lynchburg-gains-traction-in-light-of-black-lives-matter-movement


    The city of Lynchburg is named after founder John Lynch. 

    "He believed in emancipating slaves," Chief Public History Officer Ted Delaney said. "He had slaves but he freed all of his. He supporting recolonization, which is sending slaves back to Africa. He did not believe in perpetuating the institution of slavery in this country."

    The petition was started by Daisy Howard, who grew up in Lynchburg. Howard believes that it is possible to honor the city's founder without using his last name.

    "If statues can come down, then problematic names of cities can also change," Howard said. "At the end of the day, it comes down to defending the word Lynch, which I don't think you can defend."


    **seems her issue isn’t so much with the person, John Lynch, moreso that his last name happens to be “Lynch” which to her, is inseparable from the term “lynch” as in “lynching”


    Did I read that correctly?

  12. 27 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    At first I didn't care if the season wasn't at least 81 games long but at this point, I just want baseball. Summer without baseball is just...not right. And we deserve a shot at defending our 'ship.

    Don’t disagree w the “want baseball” sentiment but,


    wouldn’t the Nats be “and still” as in “to be the man you gotta beat the man (woo)”  if there isn’t a season?


    Would suck though to not be able to properly defend as Scherzer/Stras/Zimmerman are not getting any younger.  Also makes for some tricky decision making particularly w regard to Zim 

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