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Mr. Sinister

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Posts posted by Mr. Sinister

  1. On 4/11/2023 at 12:03 AM, Mr. Sinister said:

    Been reading Craig Alanson's sci fi "Expeditionary Force" Saga on Audible for a minute. I'm on book 5 ("Zero Hour") presently.


    It's good. Reads sort of like a cross between Mass Effect and Lost In Space. Very Gung ho military theme. Also narrated by RC Bray, a very familiar name in the sci fi realm


    So I've been on a tear reading these, especially since I am now hospitalized 🤕. Currently on Book 14, Match Game. Love how there are so many inescapable parallels with Mass Effect, ESPECIALLY between some of the factions and races  (Battarians/Kristang, Asari/Rindalu, Protheans/Elders, Reapers/Sentinels), and even some of the protagonists, like Skippy resembling unshackled EDI.


    If there's one thing I will say I don't like, it's the annoying  repetitiveness that every book has. Basically, bumbling doofus army soldier Joe Bishop thinks up a dumb moronic plan that onky a dumb moron could come up with, and his Elder AI (capable of running circles around every other system in the known galaxy) makes it happen, to keep aliens from finding out that humans are traveling the galaxy.


    The logical framework provided starts to really not hold up by Book 8-9, and by now, it's just been blown to bits. It's good, don't get me wrong, but we're at the "Suspension of belief* point.

  2. 25 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

    You doing okay?  My day has been total ****.  Can't take if you're  worse. 


    19 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

    Poking my head in here and seeing lots of tough news. Sorry about your friend @skinsmarydu.


    Feel better @Mr. Sinister.


    Hope everyone has a good holiday. 


    I'm alright, thanks. Chest still feels funny due to the (sizeable) clots, but I'm just laying down, binging The Witcher on Netflix 



    Met my hematologist today, and she was... kinda weird. Approached me with an enthusiasm akin to Andy when he opened Buzz Lightyear. She says she's gonna take good care of me 🫤.


    I'll be ok ❤️ 

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  3. 6 hours ago, China said:


    Yeah, the corporate attorney for a company I used to work for had one, and it struck him while on a plane.  By the time they landed and got him help he was dead.


    Hope you're OK.


    Yeah, been reading stories on thus forum all day. Probably not the best idea, but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Lots of plane stories. Other stories like mine, fairly innocuous... Slipped I'm the kitchen, home improvement accident, dinged at work, and stayed off your feet for too many days.


    Caught a fridge on my mid foot about a month ago. I did notice about 2 weeks ago getting up one morning, that my leg had that weird feeling, like when you get out of the car after a 4-6 hr drive without stopping. Like a dumbass, I didn't pay that much attention to it. That should've been the moment when it dawned on me. It just migrated from there.

  4. 6 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    Good luck with that, bro, ****'s no joke and glad you caught it.



    Yeah. I think I'm gonna be here awhile. Freaked me out how so many ppl started coming in and out after results came back. I thought they were about to tell me I had cancer or something.



    Everybody keeps rubbing my chest down w all this weird gooey stuff to get readings (I think. I just stfu for the most part,  unless i have a feeling what theyre doing might be killing me), and I'm afraid that it feels very good... Might try to stay here a little longer.

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  5. Not to get it twisted, I absolutely enjoy slaughtering the evil, too. Reminds me of the bandit den in Fallout: New Vegas where the chef guy (I think his name was literally "Cookcook") rapes the NCR soldier, and I just chainsawed everybody at the camp 


    It made me feel good...

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  6. 3 hours ago, CRobi21 said:

    For you evil minded wrong doers in this thread that like tormenting innocent civilians, Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2 has to be up there.


    Few games give you the fun of lassoing a random stranger and dragging them behind your horse. Or keeping them lassoed and strapping them to your horse and then placing them on active railroad tracks. 


    There are so many evil possibilities.


    I used to cheat at cards, and if I was caught, I'd lasso the guy onto my horse and drag him thru town. 🙃 

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    Given that it is not being released on a platform I use, every time I drive by Bethesda's offices on I-270, I stick my middle finger out the window and in its general direction. 


    I found Zenimax studios' location literally by coincidence, dropping off a friend of mine who does Sleep therapy at a building across from them in the same office park in Rockville


    Thought about maybe throwing a couple pine cones at a window 🤣

    2 hours ago, JCB said:

    Who else is pumped up for Starfield?


    Hope there's a perk that let's me control alien animals, so I can (again) slaughter the innocent

    • Haha 2
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