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Posts posted by Bliz

  1. The guy in the office next to me is driving a 98 Maxima.  Noticed the antifreeze was low, so he refilled it.  But in doing so he went well above the "maximum" line, which I guess was somewhere in the middle of the tube, rather than toward the top.  Any potential problem in doing that, or is the "maximum" more a guideline than a rule?  If it is a problem, how do you drain some of it out?



  2. Bowling ball painted as a soccer ball.




    That video has been at the top of the page for several days now...and it still kinda pisses me off every time I see it.  It's fine for this thread of course...just, what kind of asshole comes up with a prank like this?  "Hey guys, you know what would be hilarious?  Maybe we can trick this 10 year old into breaking his foot.  LOL.  Kids are so dumb"







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  3. I kinda don't understand how you come to this conclusion.   I mean, in order to expand Medicaid, it had to be funded.  We can't pay for the Medicaid program that exists today.   As a Federal Program, Medicaid is not very efficient.   However, the GOP was and is in favor of making Medicaid a State Run Program.   It's not the GOP who is blocking this. 


    I seem to have accidentally omitted a few words, trying to post from my phone.  Not expanding Medicaid was exceedingly stupid.  It cost us a lot more dollars (broad view) to refuse than it would have to expand.


    Not setting up a state exchange was contrary to what should be conservative ideals, in the name of poking a finger in Obama's eye. 

  4. Lol that's crazy, everyone I know uses 2 cans of beer for 10 cup pong. No way each cup is even half maybe 1/3 if that.



    Popeman refreshed my memory a little.  I'm thinking we used to do 2 beers for 6 cups. 


    But if we had a keg, you tend to overfill... 

  5. How much beer do you put in a beer pong cup?


    Well, I'm married with kids so I don't find myself playing beer pong much these days, but when I used to, I think a solo cup about half - 2/3 full was the norm.  Is that not standard these days?  With what he has there, if your team loses you've drank the equivalent of maybe half a beer.  It kinda defeats the purpose of a drinking game if you drink slower than normal while playing.

  6. We're in one of those crazy states that didn't expand Medicaid. New governor to be voted on next year...and there's a Carter on the list(grandson).

    Our gov is awful. Not expanding Medicaid was exceedingly stupid and contrary to what should be conservative ideals, in the name of poking a finger in obamas eye.

    But I'm not convinced that Jason is qualified to be gov, or capable of winning

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