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Posts posted by RonArtest15

  1. Hope the Wizards can do whatever they can to package that #6 along w. Blatche. He HAS to go. I don't even care if we get fair value in return. He's such a negative on/off the court and the roster needs to be filled with committed players. Honestly, it would be addition by subtraction (going back to what I said about not caring about getting fair value).

    For as bad as Shard's contract is, I'm willing to keep him around because he's not a bad influence. Of course if there is a way to get him off the books, you do that deal. However, Blatche is my #1 priority (if I'm EG) to move.

    Let me ask yall...what teams do you think would be interested in making a move for Blatche?

  2. Love is actually pretty agile, although you are right, he has virtually no vertical. I do think Love is quite a bit quicker than Kanter though. When I look at Kanter I see a little bit of a guy that has been talked about a lot here in the last few days...Marc Gasol. A little shorter, but a similar body. Neither guy is going to shock you with athleticism, but you look at the box score at the end of the night and wonder, "how the hell did he have 23 points and 14 boards?"

    Also, Kevin Love's footwork is out of this world....what makes him so good is his IQ, positioning, and footwork.

    I hope we end up with a top 3 pick....I just want either Williams or Kanter.

  3. I would be fine drafting Kanter. It will be interesting to see if pro-trainers can increase his athleticism though. From what I've seen of him he's shockingly slow at times and doesn't have much in terms of leaping ability. I remember watching him in the Hoops summit and wonder why so many layups from a guy that big standing right next to the basket.

    The thing is though that despite his lack of quicks... he's always been extremely effective. That is far more important from bigs than what they look like IMO. Bigs often have strange looking games (Tim Duncan comes to mind) but if they are effective it doesn't matter.

    With some aspects of his game, he kind of reminds me of a variant Kevin Love. And remember, Kevin Love isn't especially quick and doesn't have the most eye-opening vert as well. There are some really good bigs in the NBA who don't have amazing quickness or athleticism. Kanter does have nice footwork, and that's only going to improve. I really like his upside seeing that he can do damage both in the paint and on the perimeter. Like you said...being effective is more important than what they look like.

  4. I'm in the camp that believes that Kyrie Irving wouldn't be a good fit here in DC, but I'm gonna throw out a hypothetical to see your opinions....

    Let's say we end up with the #3 and somehow, Kyrie Irving is sitting there because both Williams and Kanter were taken #1/#2. Knowing that there's most likely a strong market for Irving, do we draft him with the hopes of flipping him ALONG w. Blatche for another player and a later pick (or future 1st) in the first? If so, I wonder what teams would be willing partners and what player(s) could be involved?

  5. you have to get value to trade out. This is a weak draft...highly unlikely you get much value for a lottery pick in this draft. If I did any trading, I'd package the 2nd round pick and 18 overall to get back into the lottery to take someone like Jimmer, Bismach, or one of the top Euros if they drop.

    My wish list in this draft goes like this:









    Only way I'd trade out of our lottery pick is if we could package it with a couple players like Blatche/McGee/Young for an impact PF/C....but that isn't going to happen.

    ---------- Post added May-15th-2011 at 09:34 PM ----------

    funny how Wizards games are empty unless we are playing the Heat, Celtics, or Lakers...and then we are outnumbered. Yet when we had Arenas/Butler/Jamison and were making the playoffs....that place was jumping with Wizards "fans"

    I still remember the playoff game against the Rangers from two or three years ago where the caps lost 1-0. We had gotten a power play or something at the end of the game and were threatening to tie....everyone in my section was sitting on their asses not making any noise whatsoever. I think DC fans suck in general. You do have your good ones...they are usually strictly skins fans and bandwagon for all the other sports.

    I agree with your last two sentences (about DC fans)....and they're dumb, too. I remember watching a Caps game 2 seasons ago, and Ovechkin had 2 goals in the game. The game went to a SO, and he scored a goal. Hats were thrown on the ice....seriously.

  6. is that really jordan williams?

    yeah man....he REALLY transformed his body quickly. I really hope the kid turns out to be more like Carlos Boozer than Sean May. If dude really impresses during workouts, would any of you mind the Wizards taking him with the ATL pick (depending on what we do earlier in the draft)? Of course all of this could have been avoided if we just took Blair a few years back in the 2nd round hahahahah


    chadfordinsider Chad Ford

    This may sound crazy, but there's a little Kobe to Marshon Brooks' game. He's absolutely killing it in 3-on-3 rt now He's waaaay underrated

    Kid can flat out play.

  7. Thinking about it guys its no way they change the name next year or the year after that. You can't make people go out and buy these jerseys only for them to be worn for 1 year thats totally wrong.

    Folks wanted a name change more than a new colorway. If you think about it, this could be a HUGE moneymaker for Ted. We know that the name change process takes 2-3 years. Keep the folks happy in the short term by giving them new R/W/B colors. They'll pay good money to cop the new joints....skip ahead (assuming they do change the name) to 2013, a new name is announced and the rebranding is complete and folks will be dishing out more money to have the "updated" unis. Win/Win for Ted & Co. This is what we wanted.

  8. Don't forget about Booker RonArtest. Booker is in the jersey picture StillUknown posted. So you've got Wall, Crawford, Javale, and Booker being used for the marketing. Three of our first round picks from last year plus Javale. Makes sense to me.

    Interesting that Nick Young isn't involved. He's more recognizable than Booker is and probably the fourth most recognizable member of the team. Perhaps he's not in our long term plans?

    Good catch w. that, SM.

    I think there could be something to be said about the players not included in the photos or in the debut today. Really makes me raise my eyebrows about Blatche...and now Young.

  9. I wouldn't read too much into this. I think they chose the three players they did because they are the youngest most promising wizards.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we did end up trading Blatche, but you have to have a taker first.

    I'm with you...honestly, I think Ted including Blatche in the "new" big 3 was nothing more than trying to drive up his trade value. He did the same thing (saying the right things) w. Arenas last year. I just thought that if you are going to announce a new big 3, those would be the 3 featured players selected for the debut of the rebranding of the franchise.

  10. Hey...let me get your viewpoint on this:

    Remember earlier year Ted was hyping a new Big 3. That Big 3 included Wall, Crawford, and Blatche. I think a lot of folks raised their eyebrows at why he would include Blatche in that statement. Anyways, in all of the debut pics of the new unis, Wall, Crawford, and McGee were the only Wizards to rock the digs. No Blatche. He had time to promote Lapdance Tuesdays last week, but wasn't included (I think) on this big day....a bit odd, no?

  11. It might just be Ted trying to bring positive energy into the franchise. I don't know how much time you guys have spent with business leaders but a good portion of these guys take the "positive thinking" thing seriously. I mean incredibly seriously. Ted even wrote a book on happiness. The wizards are in a cloud of negative press, results, and doubt at the moment and I am sure that this drive's Ted crazy. His tone and the tone of all leadership of the wizards is going to be all smiles and sunshine with Ted running the show. He might even be a law of attraction believer.

    I get the whole positivity thing...remember, that was one of the reasons why he was happy to get rid of Jagr. Blatche has some of the same characteristics. However, what good would it do to be an owner and publicly blast him? Hindsight is 20/20 and if the Wizards could get a mulligan on that extension that they gave Blatche, they'd probably want a mulligan. Best thing for Ted to do is to hype him up and hope that there is some GM out there who would be willing to take him. The dude has baggage galore and isn't a good influence on the roster (especially for a 6 year vet....).

  12. I think $5 million per year on a front loaded contract is fair value for Nick. I'd be hesitant to give him anything more than that.

    If he does stick around, I wouldn't give him anything more than a 3 year extension. There may be a team out there dumb enough to give him the full MLE (I hope it's not us). Although, with the new CBA, those numbers may go down....

  13. http://www.tedstake.com/tag/othyus-jeffers/

    ---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 11:59 PM ----------

    I wonder how NY and Javale feel about Ted not making them part of the new "Big 3"?

    Part of me thinks that Ted hyped up Blatche in the "big 3" for trade purposes....remember, he said all the right things about Gil before/during the season, and he was eventually moved.

    I would like to think this is just a ploy to up his trade value. We've seen this song/dance before with Blatche and the Wizards hurt themselves by giving him an extension.

    As far as Nick Young (I think I read it on here), his situation might be similar to Ben Gordon. The team may let him walk....

  14. First off...I gotta give props to my dude, SM. He was preaching patience w. Barnes all year and the kid started to live up to expectations. I wasn't too keen on Barnes from the jump, but the more I watched him play...the more impressed I became with his overall game. Honestly, he reminds me of Luol Deng. He'd be a GREAT fit at the 3 for the Wizards. I've always been high on Perry Jones and the one thing that kinda worries me is his lack of a 3pt shot. If we're in a position to draft him (assuming Derrick Williams is off the board), he has way too much upside to ignore. I wouldn't be mad at that selection one bit.

    The pick that I am most curious about what we're going to do, is the ATL pick. IMO, having Trevor Booker makes Kenneth Faried redundant. I'd look at someone like Markieff Morris with that pick. A big body who can rebound and play some good post defense. With our selection in the 2nd round, I'd look at adding depth at the PG spot. It's nice that Jordan Crawford can spell Wall at the 1, but having another body at that position wouldn't hurt. McCamey, Norris Cole, and Darius Morris would be nice additions. A lot can happen between now and the draft...so I'll be interested in which way the Wizards decide to go.

    *I REALLY think we need to do some sort of NBA draft database for the Wizards like we have for the Skins. That's one of the best threads on this MB.

  15. We've been hard on Javale all year and for good reason...but him getting his last two points last night was NOT his fault. Flip left him in the game and they were running plays for him JUST so he could get his triple-double. It's whatever. 12 blocks is flat out AMAZING. It was a rather unusual triple-double and I'm glad he got it. The only issue I had with it was the yell after the dunk...

    Let me ask you all this...what's the difference between the Timberwolves leaving Kevin Love in games where they are getting blown out JUST for the sake of racking up more rebounds/keeping the streak alive at the time?

    There is a big time double-standard because McGee is universally laughed at, and Love is and All-Star.

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