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Posts posted by DCranon21

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

    the political circus in the hearing today is just disgusting


    scalia and jordan are among so many goper pos's that i regret even exist and some dems are pretty half-assed too (no surprise) in their misleading topical ignorance and politicizing


    i love maxine waters' legacy and i expect she's still a very competent legislator overall but she just falls all over herself again and again at a mike in hearings where her she speaks in scattered, disjointed, and stumbling phrasing as a routine...often disrupting a productive tempo and flow that was working positively for their side


    i also see similar issues with dem idjits like steve cohen and j raskin (not always an idjit) and a half-dozen other camera-hugging dems


    i still think nadler's a big loser at a mike or on camera... but i'm getting off topic, some of those names aren't even part of this hearing 





    Good luck trying to replace Gym(spelled his name like that on purpose) Jordan in that district he keeps winning. Donnie held a big advantage vs Hill 64% to 30%. Problem with these hearings are they're just political theater and really don't hit on anything.  I say we need term limits in Congress and Senate to avoid this.

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  2. 1 hour ago, AsburySkinsFan said:



    Title: Trump insults and threatens GOP senators in long rant after health bill failure


    I like this synopsis because it demonstrates that  A: Either Trump is simply stupid or he's just a con-man. B: Trump is an obsessive and hates losing. C: Trump has ZERO strategic sense.


    I guarrantee you when McConnell hears talk of ending fillibuster he has nightmares about post-2018 Senate with a Democrat majority.

    He really has no clue how government works. Also no I mean no Senator R or D will ever go back to a 51 vote majority because they understand that can and will destroy a country in the present and future. It's there for a reason. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, twa said:


    I would go with the CIA guy's description of a probe or a Dem setup....but I'm suspicious by nature.

    It could have just been someone dangling a carrot to get a audience.


    No way would I walk into that with that e-mail exchange, ya use disposable flunkies for deniability.


    Forget ludicrous speed into that conspiracy, twa has officially gone into 



  4. Just now, PleaseBlitz said:

    Kushner is the only one that is currently working for the federal government (with a TS security clearance).  The number of meetings that he's forgotten about (under penalty of perjury) is approaching double digits.  He's so forgetful, I am beginning to think he has CTE.  


    This dude should have been escorted out on the 1st mishap. I've seen folks walked out for less than what Kush has done.

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