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Everything posted by JSSkinz

  1. Because nobody understands what Democrats stand for, I can tell you what I think they stand for but you won't like it so I will refrain.
  2. I'm curious if the WH can go after the Post and the Times and make them give up their source within the Government?
  3. Thats a crock, if you don't vote its because you didn't get off your lazy ass. Is there any real data to back up your statement?
  4. Whats interesting is Dems were pissed those Hillary emails were found illegally and now the Republicans are ****ing about the same thing, very ironic. Something stinks real bad here, based on the data I have to believe Trump was going to let Flynn stay on and the only reason he let him go is that he got caught. I think it's time Republicans and Democrats get together and throw Trump out of the WH. Let Pence run the country for the rest of the term and the rest will work itself out. Just heard Trumps candidate for Labor Secretary has dropped out.
  5. How do you live here 5, 10, 15, or 20 years and not eventually get proper paperwork (Unless you're a criminal)? I think our Government is just as guilty as the illegals because both sides have become lazy, the Government turns a blind eye and have become enablers and illegals know they are safe from consequence so they live entire lifetimes here without acquiring the proper paperwork.
  6. Look I agree with #2, but throw out the fact we have an idiot in office for just a second. So the question I ask is do I/you/we think its a good idea for the courts to ask for evidence of past national security issues to confirm that there is a threat? National security isn't a murder or robbery, there's a bunch of countries who have never attacked us but that doesn't mean it won't or can't happen in the future. I'm just looking at it for the precedent it could set.
  7. How can you properly "check and balance" when you don't have essential intel. I really don't understand the original reason for the hold. The courts say the ruling is based on the order favoring Christians and disfavoring Muslims. A Muslim ban would be a ban against all Muslims in all 54 Muslim countries, not just 7. Politics aside this ruling smells, it may be the right thing to do at least partially but it sounds like it lacks a valid argument.
  8. Look, the decision may be good for you now but the next time the court decides policy it might not.
  9. Regardless of which side you're on, I don't like the fact a court can interfere with our foreign policy. Its bull****. Trump's gonna go full retard after this decision.
  10. The ladies example doesn't make a lot of sense, hair dressers aren't wage earners so they don't get paid a salary and therefore the business wouldn't need to worry about offering Obamacare. This is how businesses get around Obamacare, someone needs to let her know. Typically a hair salon owner would charge booth rent and get a % of sales and then send a 1099 to the employee at the end of the year. The whole scenario is odd.
  11. I'll take the high road and leave the name calling to you, you replied to my post so why wouldn't I think you were speaking directly at me. I understand you're a mod and I respect the rules of the forum. If your direct reply to my quote was not directed at me then please accept this as an apology. I don't come here to troll, I come here because I disagree with many of the ideas and I think you can learn more by talking to those who you disagree with.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean by "how I phrased it before", it is what it is, radicals killing people in the name of Islam. If I were a Muslim leader I would dump as much as I could into separating my religion from the idiots who are exploiting it.
  13. Because we're idiots, we like to fund corrupt countries and make them strong. Concerning a Muslim voice I'm not sure its transparent enough, I don't watch too much tv but I don't ever see an unfiltered source of Muslim communication, its always a sound bite or 2 from MSNBC. If there is a source please let me know, I would be interested in following it.
  14. Its ok Larry, if I didn't have thick skin I wouldn't post here. I'm not a racist and the last thing I would want is a country full of white people, that would be very boring.
  15. Your 2nd post doesn't work, is this really a debate? I'm calling it how I see it, even some of the most liberal people have the same feelings when it comes to the Muslim religion. Can we not agree that there is a problem with a portion of the Muslim religion, that its dangerous and its creating havoc across the world. Is it crazy to say that or is it just not politically correct?
  16. So basically you're saying they bring more to the table than people like me, its ok, you can be direct and just say it. I think you're full of ****, you have no idea what I bring to the table but what I will tell you is I help a tremendous amount of people obtain financing for their businesses, these are people of all races and creeds not just white people. I may have some strong points of view but you labeling me is just as dumb as the post you hated.
  17. If you're asking me the answer is no, BUT the reality is that when people are murdering others in the name of religion its always the Muslim religion. I think Muslims need a way to get in front of the American people to explain the difference between the radicals and real Muslims, it's important they have a voice thats not filtered by the standard forms of media. I think there's a lack of communication between the Muslim community and the American people who are scared of the religion, I also believe it can be fixed.
  18. They could but the amount of money they have invested in US business and hedge funds makes me think they won't, in the end the all mighty dollar takes precedent over everything.
  19. I did but I'm really focusing on the order for the 7 specific countries, I don't think we would ever put a ban on the UAE because they aren't a country in civil unrest and they are business partners with the USA.
  20. Oh no, I'm gonna have to cancel the family vacation to the middle east.
  21. I don't disagree but preventative care in my definition is CT scans with contrast and even a yearly PET scan for those over a certain age. If you're talking about preventative care being education in lifestyle changes like eating healthier and not smoking well of course thats important but you can do all of those things and still have issues which is why you need the coverage to get the tests done.
  22. I see so many young children and young adults at the cancer treatment facility I go to in Tampa (Moffitt Cancer Center). Preventative care would have done nothing for these young kids/teens. Everyone needs health insurance.
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