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Everything posted by cougs

  1. I know Taylor is up next but I don’t even want to see him. I want to see Howell. I can’t stand either Wentz or Taylor. I am tired of both. Even if we make the playoffs , we are one and done. I want to see if we have a qb on this roster.
  2. This looks like the Chicago game all over again. Bad offense against bad offense.
  3. It’s time to start making plans for the playoffs. We aren’t going if Turner doesn’t get his head out.
  4. Once again I will remind you guys Scott said his offense would be no different with Wentz at QB. He is really proving his point. Win Turner, loss us as fans.
  5. Turner did say this week that the offense wouldn’t be different with Wentz and so far he was right. Turner must go (and the qbs with him).
  6. Do we have slants or release our rb’s into the middle plays in our playbook? I am just asking for a friend
  7. Defense can’t do that. They are the cornerstone of this team. Well play over. Let’s get it back. HTTR
  8. Let me make this clear you can’t run from the goal line in shotgun formation. Much less twice. This is why We need a new offensive coordinator.
  9. Man there is a lot of hate out there for Taylor. I don’t think either one is a good option, but please wait until something has actually happened before we start hating our players. We are having an incredible drive right now.
  10. So I am not a conspiracy theory guy, but the flags have already started coming out at an alarming rate to help one team. Then the tv crew isn’t showing the penalties. The NFL needs to get their game together.
  11. Yes I have watching this team since 1972 and the refs alway have called games favoring the giants and the cowboys. The team was always in the 80’s better and coached better to overcome this. This team is not good enough to overcome turnovers and the refs. You may not like it but it is true.
  12. These statements are bs. Every time we play the giants or the cowboy we know it’s probably not going to be called fair. The team need to be better than both the refs and those teams. No excuses
  13. It would have been nice if maybe we would have used a player that nobody has seen all year. Maybe he doesn’t do anything but maybe he is a spark like Collins has been for them.
  14. So I hate to keep bringing this up we don’t spend wisely during free agency and then we are just mediocre to not get high draft picks. I have been watching this show for 20 years. No playoffs, no improvement.
  15. The defense needs to press the matter and take control or this game is over.
  16. Please stop with the Moxie. Moxie only threw for 30 yards in the first half.
  17. Why are we playing so soft on defense. We are just giving Jone easy places to pass to.
  18. I hate to say this but a touchdown puts the season away for us. We will once again be just good enough to not make the playoffs and not get a top pick. I have been watching this show for 20 years.
  19. We had two weeks to prepare for this and we came with this. It looks like the coaching staff was so confident in our mediocrity at ol and qb.
  20. The giants made adjustments and are running a different offense from the last game. We are running our same old crap.
  21. This one doesn’t feel good. Two weeks and this is what they came up with.
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