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Everything posted by Riggo#44

  1. I pretty much tune 980 out over the summer until training camp. I used to loathe Lavar & Dukes--but Chad covering baseball is actually pretty good. (I kinda like him making fun of the stupid callers). I think 106.7, as an overall sports station, has eclipsed 980.
  2. I agree--Rogue One looks great. And as far as the Marvel stories being "crammed down our throats," if anything, that should be encouraging. Marvel is still cranking out good movies--their Tomatometer scores are routinely in the 70's and 80's.
  3. That's false: http://washington.cbslocal.com/audio/grant-dannys-dc-quick-pitch/ They also just announced Max Scherzer will be joining Grant and Danny for every homestand this year.
  4. Plus he outsmarted Han Solo...and had the coolest voice, pre-Lucasing the OT.
  5. Bad ****ing ass finale. That show is amazing.
  6. Agree to disagree--in 2014, when the Nats were in the midst of their 10-game win streak, Grant and Danny did an all-Nats format until the streak ended. I enjoyed the hell out of that--so it can be done.
  7. That's just false. They are far and away more popular than the Wizards--depending on what the Caps do--they would be neck-and-neck with them. The Wizards TV ratings have plummeted, and their attendance in middling. You're not even a Nationals fan, so of course they're not going to as interesting to you.
  8. Probably the same way you talk about a game that's played once a week. In fact, I would say there's more to talk about. Many other cities seem to do it.
  9. Does that mean that NY-worshipping ****tard John Feinstein will be caned off too?!
  10. You can talk a lot about Baseball: stretches, matchups, upcoming schedule. You can talk about who is killing it in the minors. What improvements need to be made. How are Dusty and other coaches doing. Problem is, most of the hosts don't want to make the effort. They give it lip service, but do nothing else. It was either when RGIII was benched back in August last year, or Cousins was named the starter, I don't remember which, the Junkies opened the phone lines and no one called in. Literally. No one. I was shocked. Lurch got on an begged people to call in. Finally the typical dipwads called in with the same pointless RGIII got screwed, or everyone hates him, drivel. You never hear the other teams in this area get that kind of leeway. Give the Caps and Nats (lesser extent the Wizards, mostly because I despise the NBA) some due--get some people who know something about baseball on shows. Do so promotion. It's not hard. Problem is, most of the hosts in the area don't care--Cooley and Czabe, for example, are Jon Snow when it comes to baseball!
  11. The repeated spikes to the face was a riot. The soccer one--I lost it when he curled up in a ball by the post, only to peek over his shoulder and get nailed in the face. That and the one where it hit off the cross bar and hit him in the face as he was crawling away.
  12. I enjoy Grant and Danny--I don't get the hate some have for them. Even moreso during baseball season--they cover the Nats far more than anyone else in the area.
  13. They did another one, this time with soccer:
  14. You wouldn't be disappointed if you watched Rebels. It's really well done.
  15. It's an hour-long episode. It looks dark, and wonderful.
  16. What's funny is--in this day and age--we probably already know most of it. A lot of people like Russell, and older journalists like Feinstein, still think the masses are ignorant and will buy anything they say. Fans today are more and better informed than ever before.
  17. The only real, tangible problem with that? It's Prequel-level terrible as far as plot is concerned.
  18. They couldn't use an actual island? Ever heard of IRELAND? They have literally millions of green islands. Should of gone there!
  19. New cast announced: Laura Dern, Benicio Del Toro, and relative newcomer in Kelly Marie Tran. Plus new teaser footage in article http://www.ew.com/article/2016/02/15/star-wars-episode-viii
  20. There are snapping turtles...and then there is the Alligator Snapping Turtle:
  21. I had a V8 2010 Camaro, in manual. Even in traffic, it was worth it. If you have a V8, and not a manual, I feel sorry for you
  22. I listened to some of Chad Dukes yesterday on my way home. He is so, so much better without Lavar, and it isn't even funny. He talked briefly about Haynesworth--and made a great point about why he would bring this up? He did't have the ammunition in the fight. He started a segment on Redskins haters. There were two primary ones: Fatty McFat**** and McNabb (a different Fatty McFat****). One person said Carriker--which Dukes shot down pretty well. It was much better then the "How Long Can I Listen to Their Show Before They Say Something Stupid" Game I used to play with that show.
  23. Also the Greaseman before he went completely bat****
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