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Everything posted by Riggo#44

  1. **** the Cowboys, but I hope they go 15-1 now
  2. Man, I wonder how long it took Reid to write this article while typing 1-handed: http://theundefeated.com/features/dak-prescott-dallas-cowboys/
  3. So, so many jokes. Immature, immature jokes:
  4. **** the Cowboys. **** them long. **** them hard. You just know the NFL has an entirely different rulebook in store for the Redskins.
  5. It cost me far less than $200 to lose my virginity...about 1/10th that actually.
  6. So did anyone spend more than 10 minutes today on the Nationals division title? Been unable to listen today, was wondering--anyone know?
  7. I've called and gotten through a couple of times. It's typically when it's a hot take and the groundlings are taking the bait hook-line-and-sinker. If I wasn't at work, I would have called in this morning re: Bryce's health. Rizzo called the Verducci report "inaccurate." He did not say he was completely healthy.
  8. Agreed--especially during the daytime. Most people with an ounce of sense in their head are at work--and really only have time to waste time on Twitter and message boards
  9. It's usually people who can barely speak English--and not because they it's their second language--it's because the callers are ****ing morons.
  10. I DC radio. Same talking points everytime I get in the car.
  11. Even if I wasn't a Nats fan, it was a terrible discussion. Who really gives a **** about Nate Sudfield?
  12. They spent roughly two hours debating whether Nate Sufield would be kept on the 53-man roster or try to sneak him through to the practice squad. And Dukes, I thought, was doing well on his own, now they've saddled him with the unlistenable Chris Russell. ****tards. The Nationals are about to win their 3rd Division title in 5 years. I think that's more important that the ****ing 6th-round-pick, 3rd-string QB!
  13. ****ing. Chills. This movie is going to kick so much ass. Thank you Disney.
  14. Is...is...that this coming Thursday?! As in tomorrow?! As in the Skins 1st preseason game too?!
  15. I lived near Joshua Tree Rd--the same time the U2 album came out.
  16. Daisy knows how to work that wood: https://twitter.com/_DaisyRidley_/status/724808463000428544
  17. If anyone has the overwhelming desire to cram an ice pick in their ear, John Feinstein is on 1067 at 12:45
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