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Everything posted by NewCliche21

  1. Doesn't NBC have it online on their main site? Yeah, it does: http://player.nbcsports.com/SNFPlayer.html?PID=61
  2. I thought that those were the different ones that looked like those paper clothes you could cut out, like these: http://familycrafts.about.com/od/paperdolls/ig/Paper-Doll-Accessories/ But colored in?
  3. Any confirmation that these are not up for consideration? I'm not being argumentative; I just want to sleep tonight.
  4. This has been circulating as a rumor on a bunch of sites: http://jockpost.com/nfl-nike-uniforms-2012-real-fake/ I would vomit if this were our jersey: Seriously, that is disgusting. The Chiefs one is red and yellow with a 21. Kind of, well, vomit-inducing as well.
  5. GREAT pictures, Mark! The last one is easily my favorite, since I was there. Best ending ever.
  6. What a great read. I'm proud to be a part of a board with such a great history. Even though I have never gotten along with Die Hard, I do appreciate all of the work that he has put into this. It also makes me miss more frequent posts from Art, Tarhog, Henry, and Pete.
  7. This is my 10,000th post. I can't think of a better thread for which it belongs! **** DALLAS!
  8. Regardless, we're doing it without him. I love Portis, one of my all-time favorite Redskins and clearly invaluable to our franchise's history, but it's done. The U is done in DC altogether. It's the next generation, and this generation knows when it keep its mouth shut. I am forever grateful for what Portis has done for this team, but it's over.
  9. You, sir, are a god among men for doing that. Not even joking.
  10. Click the football icon near the top. It takes you to a different page with the links.
  11. My bad, the original link has two soccer games playing.
  12. http://www.vexcast.com/play.action?channel_id=432 Works for me, only in Internet Explorer and you have to download the plug in. Buffering sucks, though.
  13. I think that people are missing that point. Nothing else really changed except for this contoversey, and that added 3.5 points. I'm with you, McD5. . . . this time.
  14. I lived in Baltimore and never had a problem picking up any Redskins game in 2008? Why wouldn't you get it? Because it's AFC-based?
  15. Guys, when you go to the chat, SHUT UP! Too many people and they're gonna change the password. Don't say anything because you'll lose it for all of us.
  16. I know that I answered, but this is the wrong thread. Go to the game one, please so I don't keep getting my hopes up that someone got a feed.
  17. I'm listening to the game and Tryon is killing THEM.
  18. Anyone have any experience with: http://onlinetvpro.com/?hop=hiwelcome&id=onlinetvpro I'm desperate over here.
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