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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. He will, because their coach is a "genius" mb459 we were five!!!
  2. "Unfortunately I have to leave, it was never my intention. As anyone who works, I still want to improve. After la Decima I went to the World Cup with the hope of getting a sign from the management. That has never happened, lot of lies have been told, they always wanted to blame me because I was the one who wanted to leave, but it did not happen that way. Unfortunately, I am not compliant to the football views of some people. All I asked was to be treated fairly. There are several things that I took into account, not just my salary. Hopefully find them at Manchester United, one of the biggest clubs in the world, with whom I hope to make history, "said di Maria Surprinsigly he didn't mention the rumor saying he got mad because Real forced Sabella to bench him during the final of the WC. As for Bale, a talented player but not worth his insane transfer fee.
  3. Welbeck might be the odd man out now.
  4. Algeria: a footballer gets a shot to the head and died in hospital He was the best scorer of their championship. He was lapidated, a stone hit him on the carotid
  5. He's going to ManU for €70 millions (including bonus), he'll make €8 millions/year (he previously made €3.5 millions/year). Nice slap in the face to the evil empire.
  6. "He must comply with the code of conduct of the club like everybody. His last chance? At the highest level, yes. It's all or nothing. Mario is 24 years old. No more age excuse, he is not ready to be a leader. With Steven Gerrard, Mario will be tutored and will play at his best. Mario needs to remove that pressure, " Mino Raiola.
  7. If you use firefox you can use the add-on google translator, despite the few translation mistakes you'll be able to get most of the articles. Here is the link to Kiosko which is a best of the world's newspapers (translation button on the upper right).
  8. Fined for misconduct The Guardian revealed on Friday that a clause was included in Super Mario's contract at the request of Brendan Rodgers. It stipulates that in case of delay in training, of any wrongdoing or trouble with his teammates, the former Manchester City striker will be heavily fined. It seems that this transfer was decided by the front office after the setbacks on the Remy, Falcao and Cavani deals. If Mario learns LFC is going to kick some asses. Edit: According to Mundo deportivo Reus turned down an offer from Barcelona, he wants to play for FC Bayern next year. Interesting since BvB's front office is strongly opposed to this move.
  9. I've got another one : Rihanna wants to buy Liverpool FC GHH is going to get giddy about it Her first move: sign her "baby" KB
  10. Latest rumor from the gunners Giroud + €40 millions for Cavani, never going to happen
  11. The magic spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdnmXxyt5GU
  12. Brandao giving a headbutt and breaking Thiago Motta's nose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuwAbjsQIEE Ashley Young Gets Bird Poop in his Mouth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XltvlMAxIk
  13. She's a die hard KB fan Khedira was hoping to get a salary increase through his WC title, but Real did not really appreciate the attitude of the player and his agent, Marca reports. Now they want to trade him right now rather than see him go free next year. Carlo Ancelotti was also not select his player during the European Super Cup game against FC Sevilla. A clear message to him. Chelski and Arsène are interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTeD03bOUqI
  14. Mertesaker pulling a Ribery ! At least he walks out with a title.
  15. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.maxifoot.fr%2Ffootball%2Farticle-22655.htm google translated Athletic and Dortmund negotiate the transfer of Marco Reus This one for Jobaga: Simeone: "I think with Antoine Griezmann, Raul Garcia, Mario Mandzukic and Jimenez, we have enough offensive power," he said in remarks relayed by beIN Sport.
  16. Cadena cope and Terra both claiming Reus reach an agreement. Atletico is willing to pay €27 millions transfer fee. Reus rejected BvB's new contract raise.
  17. PSG resuming talks with Real for Di Maria, Lavezzi becoming expendable, this is bad news for Cavani who won't be traded.
  18. It's called mordida Double meaning in Mexico: bribery
  19. Absolutely, he was frustrated because Deschamps din't select him for the WC, and seemed to forget that he gave him a chance to comeback while he had a piss poor year with Monaco. Now I'm waiting for the arrogant Knysna prick cpt to call it quits, that will make my day. Ribery (31) is being bashed on twiitter. He has the chance to end his career on a high note at home during the next EC in 2016, but he choosed to quit, what a moron ! I almost forgot, the bad team France doctors didn't help him with his back spasms, only the Bayern docs can cure his back spasms !
  20. That's why I'm hoping for since last year, but we might hit the reality check wall with those doggone Qataris from PSG. The only chance Edinson will leave is pending on the Di Maria signing. Latest rumors have PSG withdrawing from the Di Maria bidders and ManU being on pole position. PSG has a knack to ruin players' talent such as Cavani, Pastore, Lavezzi, Menez, Lucas, Marquinhos (still don't give up on him), Silva the Diva playing above average but not like he used to at Milan. Edit: Perez is in Paris, maybe he'll lower his transfer fee for Di Maria.
  21. And Di Maria who was ordered to pull out of the WC final by Real.
  22. Timing was very suspicious to say the least, CR7 played the semis and the final with a serious injury. I don't like his attitude but he does have my respect.
  23. Good news, two left to go, the Knysna prick cpt and KB.
  24. Latest rumor: ManU interested in Rojo, Blind and Di Maria. Van Gaal has €100 millions left to spend after ManU spent the same amount on Herrera and Shaw. Another kick in the ass to Platini's FFP.
  25. As he announced before the World Cup, Marco Reus should remain at Borussia Dortmund this summer. However, the situation will be much different in 2015 with the activation of a transfer clause of €35 millions. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitunge the BVB tries to cancel the clause by offering him a new contract worth €6 millions/year (from €4.5 millions). Will it be enough to convince him ?, I doubt it.
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