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Everything posted by NoVaSkins21

  1. Max is laboring with 50+ pitches. Got to make Greinke work
  2. Greinke dealing like he was in DC. Let's hope that changes
  3. Here's hoping Max is locked in and on his game. No early inning runs which is the only thing I'm fearing. Start and finish the fight strong tonight
  4. True, but they have a chance to be road warriors tomorrow
  5. BS CALL! Never heard of such a thing. Turner was doing what he's supposed to. HORSE **** They want the series to end tonight. No question
  6. Seriously? Strasburg is in a grove now and let's hope it stays that way
  7. That was too easy. Robles will swing at anything. Not going to take many pitches
  8. I will say that I feel sorry for the fans who had to fork over a kings ransom to attend 3 games and watch this team score a total of 3 runs.. They deserved better. This is pathetic
  9. The Zimmerman AB killed that inning. Swinging at garbage and then Robles had no chance anyway vs Cole
  10. It's a MUST to score first otherwise it's uphill battle and that plan has already been executed to perfection by the Astros. Not having Max sucks but Joe Ross isn't some nobody. True Nats fans know that he's a very capable pitcher. Small sample size but he's already shown that he can get guys out in this series. Hopefully he's got some of that same stuff tonight. Their guy delivered some big innings yesterday and hopefully it's Ross' turn to do the same tonight. Here's hoping for the best and let's see what happens.
  11. Here's hoping that happens. Let's just see how things play out
  12. One way or another this series ends in Houston. The question is will the bats wake up or not when it does
  13. Sucks to say, but these past 2 games really demonstrate championship pedigree vs being there for the first time. Hopefully, they get it together, but I really doubt it
  14. The fact that they can't hit anymore just doesn't bode well at all for the next 2 games
  15. Getting that one run seemed so difficult enough. They don't have it anymore
  16. Credit to Houston, but to go from scoring 17 runs in to 2 games to 1 so far in the next 2 games is just AWFUL
  17. They should've stayed more focused coming back to DC instead of relaxed with a 2-0 lead. Offense is DEAD. They're the ones needing a team meeting right now. Hopefully they get it together tomorrow night.
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