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Everything posted by GOSKINS_08

  1. Wtf refs, how about a call? Morris Gets ****ing hacked and no call. Wow.
  2. Paul George was just too much. That call at the end sucked but stars get that call. That was a huge game in the standings.
  3. I'm at the game. Right behind the pacers bench by the tunnel. Offense looking good but how about some defense on George and Ellis?
  4. Man, Wall is too good. Why isn't Alan Anderson playing tonight?
  5. I remember him not doing ****, crying after we swept that ass last Playoffs lol.
  6. I know LeBron isn't playing but this is a good win still. I'm liking our bench with Alan Anderson. Need to get Beal and Morris in the starting lineup.
  7. How many fast breaks lead to missed layups? Of course they get a buzzer beater. This is 1 of those games I wanna just turn off. No need to deal with the frustration. We have a chance but we don't want it tonight.
  8. No defense, no rebounding, no urgency. Sad but we still have time to fix it.
  9. That's why I quit posting in here as much. When we're losing its intolerable. So much so that people think giving up Blair for Morris is bad because Blair was so much of a good locker room guy. Nevermind he never played lol. Hopefully these guys don't cheer too much for us when we make the playoffs.
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