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Posts posted by AsiaticSkinsFan

  1. And your position would make sense if

    A) If Okafor and Ariza weren't decent players who improve the team

    B) Weren't also set to become expiring deals just next year--when we have a chance to actually attract decent players to take up the free cap space we'll have

    C) We gave up something more than Rashard ****ing Lewis and a pick that is almost a lock to spend more of his career in the D League than on someone's active roster

    I can understand not liking the move for whatever reason, but the hyperbole in the negative reactions is just mind boggling. I think that's what's getting to me the most. EDS, Ernie Derangement Syndrome

    A) I never said they werent decent players. My post said they were decent players. But remember they played on the 3rd worst team in the NBA last season as well.

    B) Okafor is up in 2014. Ariza has a player option for 2014. These contracts have two more years left on it.

    C) It would have been cheaper to keep Rashard Lewis as this would be the last year of his deal on our cap (as we buy him out for 13 million). Now we have two more years committed to two guys with big cap numbers.

  2. You know he didn't ask for the #10 how? Well I guess if he asked for it, they definitely would have thrown it in. Kinda like how we can force players to sign with us and use up that amazing cap space Lewis was going to give us.

    You know whats funny? I understand the negative Nene trade reactions MUCH more than the reactions to this trade today.

    poor choice words, we should have gotten that pick out of this.

    Look at it from the Hornets stand point, they dump two bad contracts in Okafor and Ariza, and only take on Rashad Lewis' contract which they will buyout for the 13 million. They now have cap space for 2013, two top 10 picks in this draft, and one being the #1 pick. This is a slam dunk trade for the Hornets.

    What do the Wizards get? We get experience down low with Okafor who adds more depth to our front court and we get a decent player in Ariza. We also add those big contracts those two signed for the next 2 years. Thats about 20 million. Even after these moves, I am not sure the Wizards are a playoff team.

    I been asking fans this question, what is the goal of this trade? The way I see it, we are going to be a team that just misses out on the playoffs. Being an 8th seed or just missing out on the playoffs is the worst place to be for an NBA franchise as its hard to improve from there.

    This trade feels like what this franchise has done for over 20 years.

    ---------- Post added June-20th-2012 at 09:56 PM ----------

    So, does this mean TRob or MKG is off the table? Not knowing much I was kind of hoping for TRobinson.

    we are drafting Beal.

  3. I watched the fight THREE times. Pac still won 9 out of 12 rounds in my book. And when did I ever say I was gonna stop watching boxing?

    I didnt mention you, I was talking about the hysterical reactions in general by the media and public and even Capitol Hill.

    And in those 9-3 rounds, did you believe many rounds were close? What was the ultimate determinant?

    And the video was about HBO being biased in their coverage. Bradley lands clean shots and blocks a lot of Manny punches and they ignore Bradley and give Manny credit for hitting glove.

  4. You guys need to stop. Everyone knows Pacquiao won the fight. Even Pacquiao haters admitted it. Having a different opinion doesn't make you cool.

    did you bother watching the video or are you just going to continue burying your head in the sand?

    You can say Manny won, thats fine, but to say it was a robbery or a misjustice or say the fight will make you stop watching boxing is nonsense and hysterical.

  5. Give Bradley credit. It wasnt "Manny making Bradley look better than he was," it was Bradley slipping punches to lessen the power and moving his head to avoid (which that old clown shoes Lederman missed right after he did it).

    I give Manny the fight still, but it was not a robbery. Not even close, and could have gone either way and I get it. The outcry and screams of injustice is just nonsense.

  6. Top Rank is floating Sept 15th for JCCjr/Martinez on HBO PPV. Same day as the Canelo/Ortiz Showtime PPV.

    One of those fights is getting moved, no chance in hell Mexico's two largest attractions fight on different PPV's the same night.

    Last week's decision isnt whats wrong with boxing, stupid things like this are whats wrong.

  7. When has Manny had any problems with boxers? Not that he's faced a lot of boxers. And how do you control a fight when you're backing up mist of the time?

    I guess those Marquez fights were before your time?

    He even struggled with Cotto until Cotto lost his head and decided to brawl. Shane was giving him problems too even when he went into retreat mode and actually try boxing out.

  8. EDIT: It WILL NOT make a bit of difference if you turn the sound off.

    it does. Im telling you, the fight I saw on Saturday live was completely different than the one I saw on Sunday without any sound.

    the fight was very close. A lot of those rounds were close. And I guess Manny has some conditioning issues because he wasnt taking rounds serious until late and then just stopped at the end of the fight.

    ---------- Post added June-15th-2012 at 12:00 AM ----------

    If this is true, Mayweather would kill Pac with that type of thing.

    of course he would, Manny has a big problem with boxers. I dont think Bradley is that good of a boxer, and he was still controlling a lot of that fight over Manny.

  9. You say you're a fan but you call fellow Pacquiao fans bum lickers? Interesting.

    its interesting that you misconstrued my statement.

    I said I am a fan. I differentiate myself, the fan, from Pacquiao bum lickers, Of which, there are a lot of. They arent just fans of the boxer, they are on the cult of personality. Being a fan, and being a bum licker of a person are two very different things. I was clear on that too.

    Its just like one person being a conservative but not an extreme conservative.

    Unless, YOU believe that all Pacquiao fans are bum lickers. If thats true, I take great offense.

    As for your point about Pacquiao not connecting on a lot of punches. He still was connecting more than Bradley. And don't give me the argument that the telecast influences people. One of the judges made the same claim. How do you explain the entire MGM Grand (who didn't hear the telecast) thinking Pacquiao had won an easy decision?

    He connected more than Bradley, thing is a lot of that were in limited rounds. ON top of that, Bradley was actually controlling the rounds and showed more ring generalship, specifcally in the later rounds. Points are not just assessed based on punches that land.

    And like I said before, if people felt a way about the decison thats fine. I am not going to try and convince people otherwise. People are etched in stone. All I am explaining is that after my rewatch I saw the fight differently than when I saw it live.

    Say what you will about that fight but way too many people think this was a one-sided fight. Not just "Pacquiao bum lickers." But ex and current boxers, boxing trainers, boxing analyst, vast majority of fans and even the Mayweathers thought this was an easy Pacquiao victory. No way we could all be wrong.

    thats fine. I dont.

  10. Now I see why you weren't all that upset about the outcome of the Pac/Bradley fight. Pacquiao bum lickers? Why are Floyd fanatics soooo jealous of Pacquiao?

    nope, you are not going to pull this one.

    Im a big Pacquiao fan. have been for years. I love watching him fight and have no issue with him. I have an issue with the blind fans who think he is a saint. I have an issue with Arum who is a proven liar and bad for the sport. And I have an issue with Freddie Roach's overrated self. But Pacquiao the boxer? I have nothing but love for. Easily an all time great.

    However, I had little issue with the decision originally because I thought Pacquiao got a gift decision against Marquez. Then I rewatched the Bradley fight with no sound and thought the fight was very close and could see the judges giving it to Bradley even if I disagreed.

    Manny really didnt connect with a lot of his punches and then just stopped in the late rounds.

  11. Your right on that but there's no you can compare loaded gloves too steriods. Loaded gloves is a sin in boxing steriods is cheating.

    yeah, I have to agree with that. Steroids are bad but loaded gloves will always be worse.

    ---------- Post added June-13th-2012 at 12:57 AM ----------

    Mayweather Cotto testing results


    Bull**** rumors you tried too help spread failed, mean while with all these positive test going around PAC denied testing from VADA for the fight, had a chance too show he is clean and denied the opportunity.

    that idiot Gabriel Montoya was trying hard to slander USADA and the Pacquiao bum lickers were trying hard to eat that up. Then ignore that he still has not had random tests in his fights.

  12. Combine 3/4 Sprint had some interesting results. Barnes beat every lottery pick that ran but check out TRob and MKG out running the super athlete PJ3 and all of the shooting guards.

    Barnes 3.16

    TRob 3.17

    MKG 3.18

    PJ3 3.19

    J Lamb 3.25

    Beal 3.28

    Rivers 3.32

    Drummond 3.39

    Zeller 3.40

    Sullinger 3.81

    all straight line sprints right? Barnes problem is he has no wiggle. His hips are stiff, and its why he has trouble beating guys off the dribble and is gonna have issues guarding guys.

  13. I've been professionally involved with events he's participated in. He's a nightmare to deal with.

    got ya. Are other athletes that have been at that level like that?

    I wonder if how under-appreciated he is tho makes him that way. The other thing that probably annoys him is that he is an intelligent and well-read guy who has to deal with people who ask him questions like he is an idiot athlete.

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