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Posts posted by Skin'emAlive

  1. 42 minutes ago, samy316 said:


    I truly don't get it.  It's bizarre.  I would be over the moon if I was a Wiz fan, if I thought there was a chance to get out of Wall's horrific contract.  There's more of a chance that he's never going to be what he once was, then there is that he will go back to being a top 5 PG.  Those days are over.  Once he loses his athleticism and speed, he will really be an albatross on offense.

    Elite vision never fades. See: Rajon Rondo. 

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  2. Here’s the thing. I’ve never been delusional enough to believe this franchise has ever had a shot at a championship. Like Portland fans, we know the ceiling. But just like them, there is value in rooting for your own. Rooting for the underdog. Cheering on the Stevenson’s as they have no shot against the lebrons of the league. You ship John out, you lose the soul of the team. Shep needs to fix this 

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  3. Nah. In 30 years of being a diehard of this franchise, they’ve had 2 stars. Gil’s career ended with the knee injury. John has been the best on this team since, and it’s not close. Marcin owes $70 mil to John, and the everybody eats crap was dumb. I’m not the type to follow a player. I thoroughly dislike Ted and Chris Miller. They removed Phil and Buck for Drew Gooden. Declined to sign a single 5 man in like 6 straight years. Kept Scott brooks. Honestly the list is endless. If John is traded, I’ll just be done. 

  4. Ok. Now that I’ve had some time to think about the draft...


    1. at #9, Deni was the BPA, with an exception of possibly Haliburton. He has upside, and has some difficult to find intangibles that are primarily internal. 

    2. trading down for Winston was not bad. I like Winston and like Deni, he has great bbiq. I really liked this pick. 

    Here’s the problem, and why I was upset. ( though I accept that by sitting at 9 rather than trading up, there weren’t better options)


    1. What is the makeup of this team? What is the structure? It appears our only strategy to winning right now is as an offensive juggernaut. At least need to average 150/g. That’s how bad this defense is. The team needs a 5 desperately, and all our cash will be going to Davis. You can’t say that you are drafting on potential, yet draft Admiral ahead of Bol Bol. Now here we are with Mo Wagner and Bryant as our rim protection, and no rookie potential in the pipeline. 

    2. trading down to pick up a decent PG? Not bad. But a 2024 second is all we can get out of that deal? That’s a bad trade. OKC has 200 picks, and we Somehow found a way to trade for one that has no value. 


  5. Unfortunately, I think Rui is who he is. I don’t have much faith that he will be any more than a serviceable 3/4 that has a wide array of skills, and a master of none. Like Otto, he lacks the fire and build. But Otto was elite from mid range, a 40% perimeter threat, and has the ability to produce with virtually no usage. 

    We have no cap space, so signing any mediocre-quality big is probably out of the question, not including the hurdle that is getting a deal on a terrible franchise. We would have to make a trade. I think Brown+Bryant+draft compensation would be acceptable for an expiring $29 mil Drummond ( who is close with brad btw). I wouldn’t worry about Drummond having trouble in the playoffs. We would have two defensive stoppers in Bonga/Okoro that can help out on the wings. John is an elite PnR guard, and we should (have been) exploiting that instead going hero ball. This should be a playoffs or bust season, because we would almost certainly begin to tear it down if this ends up another rebuilding year. 


  6. I mean if we are going to be honest, the best rim protector on this team since nene/Gortat has been John. I wish that were a joke.  Anyone that has a semblance of defense should look light years better than we’ve got in Bryant/whatever. 

    okoro brings elite potential at perimeter defense. Could make some moves and maybe find a big on a current roster. 





    Kanter/Lopez/? Drummond!?


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  7. I feel part of the issue John had with keeping his weight in check was due to the bone spur misdiagnosis for 6 years. ( which is incredible btw). I’m not ready to throw in the towel on John. His game has made dozens of careers here. Westbrook’s aura made one play harder on another team. Give me wall with a pnr threat and bertans/Beal as kickout options over Westbrook.

    It’s a bad contract, sure. But every contract is bad unless u are a contender and a guy like David west offers to play for free. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. I’m not ok with the name change in general. The fact that the dogs were called off on every other native affiliation in sports only strengthens my opinion there. 

    But like many, I’m just trying to accept this situation and make the best of it. As long as the new name/logo doesn’t end up a travesty ( see: Wizards). I like the redwolves. And I personally think Wright will do right by the fans. He’s a good dude. 

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