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Everything posted by bh32

  1. They did and he was getting shut down by some second string scrub..He played like ****
  2. It's unacceptable to have that many resources put into a DL and get absolutely no pressure on the QB..
  3. Complete garbage Defense..So overated
  4. Im not a hater,just stating facts
  5. Im sorry Chase young is getting his ass beat by a backup OL..
  6. Del Rio sucks..what kind of coverage was that?
  7. Chase Young needs to pick up his game
  8. Yeah that's a waste of talent to 2 gap with this DL
  9. Team is poorly coached..looks no different than when Gruden was here.
  10. Del Rio is calling a **** game today on Defense..Playing 10yrds off of WR's on a 3rd and 4?
  11. Fitzpatrick has a very weak arm
  12. Well there has to be more to it..Like it shows on that list he's not cooperating with the testing clinic,which makes complete sense since he was out all year with a mystery hip injury..He is probably taken PED's and doesn't want to get popped for it..You guys always blame someone else for the reason your players get in trouble instead of placing blame on the player..Case in point Dak's dog attacks neighbors and it's the person who cleans his pools fault according to Cowboys fans...lol
  13. Yeah,But their fans are unbearable right now..Talking how they faced the #1 defense in the NFL and Dak out played Brady..How they will easily win the NFC East..The NFL did them a favor by not scheduling a game against the WFT until the end of the season..WFT is gonna eat that offense alive
  14. Those idiot fans think Tampa has the # 1 Defense...They are in for a rude awakening when they finally meet a defense that has a legit pass rush and not some over the hill pass rushers.
  15. Well part of the problem is DC's are too scared to play man with tight coverage..If you have CB's that can play press then you shouldn't have a problem..I think thats why the WFT went after William Jackson because he is a good man press corner..
  16. The hype that Dallas is recieving is over the top..It's the first game of the season and Tampa could be trash this year..That defense is old,so who's to say they haven't really regressed? I Mean have we not seen a team that was all world the previous year and a team playing them that wasn't so good the year before almost beat the all world team and come to find out that all world team just sucked..I think that actually happened to the WFT one year
  17. Yeah it's time for this Defense to put up or shut up..Year two in the system should produce better results..No excuses
  18. Cowboys fans blaming the NFL for his suspension..They have to have the dumbest ****ing fans in the NFL.
  19. Dallas pulled every trick out of the playbook..They played a defense with one of the worst secondaries in the NFL when fully healthy and they weren't healthy last night..Why do you think Dallas was constantly putting 5 WR's on the field?..Dallas had all offseason to prepare for what Tampa does on defense,So i see nothing great in Dak's performance..They pulled plays out of the playbook that no one had seen them run..
  20. Now we have to hear how great Dak is..Parsons is gonna be a bust, He bites on play action and misdirection way too much.
  21. What about pulling Vea's helmet off and allowing the TD to stand? You don't think that is a critical call? You can call penalties on every play so blaming that for the reason they lost is weak..Dallas threw everything they had at Tampa and it wasn't good enough..
  22. People using that OPI as an excuse for why Dallas lost is pathetic..Dallas's OL line was holding all night and on one of Dak's TD passes in the 2nd QTR a OL literally pulled Vea's helmet off and yet no flag was thrown..So the excuse of they lost because of a OPI is weak.
  23. Dallas was gifted 3 turnovers and still lost..Tampa's secondary was without their best CB and S and even if Tampa's secondary was at full strength they aren't that great..Tampa's strength on defense is that front seven that stops the run..I could be wrong and Dallas might be really good.
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