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Everything posted by bh32

  1. Preseason or not..this 2nd string Ravens defense should not be giving Commanders #1s this much trouble...
  2. Not impressed with this team..four years in and still lacks talent to go toe to toe with the better teams..Ron and the Marty's need to go after this season
  3. What does that have to do with deaths? were hammers designed to kill? no ,but people are killed by them..Dosen't matter if something is made to kill someone or not they still kill people..smdh Lol you can't be serious..Look at all the kids dying from things being laced with fentanyl..Show me a auto manufacture that has been sued for someone killing another person with a car..go climb back under the rock that you came from.
  4. Yet they both kill. Yeah don't run into the back of it...lol
  5. Drug dealers? so if you hold gun manufactures accountable then what about automobile manufactures?
  6. Well that ain't stopping them obviously..how do yo suppose they stop the gun violence that his happening?
  7. It's been proved already that these psychopaths are getting guns and using them on people even with all these red flag laws that are there to stop them from purchasing guns.So all the solutions that i hear from everyone is to ban and or confiscate guns..Well who is gonna go around and take everyones gun?
  8. Don't get smart stay as you are..So who is gonna take these guns from people?
  9. Turned out so awesome that that over 100k people a year are dying from drugs..Your gonna be waiting a long time before the war on guns happen though
  10. My point is relevant,because anytime there is a shooting everyone wants to take away guns,But ignore that more people die from drug overdoses and they don't put the same energy into fixing the drug problem..
  11. Now do a graph for drug overdoses..I bet it would be over four times of gun deaths.
  12. We don't even know how much he is truly worth, everything i have seen has him valued from 6B to over 7.5B..Unless you have access to his financial records you are just spewing BS..
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