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Posts posted by lovemaskins

  1. 35 minutes ago, sinews said:

    I must have really mellowed out in my thirties because I just don't understand the desperation and panic. The team won't be good next year, but at least we'll know a lot more about the direction we're headed afterwards. Right now it's just a bunch of soothsaying/doomsdaying and crystal balls. Nobody knows a damn thing or how it will shake out. Ride the wave or the process or whatever, get upset when there are actual results on the field to get upset about.


    Too much putting the cart before the horse in this fanbase but I can't blame anyone because that's what we lived on for hope under Snyder. 

    Exactly, folks talked themselves into the Ben Johnson to the moon and beyond hype and the crow is tough.  I haven’t been following to closely and come in here and folks are losing their minds, funny as hell.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, RWJ said:

    That'd be fine with me as DC but I'd rather have Weaver.  Again, why has Quinn's D choked each year in the playoffs?  

    Personal opinion is his defenses are built on speed and pass rush to force turnovers, which is great for the regular season when you’re playing with a lead or inferior offensive lines and QB play, but in the playoffs teams are more evenly matched.  

    Green Bay got downhill on Dallas from the jump, a known weakness of that defense. Micah is awesome blitzing, but he’s small taking on double teams from 6’5” lineman ALL DAY.  He wears down.  Same for their smallish quick backers and safeties.  That’s why more teams are running the ball and having success, defenses have been built this decade to defend the pass, but they’re more susceptible to being pounded.  

    Look at the teams playing today, they all bring the pain running the ball, why I turned on EB, fool refused to run the rock!  It’s not smart football to throw >40 per game on avg., you run it! 

    • Like 2
  3. 20 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    You also can’t statistically analyze play calling.  It’s impossible.  

    Credentials for statement: working in data and analytics for damn near 30 years.  

    Same, but not as long. Now I know why I typically like your posts.  It’s why I roll my eyes when folks start regurgitating stats from PFF they have no idea how they were calculated or understand context.  Chicken metrics…


    Math can tell you anything you want it too.  Relativity is my favorite! Freaky stuff!

    • Like 1
  4. 44 minutes ago, CapsSkins said:


    Who said not to hire the best candidate?


    I'm a dark-skinned minority myself. If I were a coach, *I* would be a Rooney Rule candidate.


    My point is simply this: the speculated "short-list" is Ben Johnson, Dan Quinn, and Raheem Morris. Based on results in the Coordinator/HC positions, I am not impressed with Morris. And the loud public-facing PR campaign from his current employer feels sales-y to me in a bad way.


    Conversely, almost every insider has linked Washington to Ben Johnson. Nevertheless, we have to bring in a minority candidate to satisfy the Rooney Rule which we have not done to this point. So when I see a short-list of three candidates and IMO the least impressive resume belongs to the candidate who would satisfy the RR, I begin to speculate.


    Look at Atlanta. All the reporting is that Belichick will be The Guy, but they haven't satisfied the Rule either if I'm not mistaken. Imagine being the minority candidate going to interview in Atlanta knowing that the job is going to Belichick. Sham interviews are not a good look optics-wise.


    In any case, maybe Morris would be a great HC in his second go-round. I don't know. Honestly, if we're talking diverse candidates, I'd rather bet on Anthony Weaver in Baltimore than Morris. But I think the guy will be Johnson because that's all the buzz from insiders. 


    In the case of Atlanta (Belichick) or even San Diego (Harbaugh) you’d have a point if the team has already decided on the coach, then the interview would be a sham to appease the rule or purely an opportunity for the coach to prepare and practice on his road to a HC position, which is still invaluable. 

    However, Raheem Morris has a long and impressive resume’ especially considering the Super Bowl ring he wears as the DC for the 2022 Rams and the years of experience he has both as a HC and Defensive coordinator; which is why his name, along with Glenn from Detroit, are amongst the list of hot names.

    Now Ben Johnson may very well be the best option and potentially our next HC, but to imply Morris or Glenn are “only” a Rooney Rule interview for our specific opening is disingenuous and inconsistent with the process Harris and staff claim to be following. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, SoCalSkins said:

    Nearly every  single prediction I have made with respect to a coach or player has been spot on here the past 20 years. I admit I took an big L predicting the world’s wealthiest individual would end up buying an asset for sale. So I tried being wrong once and it wasn’t for me so I stopped. 


    I am not guaranteeing we are going offense. I am saying going with a defensive coach wont be smart because of the development of the new qb. The f we are dumb and go that way, at least Macdonald has potential. If we go Raheem, we are doomed. I guarantee that. Write in caps and tattoo it on Kyle. 

    If your coaching predictions have been spot on the last 2 decades, no wonder we’ve routinely picked the worst candidates. You should sit this one out…

    • Haha 2
  6. 24 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    Interview the best candidate yes. But forcing teams to interview candidates of color to fill some quota is stupid. If anything it just causes resentment. 

    I think the concern of the poster is that the minority candidates, who are highly qualified SHOULD be interviewed and considered, are being put into a “Rooney Rule” group, insinuating they’re actually NOT qualified and shouldn’t be considered but the rule mandates we put on the facade, just an impediment to hiring Johnson or Slowik. 

    These candidates, like Morris, could be the next great head NFL coach and the Commanders should absolutely and thoroughly go thru the process to interrogate these coaches and select the best one, not just the hot coordinator like say a Ben Johnson.


    It does seem a bit disingenuous to imply a coordinator like Raheem Morris is only a Rooney Rule interview when his resume’ is just as distinguished if not more so than Ben Johnson’s just because he’s your top choice.  Let the process play out and may the best man be selected. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    Agree.  Ditto him loving to use micro excuses for why the macro sucked.  He did it during his whole tenure, it was always some excuse as if the foundation was terrific but he was foiled by something small-isolated.  And his loyalties shifted on a dime.   First it was Haskins.  Then the lack of maturity of Sweat and Chase.  Then he pumped Howell up, and then threw him under the bus as the season progressed.     


    We've had those odd stories about Alex and Ron not seeing eye to eye.  Trent.  Jamin Davis.  Pumped to get Forbes in the draft then blamed him for the early defensive woes.  Defending Wentz like he was his son to after the end of the season implying that he was the problem.


    Loved Dan and pumped him up through most of his tenure including after the sale.  Then blamed Dan in that article to Mile Silver that his tenure was marred by him.


    He was all over the place and in a bad way.  He's lucky the national media loves him and will have his back -- and maybe that helps him get a job but locally I think Ron ends up a punchline. 




    Took the words outta my mouth. I think he needs a coaching sabbatical.  Between all he’s had to deal with the past 4 years, he need to decompress.  Several nice vacations to live a little. He sounds like a broken man.  Locker room saw it up close, they like him as a person but whispering around corners. Never good for a football team.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, skinsfan66 said:

    Philly, should fire the both Coordinators first, D was not if better than Wash. Offense took a dump after teams blitzed them often, no design to fix it, were have we heard that?

    Perhaps, but I’m not sure that’s the answer either. Not that it’s the most monumental task to continue where the previous guys left off, but both coordinators, especially on defense had to deal with a lot of change.  I think losing Gardner-Johnson hurt their backend quite a bit, which like us allows offenses to beat you with quicker passing negating the rush, which I never believed Philly was elite at in the first place.  

    Offensively, they got away from the QB run stuff with Jalen, which made their offense dynamic because it’s too much to defend. Only being 2 dimensional and relying heavily on the deep ball is high risk high reward, plus they lost the turnover battle this year. 

    My point is between all the change it would be hard for any coach to replicate last years success, so I’m not sure I don’t bring my guys back utilizing lessons learned or ask my team to learn 2 NEW systems, risking Hurts’ development in the process. They’re in a tough spot.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Command The 414 said:

    I saw after the game Monday eagles fans were throwing pop corn at him walking toward the tunnel leaving the field… cussing him out lol 😝 

    Fans are idiots. Sirianni is a good coach and if Lurie does fire him they deserve whatever stupid prizes they win. Dude lost both offensive and defensive coordinators, the talent dropped from last year and they were still a contender all year. Losing AJ Brown didn’t help either.  

    That’s why I could care less about the back and forth about which coach to hire. Get a leader and the rest is easy.  BJ / Slowik / Morris, let Peters feel them out from the interview and pick the best MAN. Not the best Xs and Os…  


    Managers do the same nonsense at companies, pick the best technical or knowledgeable guy who sucks at leadership then can’t figure out why the performance dips…🧐

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    Gibbs was a leader of men on sterioids.   Plenty of head coaches who are religious.   Gibbs was followed by one in his 2nd stint -- Zorn.

    He truly was. I’ve heard countless players talk about how they’d run thru a wall for Gibbs. Hell I’d run thru a wall for coach Gibbs and I’ve never met the man.

  11. 1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:




    All teams miss more than hit on their picks.  It's part of the reason why the anayltics types like to trade down because you have a bigger shot to hit the dart board the more darts you throw.  I can demonize and easily so any GM if I work with the fantasy that some have that good GMs rarely miss and most picks hit.  Not only do good GMs miss but they pretty much all have some egg in your face in retrospect picks that look embarassing today.  It comes with the turf.


    But yeah bringing this back to Peters he's killed it on some picks.  Pro Bowl-All Pro players in the 5th round.  


    I think we in good hands with Harris for multiple reasons.  Among them based on what I've heard and he's insinuated, he wants his GMs to be aggressive and shoot for the fences.  And is OK with misses as long as the process is sound.    That's important.  Among other reasons why Dan sucked from what I heard people were afraid of making mistakes working with him because he would hang those mistakes on those employees.




    Agree albiet the "more than that" comment doesn't really apply to my post.  I wasn't summarizing a FO culture.  I was simply referencing that missing on draft picks is OK.   


    But to your pont, yes SF has an identity.   Baltimore has one.  The Eagles have one.   Rivera never had one, it swung from this to that.  Spielman talked about it on Keim's podcast -- coach-GM cohesion.

    Hey I wasn’t being negative, maybe should have used “in addition to” instead. I thought your post was right on, and wanted to add the coleslaw to that Carolina BBQ you served up. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    I just don't care regardless.  


    Peters first draft in SF was Solomon Thomas and Rueben Foster in the first.  Double miss.  Yuck.


    Seattle has had some awful drafts even though John Schneider and his team are regarded by many as the best in the business.


    If we evaulate drafts and GMs based on the real world versus emotion then its clear as day that they all make awful picks.  I can lampoon any of these guys for terribles misses.


    But that's not how it works.  Here some of us decry a 4th round miss as unacceptable and awful.  But statisitcally speaking, if I recall about 80% or so of 4th rounds or misses.  Pulliung three players out of a draft is considered by most a succcess.  Meaning on an average good draft there are more misses than hits.


    The key is to get more hits on the aggregate than other teams. And Peters has pulled this off.  

    More than that, I believe orgs need a philosophy in general. What’s the goal? What type of team are you building. For example, Ron and EB wanted to throw the ball 50 times a game, but you don’t have lineman to pass block 50 times a game. Where’s the pure space catching back. Where’s the YAC receiver and tight end. We have bruising downhill backs. But bruising backs need big man movers up front.  Don’t have that either. Offensive cohesion was a mess. Can’t coach that, have to build it right first then scheme it up on Sundays. That’s what I’m hoping for between GM and coach…

  13. 22 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

    He dumped a drink on fans and was fined $300k. At this point in the Snyder era was still a honeymoon and we were happily tracking Redskins One at midnight on opening day of the league year. 

    Tepper is already a pariah. 


    Dan’s sewage pipe fans would like to have a word with you…

    • Haha 2
  14. 50 minutes ago, HigSkin said:

    Who knows who we get but I'm sure he'll get a good one.  I think if Harbaugh jumps to Chargers, that takes out a big perceived competitor for any of the sought after ones.



    That’s pretty big news. If Chargers want Jim then BJ’s almost a lock for us. Easily the 2 best jobs openings on the market. I don’t think it’s close. Vegas wants Pierce, as they should, he was excellent.  Seattle is the next best option imo. Do you like the QB situation there if you’re a hit coordinator? Not sure, but that’s a great place to live and coach.

  15. 16 minutes ago, PlayAction said:

    We all want to know exactly what Peter's is going to do.  What's his team building philosophy.  What does he think about "franchise" QBs, trade downs or trade ups, etc.  He's not going to spill the beans.  He's going to leave every option open.  Only the inner circle will know.  He's building for the long haul.  If he passes in your QB, he's not going to tell everyone that the QB was flawed in a particular metric.  We've become so accustomed to knowing better than the previous owner that we think we know better than Peter's.  We don't.  After 24 years we can allow smart people to run the show.  Sit back and relax.  

    I think we have plenty of evidence of what he plans to do. Just do a quick research of the last 10 years worth of drafts and FA moves he has been a part of and especially his latest stint in San Fran.  That’ll tell you a lot.  The difference now is he IS TOTALLY in charge of it.  

    I think the philosophy in San Fran was a group effort between Peters, Lynch, and Shanahan. Peters’ group does the scouting, research, and grades which translates into a big board that’s juxtaposed into ultimate player rankings per the needs of the team v. athletic ability/ potential.  From what I’ve always heard, that’s how you do it.  

    This process also answers the chicken or egg question of best available v. need based drafting. Then the group makes the final call during draft day with one person having absolute final say; building trust amongst the team and establishing culture throughout the organization.

  16. 41 minutes ago, Conn said:

    Patriots are a mess and insist on continuing to live in the shadow and dying culture of a fading legend. You can’t even create a legacy for yourself there because the greatest dynasty of all time just recently ended, and the fans are ruthless. Nobody with better options is going there. 

    Interesting thought.  Kraft has been loyal as an owner, but he's had Bill and Brady equating 6 championships.  Not hard to support that level of success.  I wonder what his patience threshold will be now that the dynasty is over.  Almost feels like an unknown.  I doubt he's Tepper, but is he Rooney family loyal?  I'd guess if you've had previous dealings with him personally it may be a solid job to consider with complete control of ops...  Every seat in the league gets hot if you don't win. 

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  17. 59 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

    I know nobody cares right now, but here's something to think about while we're waiting on Peters to officially be announced. 


    Isn't it time for the radio rights to go up for sale? Hopefully Harris will put the games back on 106.7 or 980 where they belong. I know that Audacy is going through some tough financial times but I hope they can make it happen. 

    Bring back Sonny too. I used to love when my dad would turn the sound down and watch the game with the radio broadcast on. Good times…

    • Like 3
  18. 1 minute ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    I'm missing something.  There are 32 teams, Grant lists 15 offense, 8 defense, and 1 ST.  That's 24.  I think.  I'm pretty sure that's 24.  





    Maybe that weren't fired?? 8 were fired leaving 24... so his numbers correlate to hiring an offensive mind somehow???🤷‍♂️

  19. 16 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

    trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance trey lance




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