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Everything posted by G-Prime

  1. TNA still seems low rent to me. They got a world of talent over there.. If they start packaging their product better, it could make huge waves.
  2. Number one reason why I don't watch TNA.. Jarrett is at best a mid carder. He'll never take himself out of the title picture and in all honest he belongs no where near it.
  3. It looks like Vince is trying to actually make DX look legit by putting them up against Orton and Edge, not the other way around.. No one there needs to be put over and the only thing I can think if is that DX needs more street cred. I think it's going to be a good fued..
  4. Chris Jericho's band is scheduled to appear on TNA this week. This be a possible future home of Chris Jericho? I always thought he was in love with the WWE.
  5. They will not be able to use any of the very best Sting footage unless they buy rights from Vince and to my knowledge Vince has never sold the rights to anything like that before. I don't care where it comes from, but there must be a complete Sting DVD some day he has so much history it would be a shame to only include TNA stuff.
  6. I wouldn't say never.. But probably not in any sort of wrestling type job. Sting wants his DVD released, it was said that it's extremely important to him.. Who has all his best footage?? Yep lovable VKM..
  7. Absolutely and no that you mention it.. Him, Chris Masters and Randy Orton would make a pretty cool little clique
  8. I'm so sick of seeing him geezer around.. He should be put back in the manager role.
  9. I'm definately miffed they didn't do a draft this year.. I thought it was great that talent gets swapped around for a year maybe more.
  10. Here's a quote from Kurt Angle regarding TNA.. Some of you will probably get a kick out of it, I think it's a slap in the face to the WWE. He wasn't always the most easily marketable guy but they stuck with him. I dunno there's probably more I don't know about it all. “Being with TNA feels like I have finally found my home. I had fun in WWE at certain times, but I was never really happy. Now being a part of TNA, I know I have a purpose. I feel like I am part of history, part of a company that is not only on the rise – not only going to be the number-one watched wrestling show in the world within a short period of time – but TNA gives me an opportunity to spread my wings. This company has no limits to where it can go. The sky is the limit and the main reason is because they brought the “real” back into wrestling and that is a perfect fit for the greatest wrestler in USA Olympic history. I have room to grow here and to help TNA grow. Working for these caring and very giving employers of TNA makes me feel like I have a purpose and that the sky is the limit. I don’t feel trapped or held back like I did the first six years in my tenure with the other company. They held me back. Now, our wonderful audience will see the real Kurt Angle doing what I love to do – real wrestling – and that’s what puts a smile on my face each time I come to work. I even smile when I think about it. TNA will be the most watched television show on cable television. It’s only a matter of time. Now, I get the opportunity and privilege of being a part of it. Thank you TNA for saving my career, my life and my desire to do what I love. I will be here in some capacity for the rest of my life. That’s real…that’s damn real.”
  11. I knew someone was going to say that.. I just don't picture her in that situation.. Wonder if they'd dig up Chyna and her penis.
  12. Trying to think what hottie would do the job.. Who would you pick?
  13. News on Chris Jericho - This popped in my email box earlier this morning, apparently in Ashley Massaro's column she interviewed Chris Jericho and he was interested in coming back and said "I never planned to be away [this] long, and absolutely I plan on coming back." Which is a 180 of what he said when he left.. He predicted he was done with wrestling, and was trying to become an actor or some such crap.. Now things have dried up for him on the outside it looks to me like he's "falling back" on wrestling....
  14. Well what this does is validate TNA to other wrestlers out there. If Kurt Angle is good enough for TNA, so is everyone else.
  15. IMO The best thing for TNA is to not have Jeff Jarrett calling the shots, he's a big part of what kills the show for me. They get some decent writers and some quality mic talent they could push the WWE. I don't see them anywhere close to doing that yet.
  16. Yeah CM Punk wouldn't be bad.. The hardy's are an option as well.. either one of them, but who I think would be good for them is. Shelton Benjamin. Decent Mid card that wouldn't be a far stretch to work up to top card status in a year or so. Also, a little more light hearted Randy Orton might be interesting.
  17. Only reason they'd put Cena in DX is so Cena would get more "over" with the fans.. I think it would backfire and bring DX down a notch myself.
  18. I'm not sure.. I know he's not in the business.. Kurt's been leaving weird messages on people's cell phones that don't make any sense.. That's why people have been saying he's been "nutty".. I don't know what the messages consisted of though.
  19. Angle has some health and personal issues to deal with.. People say he's gotten somewhat "nutty".. WWE has left the door open for him to return though.. Trish is quitting the business because she is getting married and doesn't believe a wife should be on the road 320 days out of the year.
  20. Found a clip on the net of footage of X-Pac appearing with DX at the house show.. http://www.24wrestling.com/index.php?id=extras/225
  21. W00t thanks for providing the link.. I just get stuff emailed to me ;p
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