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Spaceman Spiff

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Posts posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. 1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

    Here's a much more critical obituary from the liberal side:  



     Derp derp derp this guy didn’t do everything I wanted him to and did some stuff I didn’t like so I’ll be crass and do a happy dance about the death of someone who accomplished more than I ever will but I’ve got a blog with a name heisted from a Warren Zevon song so that makes me cool derp derp derp 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Destino said:

    What? Nothing about the OG Dalton was believable. The entire movie was so cheesy it should come with a side of nachos. That was the entire point. It never tried to make sense it just gave you fun stupidity. I mean it starts with the premise that bouncers are famous. And this was before the internet so presumably he’s been in a nationally circulated paper. lol




    You know when I met you, I thought you'd be bigger.

  3. I'm maybe a quarter of the way through the new Road House and I can't get into it.  I mean, I'm gonna keep watching because McGregor hasn't shown up yet.


    I found Swayze to be believable in the role as Dalton, I don't find Gyllenhaal to be...but Gyllenhaal is behind in the count for me for starters, I've never really been a big fan of his while I also don't really hate him either.  If Jake Gyllenhaal fell off the face of the earth tomorrow, I really wouldn't be upset about it or feel that Hollywood has suffered a tremendous loss. He's such a non-factor for me that it's hard to believe him in this role, a role where Swayze brought some mystery to the table and you had to decipher his backstory through some dialogue.  So far I've seen Gyllenhaal have some dreams about being a UFC fighter, which, I'm not really buying because I have a hard time buying Jake Gyllenhaal in most any role and I can't believe him as a UFC fighter or an awesome bouncer no matter how shredded his abs are.  Maybe part of that has to do with the writing in this movie (dreams are a lazy way to provide flashbacks, and flashbacks on the whole are lazy), but I don't think so.


    But I also saw the guy who I presume to be the main bad guy (the Ben Gazzara equivalent) who was on a boat and getting a shave but also acting like a cartoon of what a bad guy is supposed to be.  


    I also don't like the location for this movie, some Florida Keys joint that's really big and spacious and looks like a place you'd like to go to, but is somehow also supposed to be a dive, a juxtaposition that I don't think exists in real life.  Like, the chicken wire in front of the stage for the bands is supposed to make you believe that it's a dive, but that's about it.  And the assholes at the bar are just...well, exactly that.  Assholes at a bar.  At least in the original, Swayze had to clean house from a dirty staff at the Double Deuce (you're skimming off the till) which made some inherent enemies because the guy he fired turned out to be Gazzarra's nephew.  Maybe I haven't gotten that far yet but I don't think the story is that thought out, even when the 1989 version has a basic, but believable story.


    Also saw some ****ing terrible CGI right before I turned it off.  Just bad.


    I'll keep watching through the end but so far, it's pretty bland.





  4. 25 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:






    Dalton pushed a stuffed polar bear on a guy...then another guy threw a spear at Dalton right after that...nowhere in my mind would I have expected anyone, anywhere, to think a fight scene using spears and stuffed polar bears as weapons during the climactic fight scene(!!) would be seen as anything other than laughable lol...

    Yeah, he pushed a polar bear on the fattest, most useless part of the gang. 

    It’s a movie that’s so bad that it’s good. That’s hard to pull off. 

  5. 3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Imagine the outcry if it comes out that Ohtani was the gambler and he bet on baseball...


    No outcry, it'll just be really sad.


    You've gotta be a ****ing moron to do that.  Like, back in 1919, I get it.  They didn't make a lot of money to begin with and the White Sox hated Comisky, they did it to get paid and they did it to stick it to him.  And then Landis comes in and throws down that if anyone is close to gambling on baseball, they're banished for life.  


    And then there's no record of any baseball player gambling on baseball for 70 years until Pete Rose who was a marvelous ballplayer but also as much of an idiot as he was a hitter and a degenerate gambler.  


    MLB didn't want it to get out about Rose gambling on baseball.  They tried to bury it, they tried to get him to admit it, they held a secret meeting with him where they showed him the evidence and he just denied, denied, denied.  And then they couldn't sit on it any longer.  Baseball didn't care about the gambling, they cared about the shady characters that he was surrounding himself with.  This was on the heels of the Pittsburgh Drug Trials in '84 or '85 and Rose wanted in a drug ring that was operated by people who owned a gym he worked out in.


    So that's one (albeit a large one) case where it's happened.  And knowing how much of an idiot Pete Rose is...well, it shouldn't surprise anyone that it was Rose who was the blip on the radar.  Like, if it came out that John Rocker was gambling on baseball and wanted to be part of a cocaine ring, I wouldn't be surprised.


    I suppose anything is possible, but I sincerely doubt that Ohtani bet on baseball.  

  6. 18 hours ago, Busch1724 said:

    In regards to Mace and George's spat the previous week. She's  the one who should be pissed. Bill Mahar gave her a chance to explain what occurred on his show last Friday night. While I disagree with her perspective of Trump, she's right in that George shouldn't have led off the interview with those questions. He should have told her ahead of time, "I'd like to discuss Trump's civil suit with you." Apparently her daughter was with her when George asked the questions. It wasn't cool. With that said, she's become a whack-a-doodle, but she is not wrong in how George handled the discussion. Like I said, her support of Trump in the Carroll case is confounding, but George should have handled that much  better. 


    I watched the Mace interivew, she's a ****ing moron, too.  George's question was pretty straightforward, she didn't want to answer it and played the victim.  "How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony you just saw?"  That's not an invite for Mace to tell her story and act like she was being made to feel bad for being a rape victim.  The line of questioning had nothing to do with Mace or her history and she's the one that took it there.  He tried to course correct her and say it wasn't a question about her, it was a question about Donald Trump and she cut him off.


    George handled it just fine.  

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  7. I'm in the South, ya'll.  I'm not sure if it's the deeeeeeeep south but this is THE SOUTH, no doubt about it.  


    We're visiting my wife's aunt and uncle and some other family members and this morning they were watching Fox News.  I haven't seen Fox News in...I can't remember the last time I watched it.  I watched 15 minutes of it this morning and couldn't take it.  No wonder the people that watch that **** on the regular are up in arms, it's ****ing unbelievable.  It's solely designed to get people pissed off and angry, blaming everything and anyone except the viewing audience for any problems.  


    I'm sure some of you have seen the results of that poll that came out yesterday that said the USA ranks 23rd on the list of happiest countries in the world.  I think Finland or Sweden was #1.  Israel was #5.  


    Anyway, Fox News had this ****ing pinecone at a diner in Richmond running around accosting customers (all of them white, all of them boomer-ish aged) asking them whether they were happy or not.  And the said they were, but then trailed with predictable talking points about the border, etc.  All while enjoying their nice meals and far away from any illegal immigrants or gang activity or problems they mentioned.


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  8. 2 hours ago, No Nonsense said:

    My gut tells me that Ohtani has a gambling problem and the interpreter is the fall guy. 

    I hope that’s not the case. But I can see that being true. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    no you were right it’s not a dunk. He throws it in. Still awesome but also not nearly as cool 


    Some uppity dude yesterday told me "well derp derp derp, that's precisely what a dunk is.  Throwing the ball through the rim.  and sometimes, their hand catches the rim."

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