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Everything posted by Warhead36

  1. Grunfeld has been hit or miss, but is there anyone out there we could get that would be better for sure? Sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. This isn't like the Skins with Vinny Cerrato who absolutely had to go. Here are some of the good things Ernie has done: -Signed Gilbert Arenas in 2003 before he exploded(although negated by resigning him to that monster deal after injuries) -Resign Brendan Haywood for dirt cheap -Trade Kwame Brown for Caron Butler, who gave us a couple All-Star seasons -NOT give big $ to Larry Hughes and Jared Jeffries, who turned out to be busts and not anywhere near worth the $ they got -Nick Young, Javale McGee, and Andray Blatche have all been good draft picks based on where they were taken(mid 1st in Young and McGee's case, and 2nd round in Blatche's) -Acquire Kirk Hinrich for basically nothing, and then flip him for more young prospects/picks -Unload Jamison and Butler for cap relief -Got rid of Arenas(Shard's contract isn't great either but at least it expires earlier and I believe pays less year to year) Sure he has made some mistakes, but we have new ownership now, and EG has done a great job in completely rebuilding this team since Leonsis has taken over. I don't think EG should get fired just yet, I think Leonsis will give him a chance to build the team the way he wants it built(with mostly draft picks and young homegrown guys, aka the Caps model). We probably should have fired Flip Saunders last year though, he's not the type of guy you want coaching a young and rebuilding franchise.
  2. I still like McGee, but it's a bit troubling that in three years he's barely improved at all. I'd hang on to him because I don't think we'd get decent value for him, and he might still pan out. I think he can be a really good energy big man off the bench, but he probably won't ever be a starting C on a title contender. I'd dump Blatche for whatever we can get. It's no coincidence that without Blatche we play two contenders really tough, but when he comes back we get blown out by almost 30. Young is a keeper, but you're right on a good team he's probably a 6th man. Still for now he's our best offensive threat. Nobody else really stands out. Howard will probably be back because he'll come cheap and gives us an experienced vet. Shard's contract makes him virtually untradable.
  3. It's all good, Wall will be a much better player over the long run. Griffin will be the more exciting, highlight reel player, but Wall will be the one playing in the postseason and winning MVPs. Please get rid of Blatche. I'd trade him for a half eaten bag of doritos.
  4. Blatche's #s are hollow though. I mean someone has to score, rebound, etc. over the course of a game. He's just so inefficient and his attitude and body language are just crap. I was hoping he would one day mature and develop into a Lamar Odom type complimentary player but he won't ever be that good.
  5. I liked Crawford a lot coming out of college. Plus he made Lebron look like a fool with that dunk, that's always good.
  6. Fantastic trade. We got Hinrich for basically nothing and then flipped him for a nice young prospect, a draft pick, and a vet PG that can mentor Wall until we trade him for some more value. Gotta give props to EG. This trade was a home run.
  7. I'm just glad the trade is finally official. These Melo trade talk rumors were reaching Favre levels in obnoxiousness.
  8. He's alright, but Barkley and Miller are better. Smith isn't bad when he isn't being a mega annoying jackass(like he was during the entire dunk contest).
  9. McGee absolutely got robbed. BTW is there a more annoying personality on TNT(if not all of sports commentary)than Kenny Smith? Good god I hope one of these days Barkley just smacks him. He annoys the **** out of me. Typical average player who got carried by stars his entire career and thinks he's special. Happy for our Wiz kids though, both McGee and Wall did us proud.
  10. To be fair, the rookie-sophomore game is just an exhibition, nobody is really playing any D. Still, 22 dimes is impressive. To think we could have had both Wall AND Griffin. That would have made up for decades of misfortune.
  11. If the draft lottery was rigged, why would SAN ANTONIO win it in 97 to get Tim Duncan and not Boston, which would have made more sense?
  12. I think we play at Cleveland soon. Both teams could be on the verge of setting records, with our road record and their overall losing streak. Should be must watch television. :laugh:
  13. Well yeah, I meant quicks. On that one move Durant made Booker look silly. Granted, Durant can make 99.99% of the NBA look silly. Again it's no fault of Booker's, he played great, it just wasn't a good matchup. It's okay to constructively criticize Wall, or anyone. Wall does need to work on his jump shot. But to say he only gets assists because guys make contested jumpers is a little silly. One of the reasons(probably the biggest)that Nick Young is having such a great year is because he's finally got an excellent pass first PG in Wall who can put him in a position to score baskets. Has Wall gotten assists because guys he passes to happen to hit a tough shot? I'm sure he has. But how many times have we seen him drive and dish to a guy who's wide open only to see him brick it? In the end it balances out and the stats don't lie. Compare Wall's #s this year to Derrick Rose's rookie #s and it's a very favorable comparison. Rose averaged almost 2 more points, 1 fewer turnover and 7% better shooting FG%. Wall has 3 more assists and 1 more steal. Only big difference really is that Wall has missed some games while Rose played 81 his rookie year, but that's more the fault of our god awful medical staff which we all know is the worst in pro sports. Everything else stat wise is basically identical.
  14. Tough game to lose. As Joe Gibbs would say we fought our guts out. But at the end of the day, they have two legitimate superstars in Durant and Westbrook who carried them. Didn't really understand why we put Booker on Durant, he's not nearly quick or athletic enough. I would have put Lewis or even Thornton on Durant. Still, Booker played great. Every team needs the physical, tough guy up front and that's what Booker can be for us. Wall's shots weren't falling but he got another 10 assist game. Once he gets the J down he'll be unguardable. He got lit up by Westbrook but Westy is an all-star, it happens. Young with another 25 point game. Him and Wall give us an awesome backcourt for the future.
  15. Making progress but we still just can't close games out, especially on the road. I love this Shakur kid though. Looks like we can ship out Hinrich and not lose much if anything.
  16. It was also about a fresh start. We can't completely move on from the Arenas era when Arenas is still on the team. And Shard actually has played really well. I'm still holding on to hope that we can deal him to a contender at the deadline for some prospects/picks/cap relief.
  17. The Wizards(and Caps)are both bandwagon teams. When the Wiz were making the playoffs every year you couldn't find anything but Wizards blue and white in the stands. I still remember those awesome playoff series vs. Chicago and Cleveland. Hell even against Miami when we got swept, the phone booth was absolutely rocking. And really it's the same way in Boston. We're talking about the same city where fans chanted MVP for KOBE BRYANT the year before the offseason where they landed KG and Allen.
  18. Great rally, Wall really shined late other than that Rondo steal.
  19. On a championship team Young is probably a 6th man, and there is nothing wrong with that. All great teams have to have that spark off the bench. But right now, Young has been our best player the last month or so. He has earned the right to start. I'd try to dump Hinrich at the deadline to a contender in need of a vet PG, and if I can get a decent enough return I'd probably deal Blatche too. Blatche is basically the Michael Westbrook of the Wizards, all the talent in the world but not enough heart or desire. He may be a better player elsewhere but it'll never be here. Unfortunately we probably won't get good enough value.
  20. Yeah, Blatche is a loser. All the talent in the world, no heart or brains. He's basically the Michael Westbrook of the Wizards. I'd trade him but I bet we get next to nothing in return. Wall with a double double tonight, but 8 turnovers. He pretty much matched Paul head to head stats wise except for the turnovers. I can live with that though because you know Wall is a special talent who'll be great someday, you know as a rookie he's gunna have ups and downs. We need to lock up Nick Young long term asap. Looks like he's finally come of age.
  21. I'd keep McGee, but try to bring in some kind of a big man coach to work with him, like Kareem working with Bynum in LA or Olajuwon working with Howard in Orlando. Anyone know what David Robinson is up to these days? I'd see what I can get for Blatche, but I wouldn't just give him away.
  22. Trade Blatche and hope and pray we can land Jared Sullinger in the next draft...
  23. I don't know about this trade, I feel like we could have waited and gotten more. All we essentially did was remove one year from Gil's contract. Lewis's salary is just as bad(if not worse)than Gilbert's, but hey at least he's the best 3 point shooter in the league right McD5!!!?? :laugh:
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