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Everything posted by Redskin4ever

  1. Dez Wells was a man tonight. He just completely took over the game. Those are the types of performances that give me hope during the tournament. When you have a player than can just take over the game, you always have a shot in tournament play.
  2. On TV, you could here the PA announcer saying that being on the floor is strictly prohibited. He said it like 3 times. That kept the fans from storming, and instead it was like you described, a trickle. They tried to keep them off the floor, but also anticipated it by protecting the players.
  3. As great as Wells was tonight, I did not want Trimble giving up the ball with 30 seconds left. I yelled "don't give it up" at the TV. And the Wisconsin defense denied Wells, then Trimble did his thing getting the bucket and the foul to seal the game. What I liked most about this game is that they won this game playing at Wisconsin's pace. The didn't rush, or try to speed up the game. They played the game as it came to them. They ran when they could and those transition buckets were huge. But they were patient all game, not rushing shots for the most part. As for Seth Greenberg, who cares what he says. Just because you are a failed coach who is fat and bald doesn't make you Dick Vitale.
  4. Yeah, they have that "good defensive team" reputation going that is allowing them to get away with more than their opponents. MD has to overcome that. Keep driving and stop just throwing it around the perimeter for 30 seconds.
  5. Something tells me Long ends up with the Ravens. Isaiah Williams, Laquan Williams, Matt Furstenburg, and of course Torrey Smith. Those are the recent WR and TE to end up with the Ravens. Obviously Smith was drafted, but the others were all free agents. I see Long either being taken late in the draft or being signed as a free agent by the Ravens. As for Diggs, he could end up anywhere. I expect he will be drafted in the mid rounds, and at that point, teams are just looking for athletes. I'd love for him to play in DC, but if he can't, I hope he goes to an AFC team other than the Ravens with a great QB that can get him the ball.
  6. The bigger problem is there are no good defenders on this team. If there are any good defenders, they are normally too lazy to actually do it. I don't know if I just noticed it tonight, or if he was just bad tonight, but Melo plays very little defense.
  7. They pulled this one out, but you are correct about defending the three. Especially early in the game. They let these guys who can't shoot take wide open shots like it's practice. They make one, then get the confidence to shoot again. They make another, and then they feel like they can just start firing away. If they get out and play good defense early in the game, maybe they can keep some of these guys from having career nights against them. Shooting is so much about confidence. If you can get a guy doubting his shot, then he will take less shots and make less shots. This is especially true for 3's.
  8. I think it's hat depends on the matchup. I think MD is a team big schools don't want to face and small schools do want to face. Their talent is enough to hang with most teams in the country. However, they also can go cold and lose to a mid major or really any other team. Matchups will dictate that, not the number of the seed.
  9. Ironic that students at a school that was covering up child rape for years within it's own house, is chanting at someone who was accused, but not found guilty, to have done much less. As the article says, there is not comparison between the two, but if you are Penn St, you might not want to point out anyone else involved in any sexual assaults, not matter how big or small.
  10. What a thrilling game. Yogi Farrell looked pissed after the game. I guess when everything you throw up goes in all game, and then a very good look at the end doesn't, you think the basketball gods are screwing you. I'm glad to see Maryland bounce back against a good opponent. Especially after the way Indiana beat them last time, I think it was important for Maryland to win.
  11. So based on those rankings, the B1G got one 5 star recruit for the whole conference. He was from Ohio, and committed to OSU. That's pretty sad for the conference as a whole.
  12. This team is built like a lot of mid majors who make deep runs. They rely on guard play and good shooting bigs (layman a prime example, Smotrycz in name only, since he sucks). That means they could make a run, or be the big name team upset by the mid major. There is nothing in their game that gives them a tactical advantage over a mid major. They just have to rely on superior skill and athletic ability. It's great if it works, but looks awful if it doesn't.
  13. How can they call him a Bamma commit if he won't announce his commitment until signing day? Something is going on
  14. He's just using OSU and MD to get a raise from Alabama. Saban is coming in with the big bucks now.
  15. Speaking of Cekovsky, it's great that Turgeon let him start and tried to get him the ball early since his mom and girlfriend were in the country. But that cost them a lot in the first half. He did nothing on defense and was terrible on offense. I'd rather see the first few minutes of offense go to guys that can get in rhythm like Layman and Nickens. If those two get hot early, they will play with tremendous confidence the rest of the game.
  16. The other reason the defense is struggling is because the past two teams had bigs who could should outside. The other teams used that against MD, getting all the players out on the perimeter at times, leaving wide open lanes to the basket. NW ran that cut to the basket, that wasn't even that much of a play, and got easy layups. Against a normal team, the 4 or 5 playing against the screener would be hanging back some. Also, NW and Indiana both had guys shooting out of their mind. Indiana just got hotter. NW seemed to miss shots that were more open in the 2nd half than some of the ones they hit in the first. Even so, the defensive rotation the last two games has been terrible. Too many open shots, and guys are moving out of the way of the driver. I saw several times tonight where the initial defender got beat, then the help defense stepped towards the player, but then moved out of the way. I am happy they found a way to win, because they lose that game the past 5 years, and maybe even further back. It's good to get wins where you were outplayed most of the game, but came back when you had to. When they get down again, they will know they can come back. I'd just rather not see them get that far behind.
  17. It sucks to not get Prince, but Alabama probably pays more.
  18. It's hard to beat a team when they shoot like Indiana did tonight. You have to match them and play mistake free. Yes, MD's defense could have been better, but Indiana just lit it up shooting wise. The only thing I wish they had done is played more zone. The reason is that you cut down on half the game Indiana wants them to play. You cut off the penetration and make them stay outside. It's always easier said than done, but I wish they had tried something different.
  19. I don't know if the constant slurping by the announcers or just playing on the road in basketball crazy Indiana, but it feels like MD is getting blown out. In reality, it's only a 3 point game at the half. That's with going 2-6 at the foul line, which is quite abnormal.
  20. These are the same measurements as College Park. I just hope they don't foul Ollie late in the game. He may not score much, but he's a stone cold killer form the foul line with the game on the line.
  21. MD just needs to be patient on defense. There is a 4 pass minimum on that team.
  22. Good for Vellano. The guy gives everything he's got when he is on the field., I don't see him listed on the inactive list, so it looks like he will be active for the AFC Championship.
  23. He is definitely a stud. I'm not sure if he will be one and done, but he won't be around for long. The current mock drafts don't even have him being drafted. Unless you are an expected lottery pick, l don't think you should leave after 1 year. I guess we will see how the year progresses and if he starts shooting up the draft boards. Whatever happens, I know I will enjoy watching him for however long he stays.
  24. The MD players looked drunk or high or something the first few minutes of the game. Layman loses the ball the first two possessions driving to the basket. Dodd misses a dunk. Wells loses a dribble a few times. Then I think Wiley did the same thing. I was glad to see them pull it together to win. I still think they need to get the ball inside. Even if you don't have a post player, or you can't score down low, get it inside and make the defense work. You can always kick it out for an open shot as they did a few times tonight. Did anyone else crack up at Smotrycz trying to drive and jump and then pass? This guy may be the least athletic person I've seen play major college basketball. He makes Dave Neal look like a superior athlete.
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