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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. 28 minutes ago, MrJL said:


    here's something I wonder about.  The NFL sets up the schedule to try to have some drama at the end of the season.  But is it better to have mostly fresh matchups in the playoffs or is having rematches acceptable


    I think there are positives to both. Rematches breed rivalries (or intensify those that already exist). Fresh matchups invigorate the league a bit more.

    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    General line of thinking on that is folks want zero reason for him to change his mind.  Such a fickle and petty man as Snyder, who knows what could drive such a decision.  


    That's more wishful thinking than realistic analysis, though. If the team goes 7-9-1 it's not gonna have anymore of an effect on Snyder selling than if it goes 10-6-1. If anything, I could see him wanting to go out on a high note (relatively speaking)...selling the team after making the playoffs with a pretty decent roster would allow him to say "I left the team in good shape" and take some credit for whatever success may come under the next owner. Selling the team after going 2-15 pretty much solidifies him as the worst owner, a label he's been trying to fight off.

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  3. 1 hour ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

    That's why the safest long-term stance as a fan for a while now has been to root for failure. I know many people have their (legitimate) reasons to disagree with that (it's not the players' fault, winning is fun, etc.), but that's the quickest and safest path to a decent human being sitting atop the Washington NFL organization again. 


    But, alas, every couple/few years the team goes on a winning streak that comes out of nowhere and isn't repeatable. In the past, those streaks have provided Snyder with just enough fan excitement and goodwill to stay afloat. I hope it either falls apart soon or doesn't change his course this time.  



    Why does everyone continue to think losing = Snyder selling? Nothing about the win/loss column is going to drive that.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, mistertim said:

    I'm not surprised at all that Trump is trying to get into NFTs, because they're basically complete nonsense and scams that will eventually implode like crypto. If cryptocurrency is dumb, NFTs are crypto's retarded cousin. Perfect fit for a grifter like Mango Mussolini. 


    The concept of NFTs is fine. The reality that some of these NFTs have been purchased for millions of dollars is laughably stupid lol...

  5. 14 minutes ago, michiskin said:


    I don't believe you could actually stuff a stocking with them, since they aren't actual physical items?


    Plus you don't actually know which card you're getting when you buy one lol...you have to wait until it's delivered to you. It's like those old NFL toy helmet machines. You hope you get a Redskins helmet but end up getting 2 Cardinals helmets and a Buccaneers helmet instead.

    • Haha 4

    Trump's Trading Card Grift is Worse than You Think



    "Trump himself is not producing the cards, any more than he has developed any real estate projects since 2010. Instead, he has reached a licensing agreement with a company called NFT International LLC. All his licensing agreements, dating back decades (Real estate, Trump Steaks, Trump University etc.) have all had the same terms: The licensor pays Trump a bunch of cash up front, then he gets a share of the revenue produced by whatever the grifty product is. That number has ranged from 10% to 50%, and there is no reason to expect that this time it is any less - in fact, it is almost certainly more.


    So, let’s begin delving into the shady world of NFT International. Start with the simple part: NFT International is licensing Trump’s name and likeness from a company called CIC Digital LLC, a limited liability corporation formed just nine months ago and registered in Delaware.


    ...But the fun really starts with unraveling NFT International. It is spread out all over the place. Anyone who purchases one of the Trump Trading Cards (and perhaps feels like they have been scammed - which they have) would obviously reach out to NFT International through its contact listing on the Collecttrumpcards.com website. The address they will receive is 6300 Sagewood Drive, Suite 427, Park City, UT. But that's not where NFT International really is. In fact, there are no offices there. Rather, the address provided to purchasers as the contact site for NFT International is a mailbox at a UPS Store in a strip mall.


    So where is NFT International? Not even close to Park City. Instead, according to its partnership registered (in Delaware of course), it is registered 480 miles away in Cheyenne, Wyoming.


    When I saw the address, my mouth dropped. I know that address. I have seen it before. It is connected to some of the sleaziest entities to be found in this country, including international criminals.


    NFT International was set up by Wyoming Corporate Services, a company that registers shell companies. “We recognize that business entities (whether aged, shell or traditional) may be used for both good and ill,” the owner of Wyoming Corporate Services, Gerald Pitts wrote in an email to Reuters in 2011.


    Oh, but it gets worse. So much worse. The final address of NFT International - along with scores of other companies - is ***********, Cheyenne, Wyoming. And here it is.





    Among the many companies based at (this address) and registered by through Wyoming Corporate Services at this tiny brick house are forty established by Pitts in which he is listed as a director, president, or principal. Those companies have been named as defendants in more than a dozen civil lawsuits charging that they had failed to pay taxes and engaged in both securities fraud and trademark infringement.


    The companies registered by Wyoming Corporate...includes a number operated by a rogue’s gallery of criminals.


    [...]Another man of sparkling character connected to the address of NFT International is former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, who was once ranked the eighth-most corrupt official in the world by watchdog group Transparency International. In 2004, he was sentenced to eight years in prison in California for money-laundering and extortion, a scam that used shell companies and offshore bank accounts to hide stolen Ukrainian government funds.


    Another man linked to 2710 Thomes is Ira N. Rubin - just one more con artist. In 2006, the Federal Trade Commission went to federal court in Tampa, Florida and sued Rubin for fraud. According to the lawsuit, Rubin used at least 18 different front companies to hide his role as a credit-card processor for telemarketing scams. That business, the lawsuit charged, offered subprime credit cards that required an upfront fee debited from customers’ bank accounts, but the cards were never delivered.


    Now, none of this means that NFT International is crooked. But think about it - Trump is the former President of the United States. He has already pocketed a bunch of cash from an entity that somehow chose to do business with an entity connected to international fraud and scams. You would think that Trump, supposed billionaire and onetime leader of the free world, would have enough ability to conduct a little due diligence on the companies he does business with, or at least would make sure he avoided dealing with one that travels through so many scummy trails.



    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Larry said:

    Probably a silly question, but is there some reason why anybody should give a **** whether they're (whatever a NFT is)?  

    Or is this simply another variation of "when given written proof of a current U.S. Congressman advising the current POTUS to order the US military to keep him in power, everyone should fixate on the fact that the traitor misspelled 'martial'"?



    It shows incompetence and ignorance. We tend to laugh at public displays of incompetence/ignorance by those who believe themselves to be smarter than everyone else. And laughing at incompetence and disgusted by plans of insurrection aren't mutually exclusive. We aren't so easily swayed.

    • Like 3
  8. 39 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:





    I had a dream last night and all was revealed to me.


    I’m calling shenanigans— cosmic shenanigans of epic proportions far beyond our limited mortal capacity to  grasp. —shivers—


    This is all a dastardly conspiracy to hide the truth from the people— and our jolly good friend @Califan007 The Constipated is  actually one of the “Extremeskins Secret Society of 4” puppet masters manipulating us and ultimately the course of history itself behind the scenes!!


    Cali and the other SSO4 members are actually time travelers!


    The truth shall set you free! Can I get an amen!!??


    They have a plan to rule the world in what is to them the past but to us the future. It was not difficult for them to create the paloffs threads over the years because they know exactly who will win every game.


    They used poor RenegadeTK and others throughout history as easily disposable front men. When they were done with one they buried him out back under the rose bushes with the others and went on to the next, like Norma Desmond did in “Sunset Boulevard”.


    We will soon all be under the tyrannical rule of these time surfing fiends.


    The only question remaining is who are the other 3 members of the SS04 and what are their plans……….for YOU?


    I’m going to take a nap now and dream on it 😴 









    By the way I stopped taking my anti-psychotic meds yesterday and I’m really feeling groovy daddio.










  9. 18 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    2009? We were 4-12 in 2009, why would it be needed that year? 2008 is probably what you’re thinking of, with the 6-2 start and all 


    "8 in a row or we don't go" was the rallying cry of that thread lol...We were probably 2-6 when the thread was made.


    Then again, we were 3-6 in 2012 and "7 in a row or we don't go" was the rallying cry that year, and we did indeed rip off 7 straight wins...so....

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