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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated




    A number of Republican senators hate Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson hates Trump. So does the person he was texting. Trump hates DeSantis. So do 43 of the states not named "Florida." DeSantis hates blacks, accurate American history, immigrants, and the LGBQT+ community. And "Dark Brandon" memes have eclipsed "Let's Go Brandon" memes by an astronomical margin.


    Happy Episode 18 GIF by The Simpsons



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  2. 12 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Affleck is peobably the only one who was the right build for Batman though...and fwiw I had no problem with Pattisons version. Affleck suffered from those films being horribly written. 


    That's a good point about the quality of the script having an effect on the quality of performances (not to mention the quality of the director)...

  3. 2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    He was a great Batman.


    I thought so, too...but I liked Jumbo's post as well lol...


    For the record, I didn't like Ben Affleck's batman very much (dude is too stiff and always came across as Ben Affleck trying to be batman), and never saw Val Kilmer's version. Keaton was, eh, alright...good enough. Bale was good, although his voice became incredibly irritating to me lol.


    The best Batman was the Lego one 😂

    • Haha 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    the way I understood, she never gains David’s trust. David was sexually attracted to her and wanted her to come with him for obvious reasons. When she refused (armed) he let her go and decided to have his men follow her to capture her alive (again for obvious reasons) and kill Joel as a boost to his followers morale.


    That's how I understood it as well.


    David wasn't gaining Ellie's trust in the show, he was trying to manipulate her as he has done with so many others from the looks of it. Ellie understood what he was doing and took advantage of it...basically he underestimated her or overestimated his effect on her (or both, actually). It was telling that David said he sees himself in her, and we saw that he was a manipulator--who got manipulated (twice) by the person he said was just like him. I liked it lol...

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  5. 3 minutes ago, China said:

    ‘Just a Lie,’ ‘Bullsh*t,’ and ‘Disgusting’: Republican Senators Slam Tucker Carlson Downplaying Jan. 6 Capitol Attack


    Several Republican U.S. Senators blasted Fox News’s top-rated host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday after he showed select footage from the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol and suggested the day’s events were not particularly violent and that lawmakers who suggested otherwise had “lied” to the American public.


    Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made clear at a press conference Tuesday that he stood with the Capitol Police chief, who vehemently condemned Carlson. “So, that’s my reaction to it. It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that is completely at variance with what our Chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks,” McConnell said.



    CNN’s Manu Raju spoke to various GOP Senate leaders who shot down Carlon’s attempts to downplay attacks on law enforcement that day. “To somehow put that in the same category as a permitted peaceful protest is just a lie,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) told Raju.


    Click on the link for the full article



    I saw the McConnell clip...this latest attempt at rewriting J6 history is not gonna go MAGA's way lol. And to have ol' Tuck doing this after everyone alive saw just a few days ago how he wanted FOX on-air talent to purposefully lie to its audience to keep stock prices high and how he wanted a coworker fired for telling the truth, just makes his efforts on this J6 footage look even more ridiculous. I don't see FOX surviving this intact.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, purbeast said:

    Yeah and the whole first game is also out there too so why would you be worried about me spoiling anything for you?  I'm still confused by what you were talking about.


    And yeah, of course it's "out there".  So is everything in season 1 that hasn't aired yet but I don't think anyone wants that is going to happen in the final episode spoiled either.



    I'm talking about articles abut the show--not the game itself--and about season 2 have talked about Ellie being in part 2 of the game for months now...they don't give spoilers or even say Ellie is going to be in season 2 of the series. Just that her character is in part 2 of the game.


    Your earlier post made it seem as if she and Joel would definitely not be in season 2. Since the storyline has been the two main characters surviving all sorts of ****ed-up **** on their journey it's not exactly a spoiler to assume they continue to do so...but would be a big spoiler to find out they don't. I actually ended up going and looking for myself after reading your post (and apparently I wasn't the only one who interpreted your post as possibly giving something away). That's where I saw articles mentioning Ellie in part 2 of the game from several months ago in TV Guide or Variety (or both lol) and several other entertainment mags online. Of course, no idea how long she is in the game or if Joel is or is not or any of the plot points...

  7. 3 hours ago, purbeast said:

    @Califan007 The Constipated I am not going to quote you because of potential spoilers about the second game, but if you read about part 2 of the game, then now I'm even more confused as to what you think I could have even spoiled but now you are the one spoiling stuff lol.


    Now that I am watching some reviews and reading about episode 8, they missed out on quite a bit of stuff that I totally forgot about the game (since it's been a decade since I played it) that would have made the episode better as well and explained a bit more.  But, apparently they felt they needed to rush this show to finish in 9 episodes and left it out.


    If it's out there already that Ellie is in part 2 of the game, not sure how that's a spoiler for anyone. And most people who have not played the game were already assuming both characters were gonna be in season 2.


    I mean, this is on Google lol:


    "Ellie (Ashley Johnson) is a playable protagonist of The Last of Us Part II."


    So what am I spoiling?

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  8. 30 minutes ago, purbeast said:

    Still not sure what you are referring to.


    The game has a finite story with a beginning and end.


    We only have 9 episodes to do everything, and 2 of them were basically about stuff not in the game story.


    And I'm saying I wish we had more time to explore the stuff in the game.


    You all looking way too much into my comment lol.

    Season 2+ is about the second game.


    Season 1 is about the first game.  There is a finite story and we have 9 episodes to tell it, and 2 of those episodes were basically about stuff not in the game story.

    I read that Joel and Ellie are in pt 2 of the game…and there’s no reason why there can’t be some flashbacks in season 2 that help give some additional story showing what they went through together. 

  9. 2 hours ago, purbeast said:

    No clue what you are referring to, so no.




    "we'd have at least 1 more episode to explore more with Joel and Ellie."


    Since there's a season 2, we'll have a ton more episodes to explore more with Joel and Ellie. One extra episode spent on back story won't matter.


    But if Joel or Ellie aren't gonna survive for much longer...then the episodes dedicated to them are winding down. Which, if that were the case, would be a spoiler.


  10. 1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:





    From the linked article:


    "Sonny Ramaswamy, the commission president, declined to discuss the accreditation review, citing discussions with the school."


    Now that's a name for your ass right there! lol...

    • Confused 1
  11. 7 hours ago, purbeast said:

    Still wish the season was like 12 episodes.  I feel both of the "side story" episodes (3 and 7), in the grand scheme of things, were too long.  They were both good episodes on their own.  Both of those stories could have been explained in half the time on those episodes which means we'd have at least 1 more episode to explore more with Joel and Ellie.  Those 2 episodes are definitely bottom tier for me in the whole scheme of the season.


    I think they will wrap it up decently though just because of how great the show has done thus far.


    Did you just inadvertently give away a spoiler? lol...

  12. 7 minutes ago, TheGoodBits said:

    So do we feel good about them effectively wrapping up the first game in the single remaining 43min episode? 


    I've never played the game so I don't care lol...just as long as it continues to be excellent TV.

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  13. 2 hours ago, tshile said:

    Idk I don’t have experience with either cause I don’t eat **** food as a normal way of life 


    African American adults: 60 percent more likely than non-Hispanic white adults to be diagnosed with diabetes by a physician. In 2019, non-Hispanic blacks were 2.5 times likely to be hospitalized with diabetes and associated long-term complications.


    Don't help whites appropriate black health issues as their own lol...plus, "**** food" is far, far cheaper than healthy food, so those in the lower socio-economic groups are gonna tend to eat **** food because they can't afford to eat anything else. And that lower socio-economic group is gonna be made up dis-proportionally by people of color.


    *And yes, folks, that ^^^ is considered being "woke" lol...



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  14. Woke = aware


    "Woke Agenda" = made-up bull**** by right-wingers on their crusade to render Democratic/liberal political terminology into a catch-all for anything they feel can rile up their conservative base. See also: "CRT," "Black lives matter," "Antifa"...


    Even Walter White understood what "woke" was meant to convey, and not how conservatives have redefined it.




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