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Posts posted by skins4eva

  1. 5 minutes ago, KDawg said:

    This defense is extremely disappointing. The penalty was a weak call but technically still a penalty. But that wasn’t the issue with the drive. Our defense is over aggressive, undisciplined and takes awful angles. Our linebackers aren’t involved.

    I don’t see any aggressiveness in our defense. I think it’s entirely passive and slow. Linebackers are invisible and are asked to basically stop big plays but are never asked to attach down hill. Secondary just stays in a cover 2 shell and we let teams march right down the field. 

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  2. None of our coordinators have any idea what they are doing. We are now getting outcoached on both sides of the ball for the second consecutive game, and there are no answers. Good thing we let Moses walk…good thing we let Moreland go…good thing Scott Turner can’t call a game to save his life and del Rio has zero idea how to defend a modern offense. I really can’t believe this team fooled me yet again.  But let me tel you: never again.  I will never have faith in this franchise again. This franchise is where hope goes to die. 

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  3. Just now, skins4eva said:

    There are actually lots of reasons for it. Awful linebacker play, subpar secondary, an overrated dline and a coordinator who actually accentuates our weaknesses with this pathetic ass scheme. This is going to be a long, long and pathetic year. 

    On that 17 yard completion the receiver gets no press and a free release on the inside. That’s as easy as it can ever be in the NFL. QBs will hit that every single time. This scheme is awful. Just awful. 

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  4. 18 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

    For the life of me it seems like Scott Turner's offense has zero idea how to use the speed of players for anything besides running downfield hoping that there is a busted coverage.  If you look at the 49ers since Kyle Shanahan took over and still now with their new O-coordinator they find ways to help Jimmy G get the ball out and into the hands of the speedy guys in space and let them get the yards from there.  They will do that over and over, until the coverage is forced to cheat, and then they hit with George Kittle down the seam for a huge gain.  

    We have the personnel to do the same sort of stuff, yet I never see our WRs involved in the passing game unless it is some tiny crossing pattern or out route where they get tackled immediately.   Dyami Brown....all we've heard since the day he was drafted was how quick he is, yeah?  Run a sweep, a screen, a slant route, a pitch, a ANYTHING to get the ball into his hands with a couple blockers in front of him and let him go to work. 


    Remember when Dan Snyder kept sending the vanilla ice cream to Norv? I think his son needs to get a couple scoops sent his way as well.

    Scott Turner is a problem, just like his old man. His offense lacks creativity—we have seen that from the start. Now we were all willing to give him a wide berth given last seasons QB play, but there better be some drastic improvement and fast with Turner’s play calling and design. There were a number of unforgivable signs on Sunday: 

    1) not giving cosmi nearly enough help. The game plan should have revolved in part on neutralizing one of the games most dominant ends. Leaving cosmi on an island with bosa was coaching malpractice. 

    2) not getting our marquee players involved from the start. His playcalling essentially took away our two biggest offensive threats: Logan and Terry. His job is to get those guys involved. Get the balls to your playmakers. This is offense 101. This is also the first game of the season. You’ve had the entire offseason to design and disguise plays for these guys. 
    3) using the run to “set up” the pass. This isn’t really required with modern offenses. But even if it were, his runs have been vanilla from the moment we got here and they never actually seem to set anything up. In other words, his playcalling not only lacks creativity, it’s lacks rhythm as well. The chargers are having an easy time putting pressure on us?  Use a screen, a bootleg, use the hurry up. I honestly have no idea what Turner was doing all off-season. I was actually more concerned about the offense than the defense. 
    4) the play call after the interception. We could have and should have done something to take advantage of the momentum change. A rollout for a 10 yard gain. Anything other than a handoff with no blockers to the right side. Again, this is borderline coaching malpractice. Obviously Gibson is ultimately responsible for putting the ball on the ground, but he got a huge assist from Turner. 

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  5. 46 minutes ago, skinzdar55 said:

    My heart wants to give our squad the bounce back win……


    My brain says we’ve been watching this movie on a continuous loop for nearly 30 years. 

    1) Prime Time game

    2) Losing streak to a division opponent 

    3) Opponent played horribly the previous week

    4) Little to no production from our QB

    5) Hyped up side of the ball, underperforming 

    6) Favored in Vegas

    7) Opponents fans may outnumber ours


    In my mind, this is a no-brainer…..


    WFT - 30

    NYG - 13


    What can I say? With no money involved, I bet with my heart! 😎


    **** NY!!


    Lol. This is such an apt summary of the last three decades it seems. Which of course means we won’t disappoint: giants: 24 Washington 13 

    • Haha 1
  6. On 9/12/2021 at 5:53 PM, D’Pablo said:

    Pretty sure our schemes were equally as responsible for the lack of pressure. We were way too reliant on rushing 4 all game long. Our blitzes weren’t disguised at all either. We should have been shifting guys all around that d-line, but Del Rio is a dinosaur.


    It was piss poor scheme by Del Rio combined with lackluster effort by the linemen themselves.  With our speed up front, we should be stunting (have the LBs fill the gaps) and giving an offense all sorts of disguised pre-snap looks.  This is what a good defensive coordinator would do.  I agree that Del Rio is a dinosaur.  It's very concerning to see given the talent.  I'll grant you that our LB play is atrocious, which is exactly why we should be more aggressive and creative with our fronts.  

  7. 11 minutes ago, DJHJR86 said:

    All you can do is laugh at this point.  No reason to get angry, frustrated, or upset.  This is the norm under Snyder.  A terribly ran organization, a few mediocre "winning" seasons thrown in every 4 or 5 years, and an owner who has helped bleed this fanbase dry with his ineptitude, pettiness, and toxicity.  


    Lol--Tanya will turn this around!!  In all seriousness, as much as I like Rivera as a leader of men, we looked like we were running a scheme from 1995 on offense yesterday (same on defense).  Coaches really let this team down, and there's no fix for that.  The fact that we let Sean McVay walk out the door is one of many things in an ever increasing list of things that will haunt and continue to haunt this franchise.  They literally cannot shoot straight.  When we stumble upon some modicum of success every now and then, file it under the "a broken clock is right twice a day" adage.  



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  8. 17 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    The game was lost on the missed FG. That set up the short field for the Chargers that allowed them to drive. The pick was nice but we were still inside our own 4 yard line and most likely would have punted it back to the Chargers on a short field anyway.


    If we're able to at least make a FG, we're up 6 and the Chargers are resetting at their own 25 ish. Completely different set of circumstances.



    Hopkins is really the perfect kicker for this team. He’s emblematic of their consistent underperformance with zero consequence. We all knew there was no chance he was going to make that kick from 50. Meanwhile, I watched a rookie hit a 53 yarder like it was nothing. When the time comes that we have a chance to win a game on a long field goal, just remember when Hopkins misses it that this team from the coaches (and owners of course) on down, are not pursuing excellence. We are always plastering over a crumbling foundation. Sorry to be so negative but this was really and truly a horrific eye opening performance. We are a team with middle to upper tier talent at some positions but I think we will be drafting in the top 5. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

    The quicker Scott accepts that Gibson isn’t CmC the better we can put together a gameplan suitable for the pieces we have. Right now he’s trying to force Gibson into being the sole focal point.


    Turner is a jackass, just like his old man.  The sooner he's gone, the better.  I've seen enough--dude is clueless--has zero idea how to maximize the talent we have...neither does Del Rio btw.  Game moves forward, and we move background--same old **** for three decades.

  10. 1 minute ago, Wyvern said:

    It's one game and a wake-up call.  


     rst possible outcome from my perspective.  I feel the defense will pick up their game soon enough, but Fitz's absence will prevent Washington's offense from gelling into being able to play more instinctually.  Hopefully Heinicke will handle things until Fitz returns, but then it's a new learning curve when Ryan resumes as QB -1.




    Impossible to be optimistic with this team.  But, we got our asses handed to us today.  Score isn't indicative of what a whopping this was.  Don't know what to say about it or what to think really.  Heinie can play, but he will probably get injured on Thursday with our luck.  I think the best news is this team gets to play on Thursday (incredible that the giants get a late start with a Thursday game btw), and they can forget about this one and move on.  I'm not so hung up on the loss, but I thought we were so thoroughly outclassed, and that is very very concerning.

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