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Posts posted by HOF44

  1. I've known and exchanged posts with ASF for years.  From his missionary days to where he is now.  It would fascinate me to no end to sit down one afternoon/evening over some whiskey and cigars and have him walk me through that journey.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, tshile said:

    Made significantly more money than the previous year

    no house for any part of 2018 (rented while building)

    paid significantly less taxes (not even talking my percentages yet, just outright paid less despite making significantly more)


    We hit SALT without even owning a house during the tax year. 





    See the killer was having the house and all the salt deductions and the personal exemptions reduced hugely.  You didn't have all of them so didn't lose them.  Plus you added child care credits that weren't there last year.  If you had been in your house all last year and then filed the same this year I'm not sure you would have been thrilled.  You just had a unique circumstance that hit the sweet spots of this tax plan.  I'm still pissed!!  lol (not at you, ****ing trump!)

  3. 4 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

    I personally know the owners, and that distillery is in my town. I haven't had their rye yet, but the 4 year is a personal favorite of mine, but then I like wheated bourbons and to me the taste test is like a young Weller with a thinner mouth feel.

    This isn’t the their rye but a high rye bourbon.  It’s a newcomer. I didn’t care for their rye or wheated bourbon but loved this. 

  4. I was able to try some Wilderness Trail High Rye Bourbon Sunday and I must say it's my favorite new bourbon in a while.  Can't wait to get some.  Supposed to start distribution in May keep your eyes open.  The other Wilderness Trail stuff I tried I though was just ok, this stuff is pretty damn good though.  Will be distributed in DC and MD also.  Not Virginia though.  

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  5. 12 hours ago, RansomthePasserby said:


    I disagree with you on the pilot’s experience. The article said he had about 8,000 hours, which means he’s been flying for 4 years or so. When 150+ lives are at risk, I don’t like the idea of a 4 year guy tutoring a new guy with on the job training in a brand new plane. Pairing a 45 year old with a 25 year old is one thing, but I think putting two 20 somethings together is one of the many mistakes in this disaster.

    Isn’t the max a pilot is allowed to fly 1000 hours per year?

  6. Interesting.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/ethiopia-says-pilots-performed-boeings-recommendations-to-stop-doomed-aircraft-from-diving-urges-review-of-737-max-flight-control-system/2019/04/04/3a125942-4fec-11e9-bdb7-44f948cc0605_story.html?utm_term=.ae6606692dc2


    Experts say that the airplane was traveling too fast for the manual trim wheel to be operated.

    At higher speed, manual trim may not be available due [to] air load on the stabilizer,” said John Cox, a former pilot and an airline-safety consultant who has been privately briefed on the evidence by people familiar with the investigation. “Not enough force can be generated manually to move the trim.”

    • Like 1
  7. I think she has a great future.  At 29 she has a lot to learn about navigating the treacherous waters of National Politics.  Knowledge and good intentions are not enough.  You have to learn what and how the politico are trying to destroy you and your message and how to effectively combat that.  I think the Presidential minimum age works in her favor here.  She can't be tempted by her popularity to run to soon.  

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


    Well have to see, I highly doubt all the airlines who had aircraft taken out of service due to this are going to accept sole responsibility for thier financial losses...



    Your reasoning behind why they kept the 737 body is pure speculation. You are a acting like designing a completely new airframe doesn’t have similar risks.

    If it was speculation MCAS would have never existed on a 737.  The engines affected the stability of the airframe. If not MCAS would have never been created to mask the instability. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


    I’m fine with it... but even if it is a mistake Boeing made, I’m not “outraged”... sometimes you have to pay a price for progress... automated systems sent perfect, nor should the be expected to be. I’m sure Boeing doesn’t have an interest in selling planes that fall from the sky.

    This wasn't progress. Progress would have been making a new lighter airframe designed for these fuel efficient engines.  Boeing took a shortcut to save time and money and tried to put engine on an airframe that was never designed for them and 100's of people payed with their lives.  All brought on because they were losing orders to Airbus in this size category.  

    • Thanks 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    You can definatley disable autopilot and mcas on the max8. A crew flying the lion air crash did it and was able to continue for a safe flight.

    Seems like the next question is if MCAS can override the pilot taking control.   Just gotta wait and let the investigation play out.  

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  11. 1 hour ago, twa said:


    Nothing gets libtards riled up more than actually paying federal taxes rather than keeping them at home.  :evil:

    It's not paying federal taxes that gets me riled up. It's what they are used to do.  This tax plan was calculated to let the wealthiest people this planet has ever created keep more of that wealth while punishing the "coasts" that vote against Trump. It also creates more debt.  


    If this was to get more people health care, build infrastructure, a basic income.  I could get behind some of that.  Not this BS.  

    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


    Proportional EC votes only work if all the States have equal representation in the EC.


    Based on the smallest states getting 3, California would need around 100 to be considered equal. Right now they get barely half of that.

    The unreal thing is the EC used to be expanded as population grew.  The House of Rep's space then became full in the early 1900's so they stopped doing that. So now small states are having a disproportionate impact on elections.  Creating more room wasn't an option?? Really??

    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, Larry said:



    3)  One of the things that I wish I knew was, when this system began commanding the aircraft's nose down, was the aircraft actually near stall?  Or was the system falsely detecting a near stall?  





    From everything I’ve read these flights were going fine. If not for the interference of the automated systems the flight would have continues in a boring manner. So some sort of either a sensor or software issue. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    Define computer assist.  Do you consider boost to be a computer assist?

    The difference for me is computer assistance required to keep the aircraft flying safely versus does the computer assistance aid the pilot in unexpected conditions or configurations.  This 737 max wants to go nose up because of the new engines they put onto it. 

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